
Those things that expectant mothers should pay attention to

1. Do not hold back urine. Almost all expectant mothers have frequent urination, do not hold urine because of fear of embarrassment, holding urine will increase the risk of urinary tract infections, threatening the health of the baby and mother. Don't drink less water because of frequent urination, which is also unhealthy.

2. Exercise more. Proper physical activity during pregnancy is good for weight control, reducing the risk of gestational diabetes, helping you better cope with childbirth, and is also very beneficial for postpartum recovery. There are many sports to choose from during pregnancy, such as swimming, walking, yoga, and low-intensity strength training.

3. Dietary safety during pregnancy. Be sure to wash your hands before meals, separate raw and cooked food when preparing food, do not eat raw meat and sashimi, and eat less leftovers.

4. Prevent anemia. Pay attention to a balanced diet, eat more red meat, eat an appropriate amount of iron-rich foods such as animal liver. If you often feel dizzy, palpitations, drowsiness, etc., you should see a doctor in time to see if there is anemia.

Those things that expectant mothers should pay attention to

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