
Which of the Chevrolet Explorers and the Volkswagen Explorers has the highest retention rate? The old driver tells you the answer

Hello Teacher Hu, my car changed a multi-functional steering wheel, according to the previous steering wheel point to install back, the result of high-speed driving, straight line driving, steering wheel is about 10 degrees left, how to get this, there is no way, the city driving nothing feels, thank you

Or this position of the steering wheel is a bit of a problem, because the steering column and the steering wheel, it is a relationship like that gear, corresponding to such a relationship, the inner gear and the tooth head, you remove it to correct it, this kind of rear change of the steering wheel is not recommended to be honest, because the steering wheel now has airbags, you have to multi-function steering wheel also have to follow, the original car machine system and control system This intersection, must find a professional person to do, this is an installation problem should not be a big problem

Teacher Hu, Chevrolet Explorer and Volkswagen Explorer, I want to buy one this year, I don't know which one is suitable, this year at that time can start, thank you

The Explorer is Chevrolet's car, This car is 1.5T2.0T, respectively, with 6AT and 9AT gearboxes, or quite reliable, but Chevrolet's retention rate is indeed not as good as Volkswagen, Tanyue is 1.4T and 2.0T, this car is sold in our north, better than this Chevrolet Explorer, this problem is relatively simple, if you only want to use a three or five years to sell, buy Volkswagen's car retention rate is good, if you want to hold it for a long time, I really think the durability of the Explorer is better, because of its 6AT and 9AT, the current Chevrolet general this gearbox, really quite reliable, I hope my answer can help you

Which of the Chevrolet Explorers and the Volkswagen Explorers has the highest retention rate? The old driver tells you the answer

Teacher Hu, hello, want to buy a Corolla 1.2T turbo do not know this car line is not OK please say, thank you!

Corolla 1.2T in terms of performance, whether it is the power torque is not very prominent, but Toyota's car we taste, its durability is particularly good, Toyota often says that there is no obvious advantage, this is its disadvantage, its advantage is that there is no obvious disadvantage, do very balanced durability is very good, the price of this car should not be expensive, that is, eleven or twenty thousand, and the retention rate is particularly good quality is also very good, like can be shot

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