
In the counterattack against Vietnam, the heroes behind the scenes had his shadow, and the commanders were General Xu Shiyou Yang Dezhi


Time back to the second half of 1978, the Vietnamese authorities expelled overseas Chinese, and also attacked China's border posts, this series of incidents, all of which show that the Vietnamese authorities' current situation and the government's inaction, indulging crowds to exclude China and oppose China, seriously infringing on the personal safety of our compatriots overseas, and this is a typical perfidy, which was considered to pose a serious threat to our country at that time, and after careful consideration, our country decided to start a self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam, in order to fight for our country's legitimate rights and safeguard national security.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the heroes behind the scenes had his shadow, and the commanders were General Xu Shiyou Yang Dezhi

On the left is General Xu Shiyou On the right is General Yang Dezhi

The two most important generals in charge of this battle were Yang Dezhi and Xu Shiyou. This was also the last battle of these two generals in the late stages of their military careers, fought very beautifully and won extraordinary honors, but behind these two famous generals, there was another person who had to be admired, and it can be said that he was the hero behind the counterattack against Vietnam, so who was this person?

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the heroes behind the scenes had his shadow, and the commanders were General Xu Shiyou Yang Dezhi

General Han Xianchu

The stars shine brightly on the earth

In our country, the number of generals is 57, but among the generals who are in the best military command ability, Han Xianchu is definitely the only one in line, before the start of the counterattack war in 1979, General Han Xianchu is expected to go on a campaign, and is considered by a very large number of people to be the most likely to command the generals who are fighting against Vietnam, and objective facts, it can better confirm this view, most of the troops in the counterattack against Vietnam are from the Kunming Military Region and the Guangzhou Military Region, and the Guangzhou Military Region, there are many generals of the original Four Fields Army. General Han Xianchu was the best of the Four Wild Armies, and if he came to serve as the commander of the Eastern Front, the Heaven and Earth People were on General Han's side, and the situation would be more calm and advantageous than the fight.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the heroes behind the scenes had his shadow, and the commanders were General Xu Shiyou Yang Dezhi

Strong enemies are in the north

Then some people will ask, then why not arrange for General Han Xianchu to go to the front, this Central Military Commission actually has long considered, and has a deeper meaning, as we all know, Vietnam, as a small country with a projectile, seems to launch a counterattack war against Vietnam, but in fact it is not them who are strong and threatening, and in the north, in 79 years, China took a counterattack war because it was to restore relations with the United States, and Comrade Deng Xiaoping made a statement after visiting the United States. The real threat and containment force to our country is the powerful Soviet Union in the north, when the Soviet Union has deployed troops on the northern border for more than a million years, and if our army is ready to launch an offensive in the south, we need to pay attention to the movement of the Soviet army in the north.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the heroes behind the scenes had his shadow, and the commanders were General Xu Shiyou Yang Dezhi

For our country, it is not difficult to fight Vietnam, but the difficulty is to defend the Soviet Union in the north, after all, the Real Fight, the Soviet Union has to defend, and General Han Xianchu has served as the commander of the Lanzhou Military Region since 73, and the Lanzhou part is one of the only ways for the Soviet army to fight, so this is also one of the important troop arrangements of our country, but if you want to go out from the southwest and the central and south, the pressure in the northwest is the greatest, so you must sit here a tiger general, be able to guard the border, and not be afraid of the enemy's attack. The most suitable general for this heavy task was General Han Xianchu, and with him in charge, the southern front could sit back and relax.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the heroes behind the scenes had his shadow, and the commanders were General Xu Shiyou Yang Dezhi

The use of soldiers is a combination of self-deception

Thinking about the same question from another angle, because General Han has more experience in foreign wars, is a heavy general in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and has led his troops through the three or eight lines and taken Seoul all the way, so we will say that Han Xianchu will be more suitable for both, General Han, who is known for his boldness in using troops, because in a highly offensive war, General Han's special skills can be brought into full play.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the heroes behind the scenes had his shadow, and the commanders were General Xu Shiyou Yang Dezhi

From a practical point of view, the movement of the Soviet army and the posture of the action are also very important, to prevent them is the top priority, so General Han did not appear in the counterattack against Vietnam, but his contribution is still not small, can be called his behind-the-scenes hero is not excessive, even General Xu Shiyou has also praised, on leading the troops to fight, General Han Xianchu is indeed a skilled.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the heroes behind the scenes had his shadow, and the commanders were General Xu Shiyou Yang Dezhi


But no matter what, it was these great generals and soldiers, regardless of their own lives and deaths, who fought bravely to kill the enemy, in exchange for this peaceful result, so whoever it is, we will look at them with high respect and thank them for their efforts and sacrifices. Salute here.

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