
A bed of gauze quilts, a pill of stick sores, let Xue Baochao's disguise fall to the ground, and the attackers could not save her

Jia Baoyu's beating is the highlight of "Dream of the Red Chamber", and it is also a major event in Jia Fu. Jia Zheng's meal of the board played out the different reactions of the people in Jia Province.

A bed of gauze quilts, a pill of stick sores, let Xue Baochao's disguise fall to the ground, and the attackers could not save her

The most angry person was Jia Mu, who trained her son, who had become an official and the head of the family, to become a gray grandson, and Jia Zheng only knelt on the ground and prostrated her head desperately; the person who reacted the fastest was Madame Wang, as soon as she heard about this, she quickly got dressed and crashed into Jia Zheng's study, holding Jia Zheng's board, she knelt down and interceded for Jia Baoyu; the most distressing person was Lin Daiyu, she was not good on the surface, only waiting for everyone to leave the Yihong Courtyard, she quietly came and cried in front of Jia Baoyu's bed and swollen her eyes; and the most out of shape, It was Xue Baochao, the usually dignified and elegant Bao sister, who did what Jia Baoyu did in the process of being beaten this time, which made people stunned.

When Jia Baoyu, who was beaten so much that he could not move, was carried into Jia Baoyu's mother's room, Xue Baochao and Aunt Xue and others surrounded Jia Baoyu to "fill the water with water and fan by fanning", and they were very busy; subsequently, Jia Baoyu was sent back to Yihong Courtyard, and Xue Baochao became the first person to run to Yihong Courtyard to visit Jia Baoyu.

At this time, the attackers had to take off Jia Baoyu's small clothes and were examining the injuries on Jia Baoyu's body.

Only to hear the servants say, "The treasure girl is coming." When the raider heard this, he knew that he could not wear a small coat, so he took a bed of tunic quilts and covered it for Baoyu.

Fortunately, Jia Fu is a big family, fortunately, Yihong Courtyard has a lot of servants, bearing the information of informing guests to walk around, otherwise, if Xue Baochao bumps into it at this time, how embarrassing this face will be.

A bed of gauze quilts, a pill of stick sores, let Xue Baochao's disguise fall to the ground, and the attackers could not save her

Xue Baochao, Aunt Xue and others served Jia Baoyu in Jia's mother's room, and now they ran to Yihong Courtyard to do what?

Only to see Bao Chao walk in with a pill in his hand, he said to the attacker: "At night, put this medicinal wine on it, apply it for him, and spread the hot poison of the bruised blood, it will be fine." "Say it, hand it over and attack the people."

It turned out that Xue Baochao's visit to Yihong Courtyard this time was specially to deliver medicine to Jia Baoyu. Among the Many Businesses of the Xue Family, it was obvious that there should be a medicine shop. Therefore, the Xue family has good stick sores medicine, and their shop often deals with the ginseng bank, and Xue Baochao knows how ginseng is faked.

This topic is a bit far away, we go back to Yihong Courtyard and Xue Baochao's stick sore medicine - Jia Baoyu was carried from Jia Mother's Hospital to Yihong Courtyard during this time, Xue Baochao had already run back to his own home from Jia's mother's room, and then took the pills from his own home and ran to Yihong Courtyard. The scale of the Grand View Garden is very large, and Xue Baochao's speed is also quite fast.

Is this Xue Baochao really concerned about Jia Baoyu, or does it have another deep meaning? Xue Baochao's next move was very intriguing.

(Xue Baochao) nodded and sighed, "If you listen to someone's words earlier, you won't be able today." Don't say that the old lady and the wife are distressed, but we look at it and our hearts hurt. "Just said half a sentence, busy and swallowed, self-regretting words are urgent, unconsciously red face, bowed their heads... Just be shy and timid to touch the clothes belt.

A bed of gauze quilts, a pill of stick sores, let Xue Baochao's disguise fall to the ground, and the attackers could not save her

At this time, Xue Baochao can be said to be gaffe and gaffe. In front of his cousin Jia Baoyu's bed, he made a shy and timid look, which made Jia Baoyu can't help but feel excited——

(Bao Yu) did not feel that his heart was very happy, and he threw the pain out of the cloud of nine clouds, and thought to himself: "I have only been beaten twice, and one by one they have these pity and sadness exposed, which is interesting, if I actually suffer and die for a while, they don't know how sad it is..."

For Xue Baochao, the person she envied the most was definitely Lin Daiyu. Because Lin Daiyu's every move can cause Jia Baoyu's rapid reaction, it can make Jia Baoyu pity Xiang Yu. At this time, Xue Baochao, after Jia Baoyu was beaten, used a pill of stick sore medicine and a shy and timid look, so that Jia Baoyu also began to face Xue Baochao squarely. It has to be said that a certain purpose of Xue Baochao has been achieved.

However, an adolescent girl, in front of her cousin who is also in adolescence, pretended to be ashamed, and had to say that she had already dropped the dignified and elegant ladylike demeanor of her past to the ground and could no longer pick it up. Even her allies, who had been by the side to help Xue Baochao, could not save Xue Baochao's ladylike demeanor.

She is no longer the Xue Baochao who "always stays away from Baoyu" for the sake of "ladylike style", but Xue Baochao who is trying to win Jia Baoyu's favor and will do whatever it takes to do so.

A bed of gauze quilts showed Xue Baochao's carelessness, a pill of stick sores, and it exposed Xue Baochao's ulterior motives, these two things, coupled with Xue Baochao's shyness and timidity, her dignified and elegant disguise, fell to the ground and could no longer be picked up.

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