
The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

In ancient China, the imperial examination was the only way for ancient readers to become an official, and the first name of the imperial examination was "Yuan", the first name of the township examination was "Xie Yuan", the first name of the examination was "Hui yuan", and the first name of the temple examination was "Yuan". As the saying goes, "ten years of cold window no one asks, in one fell swoop to become famous in the world", the title became synonymous with glory and prominence at that time.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

It is reported that since the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, until the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were 592 champions, and many anecdotes occurred in these 592 titles. Here's a look at three of the most bizarre stories in history about the Middle Dimension.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

The first story: "Forty Thousand Two" Yuan- Han Jing of the Ming Dynasty.

In the thirty-eighth year of the Wanli Calendar (1610), when the Gengshu Branch was tested, the Han Jing High School of the Gui'an (present-day Wuxing) clan in Zhejiang Province, but there were three words in front of his hat: forty thousand two.

The reason why the huge amount of forty-two thousand silver and the title of the champion have been equated by people shows that this is a transaction.

Han Jing participated in the exam this year, the examiner Tang Binyin is Han Jing's teacher, the two have a good friendship, in this regard, before the exam, Han Jing's father gave Tang Examiner a check to ask him to take care of his son.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

After collecting money and eliminating disasters for people, after the Tang examiner received the money, he naturally tried his best to dot and Zhang Luo. When the examination paper was completed, Han Jing's paper was not reviewed in the tang examiner's examination group. Examiner Tang went to the various examination groups and looked around for Han's papers. I searched back and forth and found it in the pile of papers that a grading group had proposed to eliminate candidates. Ignoring the discipline of the examination, he not only violated the regulations to transfer Han Jing's papers to his own examination group and judged that the admission was not said, but also went to the main examination and demanded that Han Jing be designated as huiyuan.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

The two confused examiners went so far as to agree to his unreasonable request. At the same time, Tang Examiner was not satisfied, and also actively operated Han Jing into a champion! The skill of The Tang Examiner was not generally big, and this matter was actually done. As a result, Han Jing, who had just reached the age of full standing, became a champion, because he spent more than 40,000 taels of silver before and after, so he was called "40,000 taels".

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

However, people are not as good as heavenly calculations, Han Jing has only been the crown prince for more than a year, and the Tang examiner who vigorously supported him fell out of favor and was quickly dismissed and returned to his hometown. When the patron fell, Han Jing, who had become a secretary at the department level, was naturally implicated, demoted, and sent from the General Office of the Central Government (Hanlin Yuan) to Nanjing to do a spare job. Because of this disgraceful experience, the notorious man soon resigned and went home. Since then, this famous "forty thousand two-dimensional" in history has completely disappeared into the human world.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

The second story: "cheeky" - Pei Siqian of the Tang Dynasty.

Zhongzhuangyuan must first rely on strength, this has nothing to say, there must be a few brushes, ink in the chest, otherwise how can it stand out and become a champion. Secondly, it also depends on a little luck, such as the help of noble people. The so-called seven points rely on strength, and three points rely on luck. Of course, there is another strange leader in Chinese history, not by strength or luck, but by cheeky. He was Emperor Wenzong of Tang's third year, Pei Siqian.

Pei Siqian is not very talented, he is just an ordinary man, but he has a specialty, that is, he is sociable and can seduce people. When he arrived in the capital, he used all kinds of connections and means to quickly fight with Guan Junrong and Qiu Shiliang.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

You must know that Qiu Shiliang is not an ordinary person, he is a famous eunuch during the Tang Dynasty, he belongs to the "regent" in the dynasty, he, killing the second king and the four phases, even the emperor is afraid of three points when he sees him.

Pei Siqian, because he was appreciated by Qiu Shiliang, was very popular in the capital, so during the scientific expedition, he wanted to be a jinshi, so he asked Qiu Shiliang to get a post.

Pei Siqian took the post to the chief examiner Gao Kai and said bluntly that he wanted to be a jinshi. Gao Kai was an upright courtier, and instead of doing so, he had people blow Pei Siqian away.

Pei Siqian put down his harsh words before leaving: "This year you will not give me a jinshi, next time I must be a champion." ”

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

Time passed, and soon another imperial examination came, and Pei Siqian took Qiu Shiliang's recommendation and said to Gao Kai: "Lord Qiu has a letter, and recommends Pei Siqian as a champion." ”

Qiu Shiliang's words were even more cattle than the emperor's at that time, and Gao Kai certainly could not refuse, but could only say in a kind voice: "The selection of the champion has been decided, and the person other than the champion can be selected by the Emperor Qiu." Pei Siqian said cheekily, "You must be a champion!" ”

In desperation, Gao Kai could only agree to take Pei Siqian as the champion, and Pei Siqian was satisfied and left.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

After Pei Zhongzhuangyuan, he traveled around to prostitutes, wrote poems to boast, and was full of energy. The Quan Tang Poems save his poem "and the first Hou Su Ping Kang Li": the silver cylinder obliquely backs to xie Ming, and whispers to he Yulang. Since then, I don't know that Lan Musk is expensive, and I have come to the new guizhi incense at night.

He went to ask for a meritorious name, and he did not want a title, and the thickness of this king's face was unmatched among the champions.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

The third story: "Steamed Buns" - Li Pan of the Qing Dynasty.

As we all know, the ancient imperial examination is very cruel, generally a test is several days, and eating and drinking Lasa must be carried out in the examination room, so before the examination candidates should prepare enough dry food for themselves, so as not to starve.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a scholar named Li Pan, whose family was not well-off, but he was tall, especially able to eat, and had a large amount of food. When he took the imperial examination this year, in order not to be hungry in the examination room, he prepared more than thirty steamed buns, packed a marijuana bag and carried it into the examination room.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

Li Pan not only had a large amount of food, but also wrote slowly, and when the examiner came to collect the papers at the end of the examination, Li Pan's article was only half written, and he cried out to the examiner in a hurry: The examiner listened to him say pitifully, and saw the steamed bun in the sack next to him, so he asked Li Pan to give him a few candles. That night, he picked up the lamp to fight at night, and wrote until late at night, after eating the 36 steamed buns he brought, he handed over the rolls.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

Later, this matter was known to Kangxi, and when he heard that he had brought 36 steamed buns into the examination room, he did not have to sigh: "It is rare that this cold disciple has the heart to serve the country, even if it is to set an example for the readers of the world, the champion of this year is him", so he was appointed as the champion. In this way, Li Pan relied on his thirty-six steamed buns to pave the way for one day.

The three most bizarre stories in history: one by silver, one by skin, and one by steamed buns

At that time, Jiang Chenying, a tanhua who was in the same scientific expedition as him, was very depressed, and originally belonged to him according to the reason, but the result was that Li Panyin was mistakenly taken away, so he wrote a poem to tease Li Pan: "Looking forward to Pengcheng County, the name is high into the soil department." The appearance is good, and the knife and pen are like Xiao He. Kinoshita still has children, and the worm side is also out. Generally difficult to learn, thirty-six feasts", since then, Li Pan's title of "Steamed Bun Zhuangyuan" has spread throughout the country.

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