
Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948

Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948

In Seoul, the capital of South Korea in 1948, many of the shop signs on the streets were in Chinese characters.

Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948

The Cheonggye River in Seoul, flowing quietly, bears witness to the history of the Joseon Kingdom for hundreds of years. It was just that at that time, the Qingxi River was dirty.

Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948

In August and September 1948, the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea were established on the Basis of the 38th Parallel on the Korean Peninsula. The capital of the Republic of Korea is Seoul.

Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948

The streets are lined with the Slogan "Welcome United Nations Commission on Korea." It was under the supervision of the United Nations Commission that South Korea that year held separate elections. About 85 percent of South Korea's 8 million voters participated in the election, which resulted in Rhee's slightly preemptive election as the first president of the Republic of Korea.

Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948

The traffic police on the streets of Seoul seem to be a female traffic policeman.

Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948

Seoul's trams, which were all left behind by the Japanese.

Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948
Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948
Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948
Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948
Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948
Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948
Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948

At this time, Seoul was a peaceful scene.

Old photo of a brief peace scene in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1948

Seoul's southern gate, Chongli Gate, is covered with slogans for the reunification of the Korean Peninsula from the north. At that time, the Korean Peninsula was divided into South Korea and North Korea. Neither is a good stubble, one wants to swing the division south, and the other wants to go north to unify. As a result of the fist, on June 25, 1950, the North Korean army crossed the 38th Line and launched a surprise attack on South Korea, and the Korean War broke out, and the fratricide began.

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