
Character Comics (59) 丨 People's Musician - He Luting

author:Great Wall Net
Character Comics (59) 丨 People's Musician - He Luting


He Luting (1903-1999), formerly known as He Kai and He Anqing, also known as He Baozhen. Famous contemporary musician and educator. In his early years, he participated in the Hunan Peasant Movement and the Guangzhou Uprising. He successively served as a teacher at Wuchang Art College, the chief of the music section of the Star Film Company, a music instructor of the Propaganda Team of the Political Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia-Jinsui United Defense Army, the head of the Yan'an Central Orchestra, and the head of the North China Cultural and Labor Troupe. In the past half century, He Luting has composed three choruses, twenty-four choruses, nearly 100 songs, six piano pieces, six orchestral pieces, more than ten film music, and some opera music and instrumental solos, and authored "He Luting Music Papers Anthology".

Character Story:

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1937, He Luting participated in the Shanghai Literary and Art Circles Anti-Japanese Rescue Drama Team and went to Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Xi'an and other places to perform and publicize the anti-Japanese resistance. In Linfen, Shanxi, he composed the immortal anti-Japanese war song "Guerrilla Song" under the kerosene lamp, and directed and sang this song at a meeting of senior cadres of the Eighth Route Army, which was a great success. Since then, "Guerrilla Song" has spread throughout the anti-Japanese battlefields in the north and south of the great river, inside and outside the Great Wall, and has become a marching song to encourage the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians to bravely kill the enemy.

In 1943, He Luting arrived in Yan'an and met Mao Zedong and other CCP leaders. Mao Zedong praised the guerrilla song as well written. He Luting taught at the Lu Xun Art Institute and composed a series of revolutionary songs.

In October 1946, He Luting was appointed as the head of the Central Orchestra, the deputy head of the North China People's Cultural and Labor Troupe, and the vice president of the Central Conservatory of Music. "Advancing, the People's Liberation Army," "New Democracy March," and "The Youth of New China" have become loud battle songs in the People's Liberation War.

Character Quotes:

"To live is to do things for the people!" I pick up the pen, I write, I play the piano, I play the piano, I conduct, all thinking about the people, doing things for the people. ”

He Luting died on April 27, 1999 in Lane 76, Tai'an Road, Shanghai, at the age of 96. He was a prominent people's musician, a renowned composer, music educator and music theorist. Mudi Yang Huayin, battle song strong national soul, splendid music score Spring and Autumn, full of pure heart; True words are turbulent, iron bones are proud of ghosts and gods, and the sun and moon shine with great righteousness, and they are all in charge of the national situation. Throughout his life, he struggled unceasingly for the cause of the people, sang incessantly, and devoted his life to the bumpy road of life, shaping a monument of personality. (Edited by Guo Hong, comic book author Feng Huo)

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