
He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Eighth Route Army was full of talented people. Many people have been promoted from ordinary soldiers to regimental commanders, company commanders and even generals by their own efforts. Among these people, there is a small attendant who grows up under the guidance of Xu Shiyou. In the end, he actually became Xu Shiyou's boss. He is Chen Haisong, Xu Shiyou's former attendant.

As we all know, in the official arena or political circles, the most taboo is to cross the level. Throughout the ages, many people with lofty ideals have been jealous of their superiors, so they have not been able to get the opportunity to come forward. There are even some people who have to die depressed because they are full of ambition. However, such a statement does not exist in the ranks of the Communist Party.

He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

Full of patriotic feelings, Chen Haisong began to devote himself to the revolution at the age of 16

In 1914, Chen Haisong was born in Xuanhuadian, Luoshan, Henan Province, in a small place called Chen Wa Village. Because of poverty, the family can only survive by farming. When she was young, her mother died because she had no money to treat her illness.

Such a painful experience made Chen Haisong feel unwilling, and he was not willing to live like an ant all his life. He wanted to do something to change all this, to change his destiny.

Until he was 16 years old, the revolutionary spring breeze blew to his hometown. After the establishment of the local peasant association and the Red Guards, Chen Haisong, who was only sixteen years old, joined the children's group at the call of the party. Because of his young and heroic age, coupled with his great cleverness, he was soon elected as the leader of the regiment. Since then, Chen Haisong has led a group of children to actively carry out various tasks.

He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

Seeing that Chen Haisong was becoming more and more concerned about revolutionary work, his father began to worry. He was worried that his children would later follow the Red Army in order to join the revolution, and that their children would eventually lose their lives because of the war.

So, Chen Haisong's father came up with an idea. Hurry up and book a family affair for his son, so as to tie him up and let him stay in his hometown forever. It was just that he did not expect that at this moment, Chen Haisong only wanted to follow the Red Army team to the front to participate in the revolutionary battle, and he had no intention of the marriage arranged by his father.

Therefore, when the Red Army team passed by Chen Jiawa, he immediately threw away the hoe in his hand and chose to follow the Red Army away. From then on, he began a life of struggle for the cause of the revolution.

He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

Not long after entering the army, Chen Haisong was assigned to Xu Shiyou's side as a service soldier because of his cleverness and cleverness. For this well-known Red Army fierce general, Chen Haisong had more or less heard of it. Therefore, he cherished the opportunity to follow General Xu Shiyou.

When he first arrived at Xu Shiyou's regiment, Chen Haisong had always performed very well. Usually very diligent and fast, doing things is also very organized, not at all like a teenager.

It is precisely because of his performance that he has a heart of pity for talents. He felt that Chen Haisong was a good seedling who fought as a soldier. As long as you cultivate well, you will be able to become a real warrior.

He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

To this end, no matter where he went, Xu Shiyou would always take Chen Haisong with him and teach him carefully. And Xu Shiyou's attention to Chen Haisong is also in his eyes, and he is very grateful in his heart. It is also because of this gratitude that whenever he encounters a moment to fight on the front line, he will show great heroism.

He hoped to use his performance to prove to General Xu Shiyou that his vision was not wrong, and he could become a good soldier.

Since joining the army, Chen Haisong has been very brave. Not only is he invincible on the battlefield, but he will also do his part in the face of things that give advice. With this effort, Chen Haisong went all the way from a service officer to a platoon leader in a combat company. In the spring of 1931, Chen Haisong was wounded in battle and had to stay in his local hometown for temporary recuperation.

He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

The ups and downs of the revolutionary career

Before this, Chen Haisong finally had some achievements with his years of hard work. However, at a young age, he did not know that when he returned to the team after recovering from injury this time, he almost took his own life.

When he returned to the army, he was immediately transferred to the municipal political department as a propaganda captain. Not long after, he was transferred to the third battalion as a political commissar.

Later, because the regimental political commissar was framed by Zhang Guotao, Chen Haisong was inexplicably arrested and imprisoned, becoming another revolutionary general who was pulled down in Zhang Guotao's anti-rebellion movement.

He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

Later, it was only with the guaranteed assistance of Yu Tianyun and Xu Xiangqian that Chen Haisong was able to get out of the tiger's mouth. However, in the absence of conclusive evidence of his innocence, the Political Department did not agree to reinstate him as a party member.

This change made Chen Haisong become an ordinary soldier again from the regimental political commissar.

Although he has experienced great ups and downs in the revolutionary cause, Chen Haisong's enthusiasm for revolution has never cooled.

With his own efforts, he once again went from an ordinary soldier to a company propaganda captain, and later promoted to the head of the propaganda team of the regimental political department. Later, he was selected by the organization for his outstanding performance and transferred to the machine gun company as an instructor.

He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

Because of his good memory, Chen Haisong remembered the names of all the soldiers not long after he arrived in office. It is also because of his carefulness that he has successfully won the favor of many soldiers.

Although Chen Haisong was not very old when he was serving as a company instructor, because of his vivid and vivid lectures and clear thinking, many soldiers liked to listen to his lectures.

Even the stinky machine gun company commander was willing to work with him. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Haisong learned a lot from the company commander about the skills of shooting guns. This laid a solid foundation for him to go to the front line again to kill the enemy in the future.

He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

Seeing each other again, Chen became Xu's immediate superior

In 1933, the organization sent Chen Haisong to the 25th Division headquarters as the political commissar of the division. At this time, Xu Shiyou happened to be the commander and deputy commander of the 25th Division. For this new political commissar who had never met before, Xu Shiyou had always been very curious. Even when others told him that the name of the new political commissar was Chen Haisong, Xu Shiyou did not remember who it was.

When the two finally met, Xu Shiyou was stunned at first, and then laughed.

He patted Chen Haisong's shoulder and said kindly, "Isn't this the same service soldier who was with me back then!" I really didn't look at the wrong person, at your rate, I will soon become my leader. Xu Shiyou himself did not expect that his original joke would soon become a reality.

He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

In October 1933, Chiang Kai-shek ordered his subordinate Liu Xiang to be the "Commander of the Bandits" and assigned him to suppress the Red Army in Sichuan. In the face of the menacing situation of Chiang Kai-shek and others, Chen Haisong and Xu Shiyou actively responded to the battle, but because of the large number of enemy troops, Xu Shiyou had to consult with Chen Haisong to change the mode of combat.

Instead of taking a head-on confrontation, they opted for more ingenious quick battles, skilful battles, and sparrow battles to maneuver with the enemy. Clever tactics coupled with Chen Haisong's strong political work, in the end, they achieved very impressive results of the battle at a very small cost.

He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

In addition, we have to commend Chen Haisong's performance in the campaign. When the battle took place, Chen Haisong first called on all commanders and fighters to bravely face the enemy, and later rushed to the front line of the battle. Because of his move, he successfully boosted the morale of the soldiers and accelerated the victory of the battle.

After this battle, the fighters finally successfully defended the base area and shattered Chiang Kai-shek's delusion of "clearing and suppressing the base area for three months." Because of his excellent performance in the battle, Chen Haisong was promoted to political commissar of the Red Ninth Army.

Chen Haisong, who is only 20 years old, has really become Xu Shiyou's boss! This is not only Xu Shiyou, even Chen Haisong himself did not expect that in just 4 years, he actually changed from Xu's service soldier to Xu's top boss.

He was originally Xu Shiyou's service soldier, and 4 years later Xu became a deputy commander, and he became Xu's immediate superior

In October 1936, more than 20,000 soldiers organized by the Red 30th Army, the Fifth Army and the Ninth Army formed the Western Route Army and marched all the way to the Hexi Corridor. At the behest of their superiors, they were prepared to carry out the task of opening up Xinjiang.

However, they did not expect that at this time, the enemy had gathered more than 100,000 troops and was ready to launch encirclement and suppression against them. After a series of bitter battles, the entire team suffered heavy casualties.

In order to preserve the revolutionary forces as much as possible, when the people were surrounded and suppressed in the area of Liyuan Fort, Chen Haisong did not hesitate to lead the Red Ninth Army to cover the withdrawal of the main forces. It was also in this battle that Chen Haisong was heroically sacrificed by eight bullets.

At this time, he is only 23 years old, which makes people how not to feel heartache, how not to regret!

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