
Where did the unsalable inventory cars in 4S shops go? The old salesman answered, right in your car

Thanks to the rapid development of automotive technology, more and more high-tech intelligent devices are being installed on new cars. But on the other hand, due to the acceleration of the speed of car replacement, many old models have an embarrassing situation of no one car, and a number of unsalable vehicles inevitably appear in various car stores, which can only be placed in the warehouse because they cannot be sold, and become the inventory cars in our mouth.

Where did the unsalable inventory cars in 4S shops go? The old salesman answered, right in your car

Although these stock cars are still new cars in nature, but because the internal parts of the car have not worked for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be aging conditions, and the owner is easy to encounter failures when driving, and finally cause traffic accidents, so everyone avoids the inventory car. However, some people can't help but wonder, if so, where did the inventory cars that could not be sold in 4S stores end up?

Where did the unsalable inventory cars in 4S shops go? The old salesman answered, right in your car

First, normal sales

Generally speaking, the price of inventory cars will be reduced accordingly due to various problems. Some consumers are attracted by the high amount of offers and know that they will choose to buy a stock car. However, we need to pay attention to the fact that when selling a car, the dealer is obliged to explain the situation to the consumer, and if the consumer is still willing to buy the car after learning that the car is an inventory car, he should also sign the corresponding inventory car purchase contract to avoid unnecessary losses when there are corresponding problems in the future.

Where did the unsalable inventory cars in 4S shops go? The old salesman answered, right in your car

Second, cooperate with second-hand car dealers to flow into the second-hand car market

Some car dealership owners are not willing to bet on their own signs and word of mouth, disguise the inventory car as a new car pit to deceive consumers, but also want to recover the cost and dispose of the stock car, so they will choose to cooperate with the local second-hand car dealer. Either through some procedures to let these stock cars into the market and sell them to used car dealers at a low price, or they are directly put into used car dealers for consignment, and the funds sold are proportionally divided. However, for second-hand car dealers, these inventory cars are not a popular thing, the number is small when it is fine, if the number is too much, the second-hand car dealers also have to consider the corresponding cost problems.

Where did the unsalable inventory cars in 4S shops go? The old salesman answered, right in your car

Third, dismantle and sell parts

For dealers, if the second-hand car dealers are unwilling to recycle the inventory cars in their hands, then there is basically only one way to recover the cost, that is, to directly disassemble the two inventory cars and sell the new, no problem-free parts separately.

Where did the unsalable inventory cars in 4S shops go? The old salesman answered, right in your car

Although these parts may be problematic when combined, they are still completely new parts when used alone, so they can be used to repair and replace the same model that was previously sold. Therefore, these dismantled stock car parts are sent to car repair shops across the country for the master to use in the repair.

Where did the unsalable inventory cars in 4S shops go? The old salesman answered, right in your car

Editor's Note:

Near the end of the year, many workers have also accumulated a part of the funds in their hands after a year of hard work, coupled with the fact that at the end of each year, the 4S store will organize various discount activities in order to rush the performance, so it has the idea of buying a new car for themselves as soon as the year-end bonus is issued. However, consumers must remember to inspect the car when buying a car, check whether there are scratches on the body, whether the date on the nameplate of the vehicle is more than half a year, whether there is damage to the inner wall of the tire, and so on. If you find that the car has been out of the factory for more than half a year or even a year, and the tire wall has all fallen off, even if the discount is large, you must be careful, because this can basically be determined to be an inventory car.

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