
This person took 36 steamed buns during the examination and ate them while answering the questions, and Kangxi hand-picked him as a champion after seeing him

Zhuangyuan is the highest honor of ancient readers, and countless readers are angry and strong, but not many people can get this title. Li Pan of the Qing Dynasty was one of them, and he also had a nickname - "Rao Zhuangyuan".

This person took 36 steamed buns during the examination and ate them while answering the questions, and Kangxi hand-picked him as a champion after seeing him

Li Pan, the character Xian Li, the number Laixi, Jiangsu Xuzhou Hubu Mountain people, was born in the Shuxiang family. His grandfather Li Xiangyang was a man of the Ming Dynasty during the Apocalypse, and his father was a tribute during the Hongguang period of the Southern Ming Dynasty. He was talented since childhood, 28 years old into Pan as a doctoral disciple, 36 years old to lift people, to know that at that time many people read a lifetime of books can not lift people, so his age is not too old.

In the thirty-sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, at the age of 43, he took the temple examination. The Qing Dynasty's palace examination was mainly based on the examiner's calligraphy to determine the quality, originally only requiring the formal neatness on the answer sheet, because the middle-aged Kangxi loved calligraphy, so the readers were diligent in practicing calligraphy, which had a great influence on the selection of the title at that time. The examination time of the temple examination is one day, and the examiner is afraid that the candidate's hunger will affect the play, so he agrees to bring some food into the examination room.

This person took 36 steamed buns during the examination and ate them while answering the questions, and Kangxi hand-picked him as a champion after seeing him

Li Pan, who came from a poor family, could not bring exquisite and delicious snacks like the children of the rich family, and could only bring steamed buns, so he carried a bag of steamed buns, a total of 36, and entered the examination room. The examiner and the other candidates were surprised, the examiner did not want him to enter the examination room, but the examination room did not stipulate how much food the candidate should bring, and the examiner had to give up.

At the end of the exam, Li Pan had not yet written the answer sheet, he was not in a hurry, and even took out the steamed bun while eating and answering the questions. After Kangxi finished his administrative work, he came to inspect the situation of the examination and found that only Li Pan was still answering. He was furious and thought that the invigilator was "opening the back door" for Li Pan, ready to go to find trouble. When he saw Li Pan's answer sheet, he was very surprised, Li Pan not only had neat handwriting, but also had a unique view of the Qing Dynasty's officials and other aspects, so he waited for Li Pan to finish the exam to see what this janitor was capable of.

This person took 36 steamed buns during the examination and ate them while answering the questions, and Kangxi hand-picked him as a champion after seeing him

After reading Li Pan's answer sheet, Kangxi was very happy, and appointed him as the new leader and appointed him as a cultivator of the Hanlin Academy.

In the thirty-eighth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Li Pan served as the chief examiner of the Shuntianfu Township Examination, and he insisted on selecting talented people for the imperial court. He was a noble man, did not accept bribes, and was hated and slandered by some people who fell behind. Coupled with the fact that he did not meet the powerful, some people spread rumors that he had cheated for personal gain in the township test, so as to slander him. When the rumor reached Kangxi, he asked these people to take the exam again, and as a result, all of these candidates were in high school, and the rumors were self-defeating.

However, rumors of Li Pan's favoritism and fraud were very loud in the capital, and under the pressure of public opinion, Kangxi exiled Li Pan to Shenyang, and only returned to Xuzhou after 3 years. When Kangxi was on a tour of the south, he wanted to appoint him again, but he had no intention of pursuing a career, and he rejected Kangxi and never became an official again.

This person took 36 steamed buns during the examination and ate them while answering the questions, and Kangxi hand-picked him as a champion after seeing him

After returning to his hometown, Li Pan chanted poems all day long, and wrote his sorrow of not meeting talents and empty ambitions in his poems. For example, "Tobe Mountain Plum Exploration": "Empty mountains have been accompanied by many years, and the unique cold plum accompanies me." The shadow should be idle, and the fragrance is not sunny. With buds and rain without asking, Lu Rui was pitiful to the wind. The paper account was still asleep late at night, and Luo Fu was only in front of a lamp. ”

On the first day of April in the sixth year of Yongzheng, Li Pan died at the age of 74.

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