
Learn to chill kelp seedlings and bring the restaurant flavor home

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Learn to chill kelp seedlings and bring the restaurant flavor home

Cold mix kelp seedlings, easy to prepare.

By everything with the fate of zzh 【Douguo food official certification master】


Kelp seedlings 200g

3 cloves of garlic

June fresh 8 g light salt raw sauce soy sauce 2 scoops

2 scoops of McDonnell clear rice vinegar

Half a scoop of chili oil

Vinegar 1 scoop

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Learn to chill kelp seedlings and bring the restaurant flavor home

1: Remove the young kelp seedlings and put them in the pot.

Learn to chill kelp seedlings and bring the restaurant flavor home

2. Wash the salt off the surface with water.

Learn to chill kelp seedlings and bring the restaurant flavor home

3: Bring the water to a boil in a pot and add the kelp seedlings and cook for 1 minute.

Learn to chill kelp seedlings and bring the restaurant flavor home

4. Put it in cool water and let it cool.

Learn to chill kelp seedlings and bring the restaurant flavor home

5. Remove the dried water.

Learn to chill kelp seedlings and bring the restaurant flavor home

6: Add garlic foam to the bowl, 2 spoons of June fresh 8 grams of light salt original sauce, 2 spoons of Weida Mei qing fragrant rice vinegar.

Learn to chill kelp seedlings and bring the restaurant flavor home

7, like to eat spicy add the right amount of chili oil.

Learn to chill kelp seedlings and bring the restaurant flavor home

8: Pour on the kelp seedlings.

Learn to chill kelp seedlings and bring the restaurant flavor home

9: Mix well when eating.


Those who like to eat sweet can add a small amount of sugar

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