
These 2 positive IVF decisions are worth learning from all infertile couples

Not long ago, Ms. Y's baby was born, a 3500g little princess, healthy and cute, looks very similar to her mother, and now the couple is immersed in the joy of "having a woman everything" every day. The baby wall of the hospital has also welcomed a new member again, which is really gratifying!

These 2 positive IVF decisions are worth learning from all infertile couples

Compared with many mothers, Ms. Y's test tube road will be praised by anyone who listens to it, and it is too smooth! Want to know what is the key to a good pregnancy for Ms. Y?

After getting married in 2018, Ms. Y and her husband began to actively prepare for pregnancy, but after a year of hard work, they did not get any results. Because of the usual problems with dysmenorrhea, Ms. Y quickly realized that she might be a problem with her body if she was not pregnant, so she immediately went to the hospital for examination. It was this decision that gave Ms. Y a full understanding of her physical condition and paved the way for a good pregnancy in the future.

After relevant examinations, it was found that Ms. Y's husband was all right, and the cause of infertility stemmed from Ms. Y herself. She has ovulation disorders with polycystic changes in her ovaries and no dominant follicle development after 3 consecutive cycles of ovulation monitoring. And salpingogram also revealed that her left fallopian tube was unobstructed, uplifted, chronic inflammation; Although the right fallopian tube is unobstructed, there are also problems with lifting and inflammation. Under the advice of the doctor, Ms. Y received ovulation induction treatment in the hospital for 3 consecutive cycles, but only 1 cycle had dominant follicle development, and after the doctor instructed the same room, she was still not pregnant.

The year of treatment passed quickly, the good pregnancy she had been expecting did not arrive as expected, and Ms. Y gradually became anxious. The local doctor gave advice on doing IVF and Ms Y hesitated. But thinking that your ovaries and fallopian tubes are so weak, and your age is getting older day by day, you must change your strategy if you want to have children, maybe test tube technology can really help you realize your fertility aspirations as soon as possible? After a few days of thinking and inquiring, Ms. Y finally locked a reproductive hospital in Guangzhou. It was also this decision that finally helped her push open the door of good pregnancy.

In December 2020, Ms. Y's Guangzhou test tube tour officially set sail.

With the help of the director, the preoperative examination, ovulation promotion, egg retrieval and other steps were successfully completed. Ms. Y successfully obtained 16 eggs, and after the eggs were combined with sperm, 10 embryos were obtained, and after the blastocyst culture, 8 good quality blastocysts were formed.

Before the transfer, the director with extensive clinical experience developed a unique intimal preparation program for Ms. Y, creating a good planting environment for the embryonic baby. At the same time, Ms. Y is also required to maintain a good attitude and have expectations, but not to be too impatient, and try to relax herself.

From the initial diagnosis to the preparation of the lining, in the past few months, Ms. Y has already recognized the director's medical skills, and every link of this "well-behaved student" has cooperated very well, and at the critical moment of embryo transfer, it is no exception. In this way, with the joint efforts of doctors and patients, only 1 promotion and 1 move, the baby will come as desired!

The reason why she was able to get a good pregnancy so smoothly depended on the superb medical skills of the hospital doctors and was inseparable from Ms. Y's own efforts, which were her two major and crucial decisions. For more Ukrainian test tube information, please pay attention to Barbie Fruit!

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