
A generation of brave generals Li Guang committed suicide, and the three lessons are a wake-up call for future generations

A generation of brave generals Li Guang committed suicide, and the three lessons are a wake-up call for future generations

Text: Sun Zhiwen (Columnist for Reading History)

In the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (119 BC), the Fei general Li Guang left a last word: "I fought more than 70 battles with the Xiongnu, and this time I attacked Shan Yu with the great general (Wei Qing), but he sent me to the side. I got lost while marching and missed the fighter, isn't this God playing me?! I'm in my 60s, how can I accept the questioning of a knife and penman! ”

Say goodbye to suicide by swinging a sword.

What does this last word mean?

First, I Li Guang want to participate in the decisive battle of attacking Shan Yu. I am absolutely capable, because I Li Guang fought with the Xiongnu all his life;

Second, I just want to stand in the front line of the attack, it is your great general blind arrangement, and then the heavens will not help me, I am wronged;

Iii. What kind of character am I Li Guang, General Fei! Do you deserve to blame me for a small paperwork? In this way, Li Guang, with a grudge, committed suicide!

I really want to slap him in the face: A body problem, don't you have a little number? If you have the courage to die, you don't dare to face up to your shortcomings! Your so-called last words, which seem pitiful, actually make your shortcomings public, sad.

A generation of brave generals Li Guang committed suicide, and the three lessons are a wake-up call for future generations


You say you fought more than 70 battles against the Huns, and you are qualified and capable of participating in any battle! Do you think you're a cow? Can you tell what is the ability and what is the opportunity given to you by the emperor?

In addition to your li guang's superb martial arts and archery ability to enter the stone, what other outstanding abilities do you have? Fighting for their own bravery, not engaging in formation drills, camping defenses are also very lax. Do you know the harm? The troops are not formed, the control is loose, and they cannot form a good defense in the face of enemy raids, which is easy to cause heavy casualties. The Huns raided this mouth! Your colleague Cheng doesn't know that generals can practice, so why don't you learn? If you don't learn it, will you be able to do that set of General Wei and General Huo Biao? No, you'll die if you're conservative!

As a general, you rushed to lead a hundred people to hunt down and kill three Hun archers, only to be targeted by thousands of Huns. Is it not that the other party is afraid of ambush, can you still come back alive? You left your post without permission, and the other soldiers in the battalion did not know where the Lord would be, and you did not feel a trace of shame? Did the court make you a death squad? You're a general, big brother! Please, do you have a little big picture?

When you were in Right Beiping, the Xiongnu did not dare to fight for several years. It's not that you're tactically high, it's that you're in the city! The Xiongnu can't raid, they don't have heavy weapons to attack the city, they can't hit you, so why stand under the city and be the target of your sharp archer? Do you have the ability to go down and try it? The beating will not kill you.

With your ability, be a leader of the Forbidden Army, then you don't need any battle formations, tactics, you can faithfully protect the emperor. Do you understand why the Emperor once appointed you as Lang Zhongling (in charge of the palace guards, a bit of a bodyguard captain)? He values your force more.

Your ability to lead troops is average, but you can participate in dozens of battles, even in the sixth year of Yuan Guang (129 BC) to lead a single army, which is entirely due to the lack of excellent front generals at that time! Sure enough, the four people went, and the Wei Qing team made a breakthrough.

Have you ever doubted your ability to lead troops? No! The emperor uses you more, you think that you have the opportunity to go out with strong ability, do you have no points for yourself? If you are capable, why haven't you made meritorious deeds? Opening your mouth to be the forward to attack the Xiongnu, can you get a record that will impress the emperor? No!

Ability and the opportunities given by others are not clear, and being labeled as "Li Guang is difficult to seal" should be confused for a lifetime.

A generation of brave generals Li Guang committed suicide, and the three lessons are a wake-up call for future generations


Let's talk about your grievances. In the fourth year of the Yuan Hunt (119 BC), the Decisive Battle of Mobei was fought. General Wei asked you to encircle from the East Road, and you had to strike Shan Yu from the front, but you wanted to disobey the orders of the Great General. Are you crazy? Do you think that you have exhausted your life fighting the Huns and are now appointed as a former general, which is the opportunity for the emperor to see your hard work and merit, ready to give you?

Come on! Use your brain! Hard work is useless. There were many people in this country who had fought against the Huns all their lives. Others don't say it, look at the emperor! Over the years, Zhang Qian sent envoys to the Western Regions, hoping to contact foreign countries to attack the Xiongnu; he also vigorously developed cavalry troops in order to completely suppress the xiongnu's superior cavalry; in order to fight the Xiongnu, he preferred the country's economy to retreat! He suffered all this, for what? Didn't you just hope to defeat the Huns? You hear clearly, it's the result of defeat, not the process of fighting!

You don't understand this, so you mistake hard work for credit, thinking that the general can't see your credit and deliberately suppresses you? So you quit and marched with anger, only to get lost. It's really funny, I misunderstood myself, I have a grudge, I operate randomly, I blame you for him, how can this be.

Thanks to you fighting the Huns for years! Don't you know the importance of a guide in the vast desert? You're a general on the east road, you can't find a reliable guide? Some people say that your guide is dead (military death guide), and you still don't admit that you don't have the ability to lead troops? The guide is your eyes, who can't protect your eyes?

Blame you for him, how can you not complain about yourself alone! Since you want to be a marquis, you should cooperate with the great general as soon as possible, once the package is in place and shan Yu is killed, are you still afraid of the marquis? The opportunity is in front of you, you can't catch it, in the end blame God for not taking care of you, you have wronged something!

A generation of brave generals Li Guang committed suicide, and the three lessons are a wake-up call for future generations


Of course, you are a tendon, and you can't think of this layer! All along, you have been accustomed to your own bad problems - small in heart and eyes, small enough to only care about yourself. So, your idea is right, and those who offend you are damned.

You go out drinking and pass by the Baling Pavilion when you return. There is a night curfew in Baling, and Lieutenant Balingting will not let you enter the city. You identify yourself, and he ignores you as usual. Soon after, the Xiongnu invaded western Liaoning, and the emperor summoned you to defend the right Beiping. You took the opportunity to ask Emperor Wu to send Lieutenant Balingting to go with you. When you get into the army, you kill people.

When it's over, you still have a hard time asking the emperor for your sins, is this a request for sin? What sounds good is called admitting mistakes, and what is not good is called blackmail. Knowing that the emperor entrusted You Beiping to you, the great enemy is present, will you be replaced at this juncture? The emperor did not punish you, for the sake of national stability, lost the car to protect the marshal. You are good, complacent, the emperor cherishes me Li Guang and does not cure me of breaking the law! Dare you say you haven't thought of it that way?

Do you still have a little face, there is nothing in this world that can change your narrow consciousness. General Tangtangfei, your eyes fall on the little people, can your heart be bigger?

Look at Han Anguo! The family was imprisoned, and the jailer Tian Jia did everything in his power. He said, "Don't you overdo it, haven't you heard of a resurgence?" Tian Jia said, "What's the rekindle, I destroyed you with booing!" Afterwards, Han An guoguan was reinstated, and he did not do anything to Tian Jia.

See? That's the heart of the general! What about you? How did Lieutenant Ting insult you, you have to kill? On this one, you can never be a generation of generals, see no, I labeled you as a brave general!

You have been fighting for many years, a few ups and downs, the emperor is still using you, you must feel that you have a very high status, the emperor loves you. You let go of your own heart, you don't know how to be a low-key person, in your eyes except for the emperor is yourself, the great general sent you military orders, even dare to greet and leave without fighting, how blind you are!

The great general is still like this, let alone a document. You're bound to scoff at the little papers. Hello big might! It is no wonder that you, who are above ten thousand people under one person, of course, cannot accept people who do not even have a grade to question. If this is the case, you can not answer the small paperwork, and then write a letter of apology to the emperor as you did in the first place, and why did you commit suicide?

What are you betting on? Your mistake is placed here, can it be rewritten? You are nothing more than afraid that people without identity will know your mistakes, and when others laugh out of their teeth, your old face will have no place to put it. Please, when you killed Lieutenant Ting, your face was long gone.

You either just hate. Heaven forbid, 60 years old you are no longer difficult to build meritorious deeds, this life has no value. Please, the opportunity is in your hands, and you lost your guide justified? Huo went to the disease and traveled thousands of miles across the desert, why didn't he hear that he had lost his guide? You have the courage to commit suicide, why don't you have the courage to face up to your mistakes? If you have the courage to commit suicide, why don't you have the courage to wait for the emperor to judge? A good one commits suicide for the sake of just not seeing, coward.

You walked in a hurry and was irresponsible, and your son Li Dare hated the great general for this, and actually injured him, and was finally shot to death by Huo Fuyi. Unexpectedly, the emperor did not blame Huo for going to the disease. Just like when he protected you, the emperor protected Huo Fuyi, who was being used heavily. If you are here, why bother! Your shortcomings have harmed you and buried your only son, poor one.

Fortunately, I read your story early, and you warned our descendants with your own blood, thank you! Hearing this heartfelt thanks, you can blind your eyes.

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