
He ordered the execution of 4 Japanese spies, burned their belongings overnight, and who knew that a watch had led to the disaster

He ordered the execution of 4 Japanese spies and burned their belongings overnight, who knew that a watch would lead to the killing

The "918 Incident" that shocked China and foreign countries occurred on September 18, 1931, which was a war of aggression deliberately created and launched by Japan in northeast China, and the beginning of the Japanese imperialist war of aggression against China. It also marked the beginning of the world anti-fascist war and opened the prelude to the Eastern Theater of World War II.

On the night of September 18, 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army sent a railway "garrison" to blow up the South Manchuria Railway tracks near Wicker Lake in Shenyang (built by Tsarist Russia and later occupied by the Japanese army), and then planted the stolen goods for the Chinese army. The Japanese army used this as an excuse to shell the northern camp in Shenyang, and the "918 Incident" broke out.

He ordered the execution of 4 Japanese spies, burned their belongings overnight, and who knew that a watch had led to the disaster

In order to wage war against the Chinese army, the Japanese Kwantung Army's shelling of the Shenyang North Camp was not the only excuse, but also the "Nakamura Incident" that occurred in the same year.

So what is the "Nakamura Incident"? Then we must start with a national hero of the Anti-Japanese Resistance.

There were two main figures in the "Nakamura Incident", one was the Japanese officer Kotaro Nakamura, who was killed, and the other was the anti-Japanese hero Guan Yuheng, who ordered the killing of Nakamura Kotaro.

When Guan Yuheng was a teenager, he was a straightforward and upright person, and he had long been determined to defend the land and protect the border, and at the age of 17, he threw himself into the pen. Because he and Zhang Xueliang were in the same window, Guan Yuheng later became Zhang Zuolin's subordinate after he joined the army. He participated in two wars of direct service, and he was not injured in the war, and in the eyes of everyone, he was a "lucky general" in the army.

Later, he followed Zhang Zuolin into the customs and served as the chief of the military affairs department of the Shuaifu in Beijing, and later transferred to the chief of the artillery staff of the Northeast Army, the director of the quartermaster department of the Xing'an Tunken District Office, and the commander of the 3rd Regiment.

He ordered the execution of 4 Japanese spies, burned their belongings overnight, and who knew that a watch had led to the disaster

In June 1931, Lieutenant Kotaro Nakamura, a lieutenant of the Japanese General Staff, came from Taonan to Qiqihar from Taonan to conduct a so-called soil survey in the name of three retinues, "members of the Tokyo Agricultural Society of the Empire of Japan". But in fact, their purpose was to collect military intelligence on the Xing'an Tunken area, and to investigate the situation that the Japanese army might encounter in terms of accommodation, water supply, transportation, etc. when it was ready to cross Manchuria, and to prepare for the Japanese army to occupy.

He ordered the execution of 4 Japanese spies, burned their belongings overnight, and who knew that a watch had led to the disaster

Although Kotaro Nakamura's espionage work went well, he was eventually discovered and captured by the Third Regiment of the Chinese Tun Reclamation Army.

Guan Yuheng was the leader of the Third Regiment, and while investigating whether they were spies or not, he quarreled with the four Nakamura Shotaro and even almost fought. In the midst of the chaos, Kotaro Nakamura's watch was thrown out. At that time, Li Debao, the director of the Third Company, was standing at the door and found that the good watch had fallen to the ground, so he grabbed the watch and left.

Kwan, on the other hand, ordered the secret execution of four Japanese spies along with Nakamura Kotaro, based on the evidence that Nakamura Washitaro was a spy. After the four Japanese spies were killed, Guan Yuheng also ordered his men to burn their bodies and their belongings, and to keep the night's affairs a secret.

He ordered the execution of 4 Japanese spies, burned their belongings overnight, and who knew that a watch had led to the disaster

But who knows that in the end, Li Debao stole the watch and leaked out what happened that night. Using the watch as evidence, the Japanese threatened the Chinese government to hand over Guan Yuheng and ask for an explanation. At that time, Zhang Xueliang sent someone to investigate the matter, and Guan Yuheng was also secretly protected.

The Japanese could not catch him, so they killed his entire family. Guan Yuheng was filled with grief and indignation after he knew it, and he was determined to resist to the end, and he vowed not to expel the Japanese Kou in this life!

Soon after, the Japanese army launched the "918 Incident", and chiang's Kuomintang government accused Guan Yuheng of killing Shotaro Nakamura for causing Sino-Japanese relations to deteriorate. Subsequently, Guan Yuheng was imprisoned and fortunately rescued by patriotic organizations. After his release from prison, Guan Yuheng defected to Zhang Xueliang and served as a liaison staff officer of the Northeast Army and the governor of Hengshan County. Because Zhang Xueliang secretly protected Guan Yuheng that year, guan Yuheng escaped the disaster.

He ordered the execution of 4 Japanese spies, burned their belongings overnight, and who knew that a watch had led to the disaster

After the Xi'an Incident, Guan Yuheng had close contacts with the Communists, secretly supported the underground party, and also protected them.

In 1939, Guan Yuheng was framed by Kuomintang agents and dismissed from his post as county magistrate by the Kuomintang. Later, the underground party took him to the Suide 359th Brigade, where his son was in the 359th Brigade. His son told him that he had joined the Eighth Route Army to fight the Japanese devils. Seeing his son Guan Yuheng was very relieved, and he also instructed: "Good, this is like my little boy, do a good job!" ”。

He ordered the execution of 4 Japanese spies, burned their belongings overnight, and who knew that a watch had led to the disaster

Until, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Guan Yuheng returned to his hometown and served as a deputy to the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and a member of the Ning'an County Committee of At that time, Premier Zhou Enlai called him a "patriotic officer and patriotic democrat." Guan Yuheng said excitedly: "The sunshine of the Communist Party shines on the hearts of the people of all nationalities. ”

He died in 1965 at the age of 68.

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