
Zhuge Liang had 3 major prophecies in his lifetime, all of which were fulfilled one by one, and the last prophecy was fulfilled more than 300 years later

Zhuge Liang had 3 major prophecies in his lifetime, all of which were fulfilled one by one, and the last prophecy was fulfilled more than 300 years later

Introduction: Zhuge Liang, as the military division of Shu Han and also the towering tree of Shu Han, felt Liu Bei's sincerity in his youth and went out to assist him, first promoting Sun Liu's alliance with eloquence, and then burning Cao Cao's army and dream of unifying the world to ashes in Chibi, helping Liu Bei whale swallow Jingzhou, and soon after continuing to take Yizhou, so that Liu Bei became emperor from a diaosi counterattack. Cao Cao commented that he could turn things around, and even the harsh Lu Xun of later generations commented that he was wise and close to a demon. But in fact, Zhuge Liang has another identity, that is, a prophet. He made three prophecies in his lifetime, the first two of which had been fulfilled in that era, and the last of which had been fulfilled more than three hundred years later. What the hell is going on? Let's see for sure.

Zhuge Liang had 3 major prophecies in his lifetime, all of which were fulfilled one by one, and the last prophecy was fulfilled more than 300 years later

The first prophecy was to chat with his confidants when he was young and not yet in school, talking about the general situation of the world and their own future. During the banquet, Xu Shu first expressed his ambitions, hoping to find a bright lord to help him achieve hegemony, and returned to Jingzhou to recuperate after the reunification of the day, and the other three also expressed their ideals. At this time, Zhuge Liang predicted that none of your ideals would be realized, but everyone would be able to assume the position of Assassin. The crowd did not know why, thinking that Zhuge Liang was teasing them, but Zhuge Liang laughed and did not speak.

Zhuge Liang had 3 major prophecies in his lifetime, all of which were fulfilled one by one, and the last prophecy was fulfilled more than 300 years later

Later, Xu Shu found the Ming lord Liu Bei, and was about to do his best to assist him when he was poached by Cao Cao's design, and when he arrived at Cao Wei, he was unwilling to oppose Liu Bei, so he applied to guard the border pass, cao Cao regretted it but also agreed to his request, and later Xu Shu sat in the position of XiLiang's assassin and spent his last time at the border pass. Cui Zhouping and Meng Gongwei defected to Cao Cao after the Battle of Chibi, and Cao Cao knew that they were famous soldiers, so he arranged them to serve in Xuzhou and Qingzhou, and the two also did Taishou and Assassin History respectively. Shi Tao defected to Eastern Wu, and at first Sun Quan appointed him as a county commander, but found him to be outstanding in government, so he was transferred to huijian taishou. When Sun Quan took Jiaozhou, he appointed Shi Tao as the Assassin of Jiaozhou, and Shi Tao finally died in Jiaozhou.

Zhuge Liang had 3 major prophecies in his lifetime, all of which were fulfilled one by one, and the last prophecy was fulfilled more than 300 years later

The second prophecy to his son Zhuge Zhan, Zhuge Zhan was already a minister when Zhuge Zhan was born, Zhuge Zhan grew up in countless applause and gaze since he was a child, Zhuge Liang was very worried about this, because he grew up too smoothly all the way, there was no setback. When he wrote to Zhuge Jin, he made this prophecy, believing that he would not be able to become a great instrument after all, and hoped that Zhuge Jin would cultivate Zhuge Ke well and protect the inheritance of their Zhuge family. Later, Zhong Hui led an army to attack the State of Shu, and Zhuge Zhan could not withstand the powerful offensive of the State of Wei, and finally died in Mianzhu.

Zhuge Liang had 3 major prophecies in his lifetime, all of which were fulfilled one by one, and the last prophecy was fulfilled more than 300 years later

His last prophecy was made in Nanzhong, and after Liu Bei's death, the foreigners in Nanzhong thought the time was ripe, raised troops to rebel, and threatened to kill Liu Chan alive in Chengdu. After zhuge liang rectified the soldiers and horses, he personally led the team to suppress the rebellion, and when the fire burned the vine armor soldiers and captured Meng, completely destroying the living forces in the south, Zhuge Liang set up a stone stele here, which read, "After long live, the one who wins over me will pass here." At that time, everyone thought that Zhuge Liang was singing his outstanding deeds, but more than three hundred years later, the Sui Dynasty general Shi Wanzai came to Nanzhong again to put down the rebellion, and when he saw this stone stele, he knew that this was the case.

Zhuge Liang had 3 major prophecies in his lifetime, all of which were fulfilled one by one, and the last prophecy was fulfilled more than 300 years later

Conclusion: After reading Zhuge Liang's anti-heavenly strategy and prophecy, thinking that every strategy he made was exhaustive, and the relationship with the two kings of Shu and Han was also very good, which was a model for the relationship between kings and subjects, no wonder Zhuge Liang would become the perfect embodiment! It is a pity that Liu Chan is incompetent, and although he cannot get his assistance, he cannot achieve things, which is also a tragedy.

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