
In the 7th month of pregnancy, pay attention to the key nutritional and dietary taboos, and the baby thrives!

This month (25-28 weeks), the growth rate of the fetal baby is still very fast, the sensory system is significantly developed, and this is a critical period for the growth of the fetal baby's intelligence, which requires the supply of high-quality nutrition.

In the 7th month of pregnancy, pay attention to the key nutritional and dietary taboos, and the baby thrives!

This month focuses on nutrients

1. B vitamins

In the 7th month of pregnancy, pay attention to the key nutritional and dietary taboos, and the baby thrives!

Food sources of vitamin B1: wheat flour, oats, soybeans, millet, peanuts, lean pork, lamb, milk, etc.

Food sources of vitamin B2: milk and its products, animal liver and kidneys, egg yolks, eggplant, fish, celery, citrus, oranges, etc.

Food sources of vitamin B6: animal liver and kidneys, soybeans, brown rice, eggs, oats, peanuts, walnuts, etc.

Food sources of vitamin B12: animal liver and kidneys, beef, pork, chicken, fish, clams, eggs, dairy products, etc.

During pregnancy, the emotional fluctuations of pregnant women are a problem, sometimes happy and sometimes low, the recurrence of mood is mainly affected by hormonal changes, B vitamins can help pregnant women stabilize their emotions. In addition, it can also help the baby's brain, nerves, bones, and organs to develop and grow.

2. Lecithin

In the 7th month of pregnancy, pay attention to the key nutritional and dietary taboos, and the baby thrives!

Food sources: egg yolks, soybeans, cereals, small fish, animal liver, eels, corn oil, sunflower oil, etc., but the more complete and high nutrient content is soybeans, egg yolks and animal liver.

Lecithin can ensure the health and normal operation of the cell membrane of the brain and is a very important nootropic nutrient for fetal babies.

3. Fat

In the 7th month of pregnancy, pay attention to the key nutritional and dietary taboos, and the baby thrives!

The daily fat intake is 60 grams, and 2 walnuts and 25 grams of vegetable oil per day plus the fat contained in meat, eggs and milk can basically be satisfied.

Other food sources are:

Oils: peanut oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil, sesame oil, etc.;

Meat: beef, lamb, pork, chicken, etc.;

Eggs: eggs, duck eggs, etc.;

Tree nuts: peanuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, etc.

4. Water

In the 7th month of pregnancy, pay attention to the key nutritional and dietary taboos, and the baby thrives!

The daily water intake is 1200 ml, that is, 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.

Note: If there is soup porridge in the diet, the amount of water you drink can be reduced accordingly. Expectant mothers who have edema or suffer from heart, liver, kidney and other diseases should drink water under the guidance of a doctor.

Expectant mothers cannot ignore the replenishment of water every day. Only when the water is sufficient can we accelerate the absorption and operation of various nutrients in the body and better deliver nutrients to the fetus.

5. Protein

In the 7th month of pregnancy, pay attention to the key nutritional and dietary taboos, and the baby thrives!

Intake of 70 to 85 grams per day. Daily intake of animal protein and plant protein is better than half.

Food Sources:

Animal protein: meat, dairy products, etc.,

Plant-based proteins: beans, cereals, nuts, etc.

In addition, expectant mothers who are edema caused by malnutrition should pay more attention to the intake of high-quality protein.

Protein supplementation for expectant mothers not only meets their own needs, but also is very important for the brain development of the fetal baby.

What should I not eat?

1, should not be too greedy

In the 7th month of pregnancy, pay attention to the key nutritional and dietary taboos, and the baby thrives!

Expectant mothers should avoid eating foods that are too sweet and contain artificial sweeteners and artificial fats, including sugar, syrups and chocolate, cola or fruit juice drinks with artificial sweeteners, sugary peanut butter, etc.

2. Food instructions should not be ignored

In the 7th month of pregnancy, pay attention to the key nutritional and dietary taboos, and the baby thrives!

Read the instructions carefully before purchasing food. Before getting pregnant, you may go to the supermarket to eat whatever you want, and after you are pregnant with a baby, you will develop the habit of seeing the ingredients and then buying.

3. Do not eat irritating foods

In the 7th month of pregnancy, pay attention to the key nutritional and dietary taboos, and the baby thrives!

If the expectant mother often eats irritating foods such as mustard, pepper, curry and so on at this time, it is easy to bring adverse stimulation to the fetus. Moreover, expectant mothers often eat it will aggravate symptoms such as dry mouth and tongue, irritability and so on.

4. It is not advisable to over-consume lychee

In the 7th month of pregnancy, pay attention to the key nutritional and dietary taboos, and the baby thrives!

Lychee is a hot fruit, excessive consumption is easy to produce constipation, mouth and tongue sores and other symptoms of fire, and lychee sugar content is high, easy to cause high blood sugar.

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Sisters will surely harvest happy and healthy babies, come on!

Beauty and happiness come to you!

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