
The market penetration rate of new energy vehicles in many places in Henan exceeds the national average

The market penetration rate of new energy vehicles in many places in Henan exceeds the national average

The assembly workshop of SAIC Passenger Vehicle Zhengzhou Branch is a busy scene. In recent years, the company has built a world-leading "digital factory" through the innovative model of "manufacturing + Internet of Things", which has continuously injected new impetus into zhengzhou's construction of an important automobile and parts manufacturing base and a new energy vehicle research and development base with important influence in the country. Picture of this newspaper

□ Xie Yuanli Geng Ziteng, an all-media reporter of Henan Newspaper

In the first 11 months of this year, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in Henan Province exceeded 210,000 units. Zhongyuan consumers are becoming more and more receptive to new energy vehicles, and the market is accelerating into the popularity period of new energy vehicles.

New energy vehicles continue to lead

2021 can be described as the outbreak year of new energy vehicles, with 18.797 million passenger car sales nationwide from January to November, an increase of 9.4% year-on-year. Among them, the sales volume of new energy passenger cars was 2.438 million units, an increase of 170% year-on-year.

Judging from the sales data of various brands released, whether it is Wuling, BYD, Tesla, or Volkswagen, Weilai, Ideal, Eian, Xiaopeng, Euler, etc., the sales growth rate in the first 11 months of this year is more than 100%. Among them, Xiaopeng Automobile sold more than 82,000 units, an increase of 285% year-on-year.

While new energy vehicles outperformed the national market, their performance in the Henan market was more remarkable.

Relevant data show that after Zhengzhou's new energy vehicle sales doubled in September and October, sales in November exceeded 10,000 units, breaking into the top ten of the national new energy vehicle sales list. In the first 11 months, the province's new energy vehicle sales exceeded 210,000 units, and the market penetration rate of new energy vehicles in Zhengzhou, Puyang, Luoyang and other cities exceeded 30%, higher than the national average of 20%. This means that for every 100 cars sold in the Henan market, more than 30 of them are new energy vehicles.

Multiple factors have boosted the sale of new energy vehicles in the province

For the reasons for the hot sales of new energy vehicles in Henan, Liu Lei, vice president of Nezha Automobile Marketing Company, said: "In recent years, the single and double number restriction policies implemented in many cities in Henan have directly stimulated the development of new energy vehicles. Moreover, new energy vehicles have obvious advantages over fuel vehicles in terms of the economy of daily maintenance and use costs. ”

Mr. Dong, the owner of the new energy vehicle, told reporters: "Since driving a new energy vehicle, I no longer want to drive a fuel car, which is very economical, compared with the previous one or two million yuan a year of refueling money, now a year of charging costs one or two thousand yuan." And in the past two years, it can be clearly felt that the number of charging stations in Zhengzhou city has increased, and some gas stations have also increased charging piles. ”

Factors such as policy promotion and industrial development are the "boosters" for the big sales of new energy vehicles. In November, the General Office of the Provincial Government issued the "Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Development of the New Energy Vehicle Industry in Henan Province", proposing that by 2025, the annual output of new energy vehicles in the province will exceed 300,000; in addition to emergency vehicles, buses, cruise taxis and trucks in urban built-up areas, and municipal sanitation vehicles in the province will basically use new energy vehicles; more than 2,000 centralized charging and replacement power stations and more than 150,000 charging piles of various types will be built in the province.

The increase in penetration rate accelerates the arrival of the consumption outbreak period

Judging from the current sales data, Henan's new energy vehicle consumption is mainly based on entry-level models and high-end models, with a dumbbell-shaped structure.

"At present, the consumer group of new energy vehicles is more of a pioneer consumer." Qiu Zongyang, regional manager of FAW-Volkswagen Zhengzhou, said that this part of the people have strong consumption power and are not sensitive to price, so they directly drive the consumption of new energy high-end vehicles, and their pioneering demonstration role also affects more people around them to accept new energy vehicles.

Luo Guanlai, director of The Central China Region of Hechuang Automobile, said, "Thirty or forty thousand yuan can buy a small and cute new energy vehicle as a scooter vehicle, which for many young people, not only has a low car purchase threshold but also takes the lead in enjoying a different experience of pure electric travel, which also makes the entry-level model take the lead." But he also said, "Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, the replacement cycle of new energy vehicles is faster, especially the replacement cycle of entry-level models is very short, which will lead to the acceleration of the explosive period of new energy vehicle consumption." ”

"This time will not be long, and it is likely to come before 2025." Liu Lei said that with the continuous improvement of the penetration rate of new energy vehicles, after the gradual transition from the consumer early adopter period to the popularization period, the consumption structure of the Henan market will change from the current dumbbell shape to the olive mature market in the future.

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