
Reading | Song: "The Road to Coming" in the Green Gauze Tent

Celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China, the third in the series of "Songs"

Read the song: "Guerrilla Song"

General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "A nation that does not remember the way out is a nation without a way out." "The great spirit of the War of Resistance is the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese people."

This sonorous word, condensed from history and forged by blood, is the memory of the country and the Great Wall of The Spirit. A moving scene flashes in the words...

Reading | Song: "The Road to Coming" in the Green Gauze Tent

Young musician He Luting. Infographic

In the winter of 1937, He Luting, a young man in Hunan Province, full of love for the motherland and hatred for the invaders, wrote a book in the cold coal bunker in Linfen, Shanxi. Just like the dim yellow kerosene lamp, a compact and elastic melody, flowing at the tip of the pen:

"We are all sharpshooters, every bullet destroys an enemy, we are all flying troops, even if the mountains and waters are high and deep... We grew up here, every inch of land is our own, no matter who wants to seize it, we will fight with him to the end! ”

This song is the "Guerrilla Song" that inspired countless Chinese to raise their swords and spears and strike at the Japanese invaders.

Reading | Song: "The Road to Coming" in the Green Gauze Tent

Military training for militia in the Jin-Cha-Ji anti-Japanese base area. Xinhua

That year, the War of Resistance broke out in full swing. After the Battle of Songhu, the Shanghai Rescue Drama Team rushed to the whole country. Musician He Luting followed the team to Linfen, Shanxi. At the office of the Eighth Route Army and in Liu Village, he listened to Zhu De, He Long, Peng Xuefeng, and other leaders explain guerrilla tactics, and his heart was extremely excited.

In the night, he closed his eyes and roared in the wind, opened his eyes to the green gauze tent in the sorghum field, and the anti-Japanese hero was haunted, and the ghost was crying wolf. Unable to sleep any longer, he got up and quickly connected the notes of his mind into "Guerrilla Song" in one fell swoop.

Reading | Song: "The Road to Coming" in the Green Gauze Tent

The Eighth Route Army launched a guerrilla war under the cover of the green gauze tent. Infographic

At the beginning of the following year, senior generals of the Northern Bureau of the CPC and the Eighth Route Army gathered in Hongdong, Shanxi, and He Luting commanded the drama team to sing "Guerrilla Song" for the first time. The bright and active tune vividly reproduces the image of the guerrilla heroes and superb tactics, and the determination to resist Japan flies with the song. The venue boiled over, and Judd applauded excitedly: "Warriors need songs like this!" Yang Dezhi, who returned from the victory of the Pingxingguan battlefield, directly invited He Luting and the drama team to teach singing one by one in one battalion and one company. When the troops set out, the snow was falling in the sky, and the soldiers sang all the way, with the determination to win and rush to the battlefield of killing the enemy.

A song illuminates the history of the indomitable War of Resistance. Although this history is full of great suffering, it is full of heroic spirit and Hard-working Chinese wisdom.

Reading | Song: "The Road to Coming" in the Green Gauze Tent

Mine warfare in Hebei. Infographic

In the anti-Japanese base areas, the Communist Party of China realized that in addition to regular warfare, it is even more necessary to create guerrilla warfare to defeat the enemy, "the enemy advances and retreats, the enemy garrisons us to disturb, the enemy is tired and we fight, and the enemy retreats and we chase." The anti-Japanese army and people created a large number of forms of guerrilla warfare, such as tunnel warfare, mine warfare, sparrow warfare, sabotage warfare, and siege warfare, which made the devils dizzy, and 19 anti-Japanese base areas swept the devils into the vast ocean of people's war. Communist guerrilla warfare created a spectacle in the history of human warfare.

"The Song of the Guerrillas" made an image footnote for the Communist Party's creative command of guerrilla warfare, and the song was inserted into the wings and spread throughout the anti-Japanese battlefield throughout the country, encouraging people to resist bravely, protect the country with blood, and fight to the end. It has also become a "20th century Chinese music classic" and "one of the most classic choral singles in China".

Reading | Song: "The Road to Coming" in the Green Gauze Tent

Railway guerrillas destroyed Japanese railroads. Infographic

The past is not like smoke, and history cannot be forgotten.

When you pack your bags and swim every inch of the motherland; when you walk through Tiananmen Square and watch the national flag hunting and flying; when you are in a foreign country, you occasionally hear the national anthem and tear up your eyes; when you watch the National Day military parade, your blood is boiling...

The preciousness of peace, the meaning of the motherland, is so clear at this moment. This is precisely the meaning of the spiritual pursuit of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression half a century ago.

Reading | Song: "The Road to Coming" in the Green Gauze Tent

Flat-type Guandajie ruins. Infographic

The great spirit of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression has demonstrated to the world the patriotic sentiment of rising and falling under the heavens and the responsibility of the people; the national integrity of treating death as a homecoming and preferring to die unyieldingly; the heroic spirit of not fearing violence and fighting to the end in blood; and the conviction of victory in perseverance and perseverance. "It will always be a powerful spiritual driving force to encourage the people of Chinese to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."

"In the Song"

Series reading

Read | song: Burn, long march spirit!

Read | song: Highlight Moment, Go to Yan'an!

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