
The rise and fall is rapid, what are the references of the Qin Dynasty for future generations?

The predecessor of the Qin Dynasty was the State of Qin, and Yu Lie, the sixth emperor of Fen, swallowed the princes of the Second Zhou Dynasty and unified the world. Later, Qin Shi Huang used the harsh law of the law to control the remnants of the Six Kingdoms. However, because the legal system is too harsh, the people's hearts and minds are not attached! This is also the root cause of its rapid collapse!

Similar to the later Sui Dynasty, on the one hand, there was a peasant uprising, on the other hand, there was a counterattack from the vested interests before, coupled with the huge project, a thousand autumn foundations were built in a short period of time, the Great Wall, Afang Palace, the Lishan Imperial Mausoleum, and the Six Kingdoms Chi Dao were all, and judging from the fact that the population of the whole country at that time was only 20 million, it could not bear it at all!

The rise and fall is rapid, what are the references of the Qin Dynasty for future generations?

Of course, the First Emperor Xiongcai was no problem, and even Fu Su had a high probability of making the Qin Dynasty long-term peace and stability.

But I met Qin II, a rootless second ancestor! Coupled with the abuse of people's strength left by Qin Shi Huang, the favor of Zhao Gao, the killing of his brothers and the capable minister Li Si, the persecution of Zhang Handan, plus the famous general Xiang Yu of thousands of years, all the factors added up, the Qin Dynasty is difficult to destroy!

In the autumn of the first year of Qin II, the Dazexiang uprising was only the first shot of resistance, and the breaking of the cauldron was the last straw that crushed the camel!

There are many examples of this abuse of people's power leading to peasant uprisings, vested interests counterattacking, and the lack of loyal and good generals in the DPRK almost leading to the subjugation of the country: for example, if Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not "take turns to sin against himself" in his later years, there was a high probability that the Han Dynasty would repeat the mistakes of the Qin Dynasty.

The same is true of the Sui Emperor we mentioned earlier!

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