
This unit has achieved great success, annihilating more than 80,000 enemies in the Korean battlefield, and is known as the "Capital Division"

This unit has achieved great success, annihilating more than 80,000 enemies in the Korean battlefield, and is known as the "Capital Division"

Our army has such a unit, whose predecessor was the independent regiment, cavalry battalion, and teaching team of the Eighth Route Army that Nie Rongzhen founded in the Base Area of Wutai Mountain, and later formed the Jicha Column of the Jin-Cha-Ji Field Army, and the first commander was General Guo Tianmin. In July 1946, the Jicha Column was renamed the 2nd Column of the Jin-Cha-Ji Field Army, and participated in the Battle of Suiyuan, the Battle of Datong Jining, the Battle of Zhangjiakou, the Battle of Yiman, the Battle of Zhengtai, the Battle of Daqing Hebei, the Battle of Qingcang, the Battle of Baobei, the Battle of Qingfengdian, the Battle of Shijiazhuang, the Battle of Cha'nan, the Battle of Suidong, and the Battle of Pingjin. In 1949, the whole army was reorganized, and the 2nd Column was renamed the 67th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in Beipingshahe Town, with Han Wei as the commander and Kuang Fuzhao as the political commissar, under the jurisdiction of the 199th, 200th, and 201st divisions, a total of more than 40,000 people, under the 20 corps of Yang Chengwu. This unit was the 67th Army.

This unit has achieved great success, annihilating more than 80,000 enemies in the Korean battlefield, and is known as the "Capital Division"

The troops on parade at the founding ceremony passed through Tiananmen Square

At the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949, the 199th Division of the 67th Army walked through Tiananmen Square as a paraded unit. Later, in the Korean battlefield, this division was portrayed by The Korean newspaper as China's "capital division".

In June 1951, the 67th Army entered the Korean War as the third batch of troops. Its commander was Li Xiang. In mid-October, the United Nations launched the Autumn Offensive, and the 67th Army's defense of the Kimseong area on the Korean central front received a ferocious punch from the US 9th Army.

On October 13, the U.S. 9th Army mobilized the Ronin 2nd Division, the U.S. 7th Division, the U.S. 24th Division, and the Ronin 6th Division to launch a frontal assault from west to east for 24 kilometers, supported by more than 200 tanks, 14 howitzer battalions, and more than 100 aircraft, and smashed 50,000 shells on the 67th Army position in one day. The US army adopted the "tank split into battle", bullying the volunteer army's weak anti-tank firepower, using tanks as the spearhead to charge, leading the infantry to carry out tactical detours, dividing and encircling the volunteer army's company-level or platoon-level positions, and then fiercely attacking with superior firepower, and then attacking in turn with infantry, and finally taking the position. The 67th Army's defensive area is relatively wide, using an average configuration of troops, under the attack of the Us army, the front-facing defenders were quickly killed and wounded by artillery fire, it was difficult to block the charge of the infantry behind, and the positions were lost. Fortunately, the volunteer army set up many anti-tank obstacles on the road of tank impact, and then attacked continuously with anti-tank groups, which finally stopped the deepening of the US tanks. At the end of the first day, the US army broke into the defensive line for 2 kilometers, with more than 5,000 casualties.

On the 14th, the U.S. army continued to attack, killing and wounding the volunteer defenders with heavy artillery fire, and seizing many positions defended by the 199th Division and the 200th Division of the 67th Army. On this day, the U.S. army suffered another 4,000 casualties, while the 67th Army also suffered more than 2,000 casualties. Since then, the brutal fighting has continued day by day, and the US army has killed and injured the defenders of the volunteer army with superior artillery fire, advancing step by step, while the volunteer army has stubbornly resisted, mobile defense, and even concentrated inferior artillery fire to shoot at the US army. By October 17, the U.S. 9th Army advanced to the south of Yuefeng Mountain and Jincheng River, penetrating 4 kilometers deeper and achieving the intended offensive goal. Hogg, commander of the 9th Army, took advantage of the victory to expand the results of the battle and continued to attack north, trying to take the entire area south of Jincheng. At that time, the 199th and 200th Divisions of the 67th Army had suffered heavy casualties and could no longer support them. The 201st Division and the 203rd Division of the 68th Army, which were attached to it, were taken up and continued to fight fiercely from mountain to mountain. In this way, the speed of the US attack was slow, but the casualties of the volunteer army were too large, the reserves were consumed and they were unable to counterattack, and the defensive line was still constantly being broken and contracted. By October 22, the US 9th Army finally broke through to a depth of 6 to 9 kilometers, attacked the south of Jincheng, and stopped.

This unit has achieved great success, annihilating more than 80,000 enemies in the Korean battlefield, and is known as the "Capital Division"

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Volunteer Army always treated US prisoners of war kindly

The defensive battle on the mid-line was a defensive battle under the firepower disadvantage that the 67th Army had never encountered. Due to lack of experience, the reserve team moved out prematurely, and eventually fell into a war of attrition, losing a large number of positions, suffering more than 12,000 casualties, and paying enough tuition. The volunteer army counted more than 23,000 US troops, destroyed 39 tanks, and wounded 8; the US military counted 710 dead, 3,714 wounded, 73 missing, a total loss of 4,497 people, and 30,000 volunteers.

This unit has achieved great success, annihilating more than 80,000 enemies in the Korean battlefield, and is known as the "Capital Division"

In early November 1951, the 12th Army took over the positions of the 67th Army, and the 67th Army withdrew to rest. A year later, the 67th Army returned to the battlefield, catching the tail of the counterattack in the autumn of 1952 and continuing to defend the Jincheng area.

In May 1953, the Volunteers launched a summer counterattack. In the first phase of the operation, the 67th Army launched an attack on the Position of the North Korean Army north of Yangkou, southeast of Jincheng, fighting 6 times, annihilating 1795 enemy troops, advancing 1.5 square kilometers of positions, and inflicting 875 casualties on its own side. In the second phase of the counterattack operation, the 67th Army captured the first-line position of Nanshan in Sudong, southwest of Jincheng, and annihilated 1750 enemy troops. On 12 June, the 67th Army launched an offensive against the Hill of Crosses. Also known as Shoudong Nanshan, this mountain is located on the west bank of the North Han River, and the garrison is the 21st Regiment of the Han 8th Division of Major General Jin Yilie. The position fortifications of Cross Mountain are extremely strong, each support point has 2 to 3 tunnels, the ground has 2 to 3 ring trenches and the launch points, shelters, bunkers connected to the tunnels, etc., forming 3 to 4 layers of light and dark fire points between the top of the mountainside, forming a circular defense, which the ROK army calls "model positions", "Gyeonggi fortifications", and "capital highlands".

This unit has achieved great success, annihilating more than 80,000 enemies in the Korean battlefield, and is known as the "Capital Division"

In the Jincheng Counterattack in July 1953, Qiu Wei was also the commander of the Central Group, commanding the 67th Army, the 135th Division of the 54th Army, and the 202nd Division of the 68th Army. During the preparation of the campaign, the 67th Army successively attacked and annihilated a battalion of the 529.3 Highland Han 3rd Division north of the confluence of the Jincheng River and the North Han River, and a platoon of the 690.1 Highland Han Army, occupying the foot of the mountain north of The Mountain, forming a favorable offensive posture. On July 13, the Battle of Jincheng was launched, and the 199th Division of the 67th Army of the Left Wing of the Central Army attacked the steep and difficult to travel ShanYan Mountain at an altitude of more than 700 meters, but was stubbornly resisted by the Han 6th Division, although it occupied the middle peak and the east peak, but the west peak of the main peak was not conquered and suffered heavy casualties. At the same time, the right wing 200 division annihilated 1 battalion of the enemy on the Guandaili Heights, and then developed deep along the road to the enemy, occupying Longyuanli and Dongshanli, and cutting off the defenses of the Han 6th Division. After That, Qiu Wei threw himself into the second echelon of the 199th Division and continued to attack, shooting out a first-class combat hero Li Jiafa who sacrificed himself to block the gun hole. By the 14th, the mountain was finally defeated, and the defensive lines of the Han 6th Division and the Han 8th Division were destroyed. The Group continued to develop its offensive, conquering the Nameless Heights and Houdongli south of Highland 602.2. The 200th Division crossed the Jincheng River and captured Itagawan-dong, all of which achieved the offensive mission. After July 18, the Han 7th Division and the Han 11th Division launched a counterattack, and the 67th Army held out its counterattack under strong artillery fire, repelling the enemy one after another, losing only one position in the north mountain of the giant chamber until the truce. In the Jincheng Counterattack, the 67th Army, the MainLyte Group fought four battles, killing and wounding 25,352 prisoners and 10,290 volunteer casualties.

This unit has achieved great success, annihilating more than 80,000 enemies in the Korean battlefield, and is known as the "Capital Division"

In September 1954, the 67th Army was ordered to return home from Korea.

On the Korean battlefield, the 67th Army annihilated a total of 87,847 enemy troops, which was the largest number of enemy fighters among the armies to resist the United States and aid Korea.

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