
Many U.S. troops captured by the volunteers suddenly and mysteriously died, and Premier Zhou personally ordered an investigation into the truth

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Volunteer Army captured more than 7,000 U.S. troops and tens of thousands of so-called "United Nations troops." The Volunteers gave the world a commendable humanitarian treatment to these prisoners of war and did their best to ensure their safety and daily living standards. However, at the beginning of the operation in Korea, there were many incidents of sudden and mysterious deaths of American prisoners of war in the volunteer prisoner-of-war camp. The matter even attracted the attention of the Prime Minister, who personally ordered the dispatch of a first-class medical team in the country to investigate the truth. The mystery of the death of American prisoners of war was finally revealed.

Many U.S. troops captured by the volunteers suddenly and mysteriously died, and Premier Zhou personally ordered an investigation into the truth

When the volunteers first entered the Korean War, they did not expect to capture a large number of prisoners in a short period of time as soon as the war began. Under the outstanding command of the chiefs at all levels and the heroic struggle of the officers and men of the Volunteer Army, the United Nations army led by the American army suffered successive defeats, and thousands of enemies became prisoners of our army in less than 2 months. In order to facilitate the management and prevent the escape of prisoners of war, the Volunteer Army customarily sent these prisoners of war to rear prisoner of war camps far from the front line.

However, some of the prisoners arrived at the prisoner-of-war camp and died suddenly without warning. Some American prisoners slept well at night, but at dawn they were found dead by their companions for a long time. Other prisoners of war jumped around alive during morning runs, and suddenly lost their breath when they stopped to sit and rest. One more PRISONER of War sat in a corner and died silently while attending a study seminar. Their common feature is that there is no warning before death, the previous physical examination did not find a serious disease, and there was no struggle or cry for help during the death process, but a quiet and sudden death. There were many such sudden and bizarre deaths, and at most several prisoners of war died every day.

The Volunteers gave preferential treatment to the prisoners and did their utmost to give them humanitarian treatment, and certainly did not harm them. The repeated bizarre deaths of the prisoners of war made the volunteer management very confused, and they did not know what caused the sudden death of the prisoners of war. Through the examination of the food, the administrators did not find any indications of poisoning or food poisoning on prisoners of war. Due to limited conditions, the doctors in the camp were unable to perform detailed autopsies and did not have a variety of advanced laboratory equipment, so for some time the camp management did not understand the truth of the mystery.

Many U.S. troops captured by the volunteers suddenly and mysteriously died, and Premier Zhou personally ordered an investigation into the truth

The bizarre death of the US prisoner of war was soon reported to the superior unit, at this time some foreign media also learned of this matter, adding fuel to the fire of the volunteer army to abuse the prisoners, resulting in the death of the prisoners of war. If we do not thoroughly find out the truth about the deaths of prisoners of war and use facts to counter the slander of foreign media, then the image of our army will certainly be greatly damaged. When Premier Zhou learned of this incident, he attached great importance to it, and he personally ordered a first-class team of doctors drawn from China to go to the prisoner-of-war camp to thoroughly find out the truth of the matter and put an end to the unnatural death of prisoners of war.

Soon after, a medical team composed of well-known doctors and experts drawn from various well-known hospitals in the country arrived at the prisoner-of-war camp day and night. In close cooperation with the camp administrators, the medical team conducted a detailed autopsy of the dead prisoners of war and visited the prisoners and the caretakers several times. After much hard work, the medical team finally found out the truth about the mysterious deaths of the prisoners of war, who died suddenly due to organ failure due to extreme lack of nutrition.

The United Nations army, especially the American prisoners of war, enjoyed a very good food supply before they were captured, and in the case of the Us military, the C-type field rations they often consumed included high-energy biscuits, chocolate, a wide variety of canned meat, chewing gum and other nutritionally balanced and delicious foods. The C-type ration is only one of the various types of field rations for the U.S. military, and if the battlefield conditions permit, the U.S. army will also provide soldiers with a variety of freshly made delicious food, and even enjoy a turkey meal during holidays such as Christmas. In addition to meals, American soldiers can also get candy, nuts, raisins and other snacks, and sometimes can eat ice cream that many volunteer officers and soldiers have never heard of. In short, even in a relatively harsh battlefield environment, American soldiers can still get nutritious food protection.

Many U.S. troops captured by the volunteers suddenly and mysteriously died, and Premier Zhou personally ordered an investigation into the truth

But once they became prisoners of the Volunteers, the American prisoners of war had to say goodbye to this good day. The Volunteers did not mistreat prisoners of war, deliberately providing them with bad food as the Japanese did during World War II, but providing food to American prisoners of war according to the same standards as our army. However, because our army did not have air superiority at the beginning of the war, under the indiscriminate bombardment of the US Air Force, the food supply of the volunteer army was very difficult. Ordinary volunteer officers and men can only use coarse grains such as fried noodles, soybeans, sorghum rice, and corn as food, and there is a shortage of non-staple foods and refined grains such as meat and white rice noodles, not to mention snacks such as nuts and chocolate. After the American troops, who were accustomed to a luxurious life, became prisoners and had to eat chaff vegetables like the volunteer officers and soldiers, and many people's food intake dropped sharply. Under this drastic change, many American prisoners of war were malnourished, which led to their sudden deaths.

In contrast, the officers and men of the volunteer army who were accustomed to a hard life had long been physically and psychologically adapted to this hard life. So although they ate the same crude food as the prisoners of war, there were basically no examples of sudden deaths due to malnutrition. Doctors also found that among enemy prisoners of war, few black and Turk prisoners of war, who were more adapted to the hardships, died of malnutrition.

Many U.S. troops captured by the volunteers suddenly and mysteriously died, and Premier Zhou personally ordered an investigation into the truth

After finding out the truth about the sudden death of the prisoners of war, the Volunteer Army announced the results of the investigation to the media from all walks of life, while trying to improve the food level of the prisoners. North Korea, where the camp was located at the time, was desperately short of food because of the devastation of the war, let alone the provision of fine grain and meat for the camp. In order to obtain nutritious food for the prisoners of war, the volunteer logistics department braved the enemy's bombardment and brought rice, white noodles, meat, milk, sugar, and cigarettes from the rear at great cost.

The camps re-established the living standards for prisoners of war, stipulating that the standard of food for prisoners of war should be raised to the treatment of cadres at the level of volunteer regiments, that they should be given fine grains for each meal, and that meat, sugar, milk, cigarettes, etc. should be supplied every month. Although some administrators disagreed with this provision, they still resolutely enforced the orders of their superiors. Thanks to the efforts of the volunteer administrators, the number of prisoners of war who died of malnutrition soon fell rapidly. This gratifying change not only destroyed the lies of some foreign media slandering our army, but also once again showed the world that the volunteer army is not only a mighty division, but also a division of benevolence and righteousness.

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

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