
With 5.37 million Soviet soldiers captured, why did it turn defeat into victory? The Soviet Union had a trick

When Germany marched into the Soviet Union and attacked the Soviet Union with a blitzkrieg, the Soviet Union was about to perish, so what method did Stalin use to make the Soviet Union defeat and win? Let's take a look.

With 5.37 million Soviet soldiers captured, why did it turn defeat into victory? The Soviet Union had a trick

Whether in ancient times or modern times, there is a kind of person in war called prisoner of war, this kind of person is a very special existence in war, generally in all units there will be prisoners of war, because prisoners of war are unarmed, so there are clear provisions on the protection of prisoners of war in the world. There is also a kind of person, this kind of person is particularly hateful, this kind of person is a traitor, they betray the interests of the country and the nation for their own interests, so that the people feel shameful, once they really do something harmful to the country, then they will be left with a stink for a lifetime. Prisoners of war and traitors are two concepts, and they are very different in nature, because prisoners of war are captured in battle because they have no ability to resist, and in war, they do not take the initiative to defect to each other, so their choice is also forced.

With 5.37 million Soviet soldiers captured, why did it turn defeat into victory? The Soviet Union had a trick

In World War 2, Germany had a very big advantage in the early stages of World War 2 because of its military leadership, but in the late Stage 2, the advantages of the German army had been slowly disintegrated. In fact, Germany's capture of the Soviet Union can be said to be very unexpected, which makes everyone feel incredible, because the leader of the Soviet Union at that time, Stalin, was very cunning, and he knew at the earliest that Germany's military strength was very strong, so he signed a friendly agreement with Germany very early, Stalin's idea can be said to be very naïve, and the subsequent war situation also completely shattered his ideas. The so-called treaty is nothing more than an empty piece of paper, and if the gun is fired, which country really cares about the so-called treaty, let alone treaties for their own interests. The reason why Germany signed a treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union was in itself so that the Soviet Union could be reassured, so that it could attack the Soviet Union unexpectedly, so as to achieve the goal of occupying Europe.

With 5.37 million Soviet soldiers captured, why did it turn defeat into victory? The Soviet Union had a trick

Because the German raid caught Stalin by surprise, the Soviet army did not have time to return to defense, and suddenly a large area of territory was occupied by the German army, and the Soviet army could only be forced to defend. Because Germany was fighting blitzkrieg, the German army quickly pointed to Moscow in the Soviet Union, because the German army was very strong at that time, and the Soviet army itself had been blinded, and there were many people in the Soviet Union who thought that the Soviet Union might be destroyed by Germany, and even the captured senior Soviet generals were regarded as traitors.

With 5.37 million Soviet soldiers captured, why did it turn defeat into victory? The Soviet Union had a trick

In fact, not only some senior generals have such ideas, in fact, the strength of the Soviet army itself is not as good as the German army, such an idea is also very normal, in Germany to capture the Soviet Union, only Germany captured more than 3.8 million Soviet army prisoners, and the total number of Soviet troops participating in this war was only 5.4 million

Because in the process of organizing the battle, many Soviet soldiers were taken prisoner, which greatly reduced the strength of the Soviet military. Because of the reason for the rush to fight, many new recruits have not yet had actual combat experience, they have already participated in the war, and many new recruits are killed during the battle. Faced with a large number of soldiers captured and the Soviet military greatly reduced, Stalin made a stipulation that once any soldier was captured during the battle, he would not be able to return and his family would be implicated

With 5.37 million Soviet soldiers captured, why did it turn defeat into victory? The Soviet Union had a trick

Although this provision is very impersonal, the effect is also very significant, and because of this provision, soviet soldiers are not afraid of death when fighting, and they also give full play to their own strength when fighting with the German army, they know that if they become prisoners, they will die wherever they are, and it is better to be a hero than to be a bear

In order to play an exemplary role in the war, even after Stalin's son was captured, Stalin immediately ordered his wife to be exiled, which is the so-called upward and downward effect, Stalin is still like this, not to mention the soldiers under his command. Because of Stalin's stipulations, the strength of the Soviet military was greatly enhanced, and the entire Soviet soldiers fought bravely, and the number of prisoners was greatly reduced.

With 5.37 million Soviet soldiers captured, why did it turn defeat into victory? The Soviet Union had a trick

But sometimes this provision is also very impersonal, because there are great accidents in the war, no one wants to take the initiative to be a prisoner, so in the process of fighting, it is reasonable for Soviet soldiers to be captured, and if the reason is to be pursued, a large part of the reason should be held accountable to the officer, because the battle is after all commanded by the officer, and the soldiers under them only carry out the order.

Because Stalin's stipulation also made some soldiers dissatisfied, some of the captured soldiers simply became traitors, but their family members were implicated because of this impersonal rule, which added a dark side to soviet history.

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