
What is the success rate of elderly women doing three generations of test tubes

Many elderly women will have this question before doing test tubes. Although IVF has helped many infertile families regain their fertility in recent years, not all of them have succeeded in ivy catering and having their own children. So, what is the success rate of older women in doing third-generation IVF? Let's follow Hengjian overseas to learn about it together.

What is the success rate of elderly women doing three generations of test tubes? How to prepare for a third generation IVF?

What is the success rate of elderly women doing three generations of test tubes

I believe that everyone knows that the age when a woman is more suitable for childbearing is before the age of 25-35, if you want to have a child after the age of 35, the success rate of pregnancy is plummeting. Moreover, in addition to the decline in fertility of elderly women, in the process of trying to give birth, there will also be abnormal embryonic chromosomes, and even various pregnancy diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and so on.

The PGD/PGS skills of the third generation of IVF are now able to detect the number and structure of chromosomes in embryos, and analyze whether there are chromosomal abnormalities in embryos and genetic diseases. The third generation of IVF skills is generally able to screen for 125 chromosomal genetic diseases, remove unhealthy embryos, select normal embryos for transfer, and improve the clinical pregnancy rate of IVF to some extent.

Therefore, for older patients, the third generation of IVF skills can indeed screen out healthy embryos, improve the live birth rate of transfer, and significantly reduce the probability of natural abortion. But we should know that age is also one of the key factors affecting the success rate of IVF, although elderly women can choose the third generation of IVF, but should still be selected as early as possible to do IVF, the older the woman, the lower the success rate of IVF.

What is the success rate of elderly women doing three generations of test tubes

How are older women prepared for third-generation IVF?

1. Pay attention to pre-pregnancy physical examination: Couples above the age of 32 propose to do a full range of physical examinations before doing IVF, because of the uniqueness of this year, the fertility rate of children with congenital defects and genetic diseases will continue to rise, so it is very necessary to carry out sound scientific research and inspection before doing IVF. If there is a condition that affects the treatment of IVF, further examination or Y treatment should be carried out first. For example, if a woman suffers from high blood pressure, uremia and other diseases, she can only get pregnant after being manipulated by the condition.

2, close cooperation with the doctor Y treatment: the woman's fertility function and ovaries are accompanied by the progress of age and decline, before doing the test tube to carry out uterine ovarian storage function examination, the doctor can develop a purposeful and appropriate treatment of Y substances to promote ovulation plan program according to the examination list, to improve the clinical medical planting rate and pregnancy rate. If a woman's ovaries are weak, the stages of induction of ovulation, IVF egg retrieval and other stages will have more time, and it is necessary to carefully cooperate with each other for treatment.

3, improve the poor living habits: good physique is the prerequisite for the success of IVF, it is proposed to effectively match the diet during pregnancy, to ensure nutrient allocation, you can moderately eat more high-protein foods, low-calorie, soft ingredients, tea, wine, tobacco, freshly ground coffee and its non-alcoholic and caffeine foods as far as possible to prevent intake. Maintain adequate sleep, do not stay up late, and try to prevent radiation sources. It is also necessary to pay attention to training, enhance resistance, improve anti-immunity, and facilitate eugenics.

4. Maintain a calm psychological state: The mentality and the mentality of long-term maintenance during IVF are also key criteria conducive to the success of IVF. Studies have shown that negative emotions such as depression and anxiety can damage endocrine disorders and damage pregnancy, and the pass rate of test tubes in elderly women who are active and optimistic is relatively higher. It is proposed that the elderly women who have a second child do test tubes learn to relieve stress, shape their own interests and hobbies, and release the psychological state of stress to usher in the advent of test tube babies.

What is the success rate of elderly women doing three generations of test tubes

Advanced age IVF needs to prepare for pregnancy in advance, because women will gradually decline after the age of 35, the natural pregnancy rate will be relatively low, and may also present the risk of fetal cessation and abortion, advocating that elderly women choose the right program, if the natural pregnancy can not be conceived, can choose the third generation of IVF skills, can help produce healthy babies.

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