
Three generations of IVF | six [secrets] to improve the success rate of IVF, please put it away!

Many sisters who are preparing or undergoing IVF fertility often ask: Why do I hear that some sisters have succeeded in doing IVF quickly, while others can't? How can I improve the success rate of IVF? With these doubts, next, let Bao'er take everyone to understand the secret of improving the success rate of "IVF"!

Three generations of IVF | six [secrets] to improve the success rate of IVF, please put it away!


Grasp the optimal age for childbearing

The success rate of "IVF" is affected by many factors, such as age, doctor's skills, laboratory level, ovulation induction program, etc., of which female age is one of the most important influencing factors.

Ovarian reserve function refers to the number of available follicles stored in a woman's ovaries and is synonymous with female fertility. Normally, a woman's ovarian reserve function decreases with age. Especially after the age of 35, women's ovarian reserve function declines sharply, which shows that advanced age will increase the difficulty of "IVF" fertility. Therefore, grasping the optimal age for childbearing is a key factor in the success of fertility.


Strict weight control

According to the data, currently, about 30%-50% of men and women of childbearing age are overweight or obese.

A measure of obesity

Three generations of IVF | six [secrets] to improve the success rate of IVF, please put it away!

For example, if you are 1.65m tall and weigh 62kg, your BMI index is 62÷ (1.65*1.65) ≈ 22.8, and then check the table below to determine that it is normal.

Adipose tissue is currently recognized as the largest endocrine organ in the human body, affecting glucose homeostasis, steroid production, immune system, hematopoietic function and reproductive function. As adipose tissue increases, insulin resistance also increases, leading to hyperandrogenemia and ovulation disorders in the sisters, while sperm parameters in men also change. Therefore, for both men and women, excessive weight may lead to a decrease in fertility, which is an important factor restricting natural conception and "IVF" fertility.

Before implementing IVF fertility, couples should make lifestyle changes, including changing eating habits, exercising regularly, etc. to address overweight or obesity to improve the success rate of IVF.


Strictly quit smoking

For "IVF" to be successful, it is important for sisters to have good eggs and for men to have good sperm, and smoking can have a negative impact on eggs and sperm.

Smoking reduces sisters' chances of conceiving, leading to placenta previa, placental abruption, fetal growth restriction, low birth weight of newborns, and sudden infant death syndrome. Similarly, smoking also has a negative impact on the male reproductive system, which can lead to difficult implantation of sperm and abnormal embryonic development in the later stages.

Therefore, before ivably and fertility, both husband and wife need to strictly quit smoking and develop good living habits.


Relieve stress properly

In the process of doing "IVF", if the psychological pressure of the sisters is too large, the blood vessels will be in a state of contraction for a long time, affecting the blood flow of the uterus and ovaries, as well as the muscle contraction function of the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing the embryo to fail to implant or stop the fetus; the man's excessive pressure will also reduce the quality and quantity of sperm, affecting the effect of sperm and egg fertilization. Here are some ways to relieve psychological stress:

Both spouses should help

When the couple has difficulty conceiving, both need to go to the hospital for examination. Once one of the spouses confirms that he or she has infertility, the other spouse should give the other comfort and help and cooperate with the doctor in a positive attitude. After all, infertility should not anger any one person, but should be supported by two couples to support each other and tide over the difficulties together.

Correctly treat the "care" of those around you

Many sisters are always surrounded by "enthusiastic people" who are concerned from time to time and eager to provide advice and secret recipes. While most of them are well-intentioned, they can cause a lot of trouble for the sisters, and often those secret recipes that are not scientifically verified are likely to damage the body, making it more difficult for them to conceive.

Sisters should correctly treat the concerns of those around them, understand that they are well-intentioned, warmly remind them to protect their privacy when necessary, and care appropriately, excessive enthusiasm will increase their psychological pressure.

Sisters need to adjust their mindset

The embryonic disc of IVF is finally moved into the woman's womb. At this time, the woman's psychological state plays a key role in whether the embryo can finally implant smoothly.

Sisters can relieve mental stress by exercising properly and listening to light music. Before deciding to do "IVF", there should be sufficient time to prepare and budget the funds, and leave room for manoeuvre. Choosing a formal medical institution and experienced experts can not only improve the success rate, but also alleviate psychological pressure.


Choose regular hospitals as well as experienced doctors

The success of "IVF" requires the active cooperation of doctors and couples, after the sisters do the above four, they also need experienced doctors to lead the entire fertility process, such as formulating a reasonable stimulation plan, strict control of the dosage of medication, accurate B ultrasound monitoring of follicles and intima growth, and at the same time, timely targeted treatment after finding problems.

In addition, egg retrieval and transplantation are very important during the IVF process, and choosing a regular fertility center can ensure the safety of the sisters. At the same time, a successful embryo transfer relies on placing the embryos in the optimal implantation position in the middle of the uterus without trauma. Therefore, it is very important to choose an experienced doctor.


Follow the advice of your doctor to transfer high-quality embryos

During "IVF" treatment, embryologists classify embryos by assessing their morphology and rate of development. In order to improve the success rate, it is extremely important to select high-quality embryos.

Statistics show that the clinical pregnancy rate is higher for transplanting blastocysts (day 5) than embryos at the cleft stage (day 3). But not everyone is lucky enough to get blastocysts. Blastocyst culture is a process of survival of the fittest.

If the number of embryos is sufficient, the doctor will recommend a few more days of observation in the laboratory to confirm the growth potential of the embryos;

If the number of embryos is small, there is no need to wait until the blastocysts are cultured before transfer;

Therefore, everyone should listen to the doctor's advice, do not blindly pursue the maintenance of the bag, and relax the mentality.

"IVF" treatment process requires both husband and wife to work together, before preparing to do, both husband and wife should adjust their living habits, supplement folic acid, multivitamins, etc., while achieving a scientific diet, maintaining good sleep, reasonable exercise, and maintaining a pleasant mood. The above tips, I hope to help the sisters, I hope that everyone can eventually harvest a healthy baby!

Three generations of IVF | six [secrets] to improve the success rate of IVF, please put it away!

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