
Plum blossom easy to count -4 solution

Plum blossom easy to count -4 solution

In the last lesson, we learned how to use time to start a fight,

Roughly understand the process of starting a gua,

We have to remember that the most important thing in the initiation is,

To get a number of upper gua and a lower number,

Then divide the number of upper and lower trigrams by the remainder of the eight to correspond to a gossip,

Thus formed a heavy gua called Ben Gua represents now,

Then divide the remainder by adding up and down the number of gua numbers and dividing by six,

Corresponding to the position of the six yao,

Change the corresponding position of the knife,

If on this position,

If it is yang, it becomes yin,

If it is yin, it becomes yang,

And the other unchanging trigrams form a new trigram called the transmutation of the gua represents the result.

Then take the two, three, and four of the original gua, and the next gua of the mutual gua,

Take the three, four, and five trigrams of the original gua, which is the upper gua of the mutual gua, and the mutual gua represents the process.

The most important thing here is how to get the upper and lower numbers,

In the last lesson, we learned to use time to start,

That is, with the time of the question,

The number of hours is the number of ups and the number of minutes is the number of minutes.

In fact, in the plum blossom easy counting,

There are many ways to take these two numbers,

You can give an example.

You can turn the pages of the book and find the page number,

The previous one is the upper number,

The latter is the lower number,

If it's three digits,

The number of triumphs is the previous digit,

The number of the lower trigrams is the last two digits,

Represents the meaning of heaven and earth turbidity,

That is, if you start with a string of numbers,

is an even number that can be divided equally,

Then half is the upper gua number, half is the lower gua number,

If it is odd, it cannot be divided equally,

Then the number of the lower gua is one more than the number of the upper gua.

In addition, the number of moving can also be taken separately,

It is not necessary to use the number of upper gua plus the lower number of gua,

You can turn the page again and take the number of strokes.

Or let the tester report three numbers himself,

The third is the number of motions.

There's no standard for that.

Take as many as you want.

In addition, turning the page will have page numbers on the left and right sides, in the end which one,

The hand that turned over the page number on that side,

Both hands are turned over at the same time, the male takes the left one, and the female one takes the right one.

You can also use the playing cards to divide the poker into two piles,

The smaller number of cards is the number of the upper gua, and the more is the number of the lower gua,

It's the same with grabbing two Go pieces.

Of course, there are also those who use orientation and characters to start,

This will be introduced after we have learned the examples of gossip,

Now let's first learn how to use the I Ching's trigrams and trigrams to break the gua,

It's like looking up a dictionary, the dictionary is something that doesn't have to be memorized.

Because it is used to look up words, you look up words to turn over,

You can play its part.

As you get more and more, you will find that

Naturally, you have memorized the I Ching,

It's like the process of learning new words.

No need to memorize the dictionary,

Which word will not look up that word on the line.

How to check it?

Let's take the example of the gua we started in the previous lesson

This gua is a mountain peeling gua, the mutual gua is kun for the ground, and the change of gua is the wind and land view.

You can go and look up these three trigrams.

This gua corresponds to the present,

Reciprocal correspondence process,

Variation corresponds to the result.

And look at the words of the fifth of the Ben Gua. Because it is five moves.

When we look up the words, we will find that

The first I Ching is the first nine or the first six yang is nine, and the yin is six,

The second is nine-two or six-two,

The third is nine-three or six-three,

The fourth is Nine-Four or Six-Four,

The fifth is nine-five or six-five,

The sixth is the upper nine or the upper six.

The most important thing is that we have to combine the problems of the test to solve the problem,

In the last lesson we started to see if we would raise our salaries this year.

Plum blossom easy to count -4 solution

This gua represents the present,

I can only tell from the name of the gua,

Peeling off the exploitation of the stripping, it means that now more to pay, less to get, to be exploited.

Mutual gua is Kun for the earth, Kun represents obedience, Qian represents Jun, Kun represents subjects, represents obedience,

It is to obey the arrangement and complete the work plan.

To change into a view, to look is to observe, to watch, to have the meaning of investigation,

Then the movement is the five movements, and the five are the biggest leaders of a gua,

We often hear that the emperor is said to be the nine-five-year-old,

Eryao is a small leader, a grassroots leader,

The five are moving and the yin becomes the yang,

Representative results can be promoted by nobles, will be reused,

Naturally, there will be a salary increase, but the pressure of work will also become greater.

Because of the change of gua ke body gua, what this body gua is we have not yet learned,

In the next lesson, we will talk about the five elements of the body with the change of gua.

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