
The emperor asked the minister to divorce his wife and marry his sister, and the minister was reluctant to reply to a good story for thousands of years

I believe that many people have heard and even used the idiom of the wife of chaff, which is somewhat similar to the meaning of the wife of hair, but it is a little different, but it is undoubtedly a compliment to the wife. But if we talk about the origin of this idiom, there are very few people who believe that they know, so today we will tell the story behind the idiom.

The source of the wife of the chaff is the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, and the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty is Liu Xiu, who is known as the son of the face, but in fact, Liu Xiu has also been chased and killed by Wang Mang, running all the way from south to north. Liu Xiu had a minister named Song Hong at that time, who was quite talented, and Liu Xiu valued him very much. But unfortunately, on the way to escape, Song Hong suffered some injuries, and later did not get timely treatment, and it became more and more serious.

The emperor asked the minister to divorce his wife and marry his sister, and the minister was reluctant to reply to a good story for thousands of years

At the other end, Wang Mang's army pressed the territory and could capture Liu Xiu at any time, and Liu Xiu could not implicate the entire team for the sake of Song Hong alone. In fact, Liu Bang was also hunted down and killed, but at that time, he selfishly wanted to throw his children off the carriage, but Liu Xiu found a local family surnamed Zheng and asked them to help take care of Song Hong so that he could recuperate, but from this point of view, Liu Xiu's character was much nobler than that of his ancestor Liu Bang.

When Song Hong was recuperating here, he met the Zheng family, the daughter of the Zheng family, a woman who although not very good-looking, was very gentle and kind, and had been taking good care of Song Hong during this period. At that time, the Zheng family did not marry, and Song Hong was the same, so gradually they came together and later became husband and wife.

The emperor asked the minister to divorce his wife and marry his sister, and the minister was reluctant to reply to a good story for thousands of years

After Liu Xiu ascended the throne as emperor, Song Hong was also reused and almost became Liu Xiu's brother-in-law. Because at that time, Liu Xiu's sister took a fancy to Song Hong, but Song Hong was already married, liu Xiu's sister was so important that it was naturally impossible to run over to Song Hong as a concubine, which was really detrimental to the royal face. So in order to fulfill his sister's happiness, Liu Xiu decided to be a matchmaker himself, he called Song Hong, explained his sister's thoughts to him, and hoped that Song Hong could give Zheng a break and marry his sister, so that he would become his brother-in-law.

The emperor asked the minister to divorce his wife and marry his sister, and the minister was reluctant to reply to a good story for thousands of years

If ordinary people can have this opportunity, it must be immediately agreed, after all, Liu Xiu loves his sister very much and becomes Liu Xiu's brother-in-law, which can basically walk sideways above the government and the opposition. But Song Hong is different, he is a seed of obsession, his relationship with the Zheng family is very deep, even if the emperor is a matchmaker, don't want to break them up. So Song Hong risked offending Liu Xiu and said something to him: "The wife of the chaff does not go to the church." This means that the Zheng family has accompanied him through the difficult years, and he cannot give the Zheng family a rest.

This is the source of the wife of the chaff, a very short sentence, but it has witnessed a touching love thousands of years ago, and it has become a unique sentence for eternity. Fortunately, Liu Xiu was not Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang after all, Liu Xiu's heart was still relatively kind, and he treated the heroes very well after the founding of the country, so he did not get angry and angry to deal with Song Hong, or force Song Hong to divorce his wife, but was touched by his sincerity and valued Song Hong more and more, and this matter was so ended.

Song Hong's experience can give modern people a lot of inspiration, after all, modern love and marriage are sometimes too hasty or forced to be helpless, so there are really many cheating incidents, and they can burst out a lot every year. At this time, you need to take history as a mirror, look at the love between Song Hong and Zheng, and reflect on yourself.

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