
Susan Miller_ Horoscope of December 25, 2021


You may see encouraging signs that you are one step closer to your hopes and dreams today. The passionate Pluto meets the feeling-oriented Venus at the top of your chart, boosting your reputation and illuminating your most expensive ambitions. Your income may increase, or you may have an idea to make money. Today your boss or someone who can make a positive impact on your daily life may receive exciting news.


Today, when your guardian star Venus meets the mighty Pluto in the freedom-loving region of your astrolabe, there's a magical feeling in the air. You may have the confidence to make decisions that warm your heart and please your loved ones. Travel plans will take center stage, and romances with overseas lovers may blossom. It was a time of passion, warmth and love full of hope and optimism. It will be a fulfilling and unforgettable Christmas.


Emotions may be at their peak today, which makes you resonate deeply with your loved ones. Romantic Venus and the transformative Pluto join forces this Christmas, and their mysterious, powerful energies illuminate a deep area of your astrolabe. Partnerships at all levels will energize you and remind you of what it feels like to be loved. The money you share with your partner — mortgage, possessions or business — can also be a source of excitement today.


Love and relationships will blossom this Christmas. Romantic, harmonious Venus will now meet the warm, passionate Pluto in your partner's palace. A golden opportunity to build bridges and heal the past may come, and some close people will very much want to know that you are their first choice. If you've been dating someone for a while, you might decide it's time to take your love a step further, or if you're single and looking for the right person, you might hear a message that warms your heart today.


Today you may have the energy and passion to make your dreams come true. The harmonious Venus and the dramatic Pluto are now meeting in your blissful zone, which should infuse you with confidence and passion. This time can be done or said about something you've been procrastinating on because you might give the impression of eloquence and kindness. Even outspoken friends and relatives will be impressed by your style. Your persuasiveness should be good because they come from within you and your loved one will understand that.


Today you may be in a highly creative and carefree state of mind. Art Venus now meets the mighty Pluto, reminding you of what matters most. You will feel very playful and imaginative, entertained and enjoyed and may prove pleasantly satisfied. You might throw caution out of the clouds and enjoy life, and you might even be inclined to say yes to new experiences and relationships that surprise you.


Your family life palace today received some shining planetary magic. The love planet Venus meets the mighty Pluto, which could mean a particularly memorable Christmas. Passion can be high, which helps you connect with people you haven't seen in a long time, and if you entertain someone at home, Venus will help you become the perfect host. Love is definitely about the stars, so you might read exciting messages from someone who means the whole world to you.


Today, you definitely know how to touch the hearts of your loved ones. Venus and Pluto will help you in your communication zone, and your words will be more powerful than usual. A challenging friend or relative may be emotionally open to you, which may be surprisingly moving and may herald the beginning of a more open relationship. If you're hoping to meet someone, you should express yourself more passionately, which may attract an unusual person into your orbit.


It will be a day full of passion and joy. Happy Venus and transformed Pluto meet today in your second house of wealth. This means that you will have a great time with your loved one, and Christmas gifts can be very extravagant or enjoyable. Venus is at the center of today's show, and you may be tempted to overindulge food and drink and be a little overly generous with extravagant gifts. Happy energy lifts your spirit and fills you with hope for the new year.


It can be very romantic today. The passionate Pluto and the lovely Venus now meet in Capricorn, which is a beautiful sign. You may meet someone who impresses you or feels very close to someone you love. On the social side, it can be a stressful time with high emotions, but even tricky relationships can blossom. Feelings of joy, contentment, and joy may affect your memories today in years to come.


You may feel that there is a guardian angel guarding you today. Venus and Pluto have a powerful encounter in the mental region of your astrolabe that may make you feel that today's events are somehow predestined. You may be dealing with some challenging thoughts or emotions and may feel like you've finally found a solution. A faint, bright sense of well-being may bubble up from anywhere, reminding you that life is good.


It looks like it will be a very social and lively day. The harmonious Venus and the intense Pluto meet in your friend zone today, which means that the new friends you meet now will have an uplifting impact on your life. You'll also feel more comfortable with the people closest to you, and your insight and good advice will surprise you. Whether you're thinking of a quiet Christmas or binge into the wee hours of the morning, the planets seem to be cheering you on the sidelines.

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