
Shunzhi's favorite concubine, who once appeared in Shunzhi's dream, was it a coincidence or fate?

We all know that in the feudal period of society in history, so many things cannot be explained, so this also makes people feel that all cause and effect are arranged by heaven, such as the succession of emperors, we all know that these emperors are different from others when they are born, and when they are pregnant, their mothers will dream of dragons, suns, and so on, which means that the children in their stomachs will inherit the throne in the future, or there will be fortune tellers who will see that they must be different in the future when they are very young. In fact, these things are all to echo the voices of the people, which is a phenomenon made up by the emperor, so that the people will feel that only they inherit the throne is a natural arrangement from heaven.

Shunzhi's favorite concubine, who once appeared in Shunzhi's dream, was it a coincidence or fate?

Today I would like to talk about a mysterious phenomenon similar to this, which is about Shunzhi. Shunzhi was the real first emperor after the Manchu Qing dynasty destroyed the Ming Dynasty, because he had just ascended the throne at that time, the political situation of the Great Qing was unstable, coupled with the death of the Ming Dynasty, the people were uncomfortable, and they had grievances about the Manchu rule in the Central Plains, not to mention the shaving of hair and the writing prison, so the people began a series of rebellions. Therefore, after Shunzhi became emperor at that time, he also frowned every day, and the matter of the dprk was already a headache, but he did not expect that the harem would not stop.

Shunzhi's favorite concubine, who once appeared in Shunzhi's dream, was it a coincidence or fate?

Shunzhi's then empress Mengqing was given to him by Empress Xiaoshun, who was the niece of Empress Xiaoshun, that is, Shunzhi's cousin, who was crowned empress after marrying Shunzhi, but shunzhi, who had no feelings, was the first to dislike it. In addition, this empress did not have a harem model and was very wasteful and extravagant, and she was also very jealous, which made Shunzhi even more annoying, so she and the empress began a life of separation from husband and wife.

Shunzhi's favorite concubine, who once appeared in Shunzhi's dream, was it a coincidence or fate?

But after two years of separation, Shunzhi had a very strange dream, Shunzhi dreamed of a beauty, under a tree in the Songling Mountains of Western Liaoning, this beauty was very gentle and elegant, which made Shunzhi want to go and lead this woman like a demon, but this woman disappeared.

Shunzhi's favorite concubine, who once appeared in Shunzhi's dream, was it a coincidence or fate?

After waking up, Shunzhi let the fortune teller calculate and found that it was Ji, indicating that Shunzhi would get the most beautiful woman in the whole world, Shunzhi quickly and happily sent someone to find it, and it turned out that in the place that Shunzhi dreamed, there was a general there, this general was named Tong Tulai, he had a daughter who was very beautiful, similar to Shunzhi's dream, so Shunzhi quickly took her to the palace and sealed her as a concubine. Shunzhi did not have any feelings for the empress, so he spoiled this woman even more, and this woman became pregnant in one night.

Shunzhi's favorite concubine, who once appeared in Shunzhi's dream, was it a coincidence or fate?

Later, when she went to ask Empress Xiaozhuang for peace, Empress Xiaozhuang said that she saw that there seemed to be a dragon on her stomach. This made Empress Xiaozhuang very happy, saying that she also felt this way when she was pregnant with Shunzhi, so this daughter of the Tong family was very noble. Later, he gave birth to a boy, and Shunzhi gave him the name Xuan Ye, which was Kangxi.

Shunzhi's favorite concubine, who once appeared in Shunzhi's dream, was it a coincidence or fate?

Shunzhi died at a young age, Kangxi ascended to the throne at a young age, and sat for a full sixty years from the age of eight, during which time he killed the minister Ao bai, recovered Taiwan, quelled external aggression, laid more for the Qing Dynasty, and was diligent in government and loved the people, laying a great foundation for the development of the Qing Dynasty.

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