
Christopher_Horoscope for December 25, 2021

Aries: The saturn/Uranus quadrustic phase marks a pivotal moment in history to change direction. It's not easy to know if you're at the front or back of the line.

Taurus: Situations that used to haunt you suddenly become meaningful. You can see the throughline and draw your own route from here.

Gemini: Just as you're gathering courage, things change. Don't give up. Setbacks create a different kind of progress.

Cancer: Let everyone run around like a chicken. You know the sky isn't going to fall. As long as there is time, things will be fine.

Leo: You're glad something's out of control. This means that upset parties will have to shift the blame elsewhere.

Virgo: When your boss finally admits he made a mistake, you'll be just as surprised as everyone else. You don't like to force someone to solve a problem, but someone has to do it.

Libra: The quadruplic phase of Uranus/Saturn is like the swing of a pendulum. Take one path and you'll go back to another. Whatever the change is, believe it's the right time.

Scorpio: The losing battle you've been fighting ends with today's Saturn/Uranus quadripartition.

Sagittarius: In these uncertain times, the best thing to do is to face what is happening and keep an open mind.

Capricorn: Your career is set to take a major turn. In two weeks, everything will be very different.

Aquarius: During this crucial year, the guardian planets Saturn and Uranus completed their final quintiles. You'll soon discover a whole new area.

Pisces: You learned a long time ago not to fight the tide, but to go with the flow. Others laugh at you for choosing the easy way, but you're not the one who needs to be saved last.

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