
Psychology: Couples who are in love with each other in a long distance, psychology will also produce distance

author:Lu Xin said

In love, every couple hopes to be able to accompany each other day and night, but in real life, there are many couples who are hindered by real factors and have to face the living conditions of living in different places.

Some people firmly believe that "if the two loves are long, they are in the twilight", they believe that even if they are in love with their partners in love, as long as the two truly love each other, the love relationship between them can be preserved.

But psychologists say: long-distance couples, the psychology of the two of them will also produce distance, long-distance love success rate is very low.

Psychology: Couples who are in love with each other in a long distance, psychology will also produce distance

In psychology, there is a famous "Bossard's Law", which refers to:

Too much physical distance between men and women can also lead to psychological distancing.

Long-distance couples, they are in different spaces, face different people every day, in a short period of time, they may still be able to stick to each other's love, but when they encounter setbacks and need the company of lovers, they will feel lost, and then doubt this long-distance relationship.

Long-distance couples, can persist to the end, and hand in hand into the palace of marriage, this is not an easy task.

Psychology: Couples who are in love with each other in a long distance, psychology will also produce distance

Couples who are in love in a long distance seem to be in love with a "virtual lover".

They can perceive each other's presence, they can get in touch with each other over the phone, they can comfort each other through words, but they can't really touch each other.

When a long-distance couple is in a good situation, they can still share happiness with each other, but when they are in adversity and need the company of their lovers, they will have a feeling of loss in their hearts because their lovers cannot accompany them.

They will feel that the long-distance partner is unreal, he can only bring himself virtual comfort, but can not give himself real companionship, the partner of the heavens, even if they use the most flowery words, can not put themselves in the lover's distress.

After all, virtual lovers are virtual, and lovers who are in love in a long distance are in a different place after all, and they cannot make each other feel the warmth and beauty of love.

Psychology: Couples who are in love with each other in a long distance, psychology will also produce distance

A pair of lovers in a different place, their life trajectory will be different because of different life circumstances, and they will face their own new problems independently in different spaces.

Long-distance partners, will be in their own environment, facing their own new problems, a pair of lovers living together, they will share their own difficulties in life with each other every day, and then consult with each other, help each other, find a way to solve the problem together, they will have a sense of suffering and common feelings in their hearts.

But when a couple is in a different space, they will initially report good news to each other, and then they will become unwilling to report to each other, and finally the two will develop into an embarrassing situation with nothing to say.

Once the relationship between the two falls into crisis, they meet someone who is more suitable for themselves and can accompany them in their own environment, and they are likely to give up their long-distance partner and re-open a new love relationship.

Because of this, couples who are in love in a long distance are more likely to be emotionally estranged.

Psychology: Couples who are in love with each other in a long distance, psychology will also produce distance

Couples who are in love in a long distance are easy to create a psychological distance, and if they want to maintain the heat of their love affair with each other, they must be more enthusiastic and attentive to their lovers.

First of all, long-distance lovers even if they can't meet often, but also need to communicate with each other more, communication is one of the important ways to express feelings, it can make long-distance lovers more aware of each other's current life, emotions and situation, it can make long-distance lovers feel that even if the two are separated, their hearts are connected.

Psychology: Couples who are in love with each other in a long distance, psychology will also produce distance

Secondly, long-distance lovers should often create small surprises for each other, for example, when they are on vacation, they come to each other's side with gifts so that the other party can feel the sweetness of love.

Third, long-distance lovers should have a plan for each other's future, so that each other have hope for this love in their hearts, for example, agree on when to end the long-distance relationship state, join hands into the palace of marriage, for the future expectations, can make lovers even if they are thousands of miles apart, there is still a sense of working together.

Psychology: Couples who are in love with each other in a long distance, psychology will also produce distance

Psychologist Bossard surveyed 5,000 couples who were already engaged and found that the proportion of couples living apart in two of them ended up marrying was low.

The Bossard's law in psychology tells us that couples who are in love in a long distance are easy to distance themselves psychologically, and it is not an easy thing to maintain the happiness and satisfaction of long-distance relationships.

If you want to maintain the happiness of a long-distance relationship, you must communicate more with your long-distance partner, often create some small surprises for your long-distance partner, and have a long-term plan for the future of the two.

Only by knowing how to operate with heart, long-distance relationships will have a happy ending.

(Picture from the Internet, invasion and deletion)

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