
D.H.APP_Horoscope for December 25, 2021


Peace of mind is not something that others can offer you. It's something you have to fight for or choose for yourself. Pisces, if you're struggling with something bothering you, don't go to someone else to fix it. They may be able to give you feedback, opinions, or suggestions, but it's up to you—and you alone—to take action. You can't rely on another person and need something from within. Keep that in mind today.


It's a good day to yearn for the light. It could mean anything from spending time near well-lit rooms and open windows, to reading stories or watching uplifting movies. If you're a little sluggish today, the prescription for treatment is as simple as that – leaning towards the things that make you smile and make your life feel lighter and more carefree. Happiness is sometimes easier to find than we think, Capricorn.


You may have spent so much time lately to work and fight for a good life that you have lost the connection you need with your soul. Aquarius, your ambitions and work ethic are admirable, but you must also set aside time for your dreams and simply hide when needed. If you're afraid of missing out on opportunities or not going fast enough to be successful, remember that success isn't just about how hard you work, it's also about how much you enjoy your experience.


When a person feels stressed, they may imagine themselves lying on a warm beach on a Caribbean island, or some other place they think is equally relaxing. But not everyone can jump on a plane when feeling stressed, jetting to an idyllic destination, away from it all. Most people can't afford such luxuries. If you're feeling anxious right now, Libra, there are other ways to relax. One of these ways may not be relaxing at all, but exhilarating. Try jogging, walking, cycling, or any other way that keeps your blood flowing. This may be what you need right now.


Most of us have more or less seen that in a dance class or performance, a little toddler is doing their own thing while the other little dancers keep pace. The audience laughed continuously, and parents recorded all this with their mobile phones for future generations to reference. That kid, despite missing some steps because they bravely do their own thing, is a star. That's the star you should strive to be today, Scorpio. Do your own thing and don't worry about staying in sync with anyone. You'll be noticed in a good way.


If you trust someone – in a friendship or relationship – then other things in the relationship will be much easier. When trust exists, you know you can rely on that person and they won't share your secrets. You also know — it's a big problem — that they're there for you when you need them, no matter what. Sagittarius, there may be a lack of this element in one of your important relationships right now – whether it's your side or the other side' side. But this can be straightened out through candid conversations, which will show you exactly where you are. You need to start it.


An argument goes on all the time and has had a negative impact on you. Tricky, though, this may not even be your argument. You are on the periphery of what is happening, but it is penetrating into your peace of mind and your harmony with the world around you. Whether the argument is between friends or family, or even at work, you need to physically and emotionally distance yourself from it. If you do, it can't affect you. If you don't follow it, it won't exist.


You are diligent and motivated. You can work very well independently. In fact, it's usually the way you like it. But there are times when you need to involve others in your pursuits. It's not just because you need help, but also because you need another person's personality to bring balance to your efforts. Even more, you need to hear outside voices and offer opinions and insights into what you're doing. Try it today.


In your world, there is someone who makes you shiver, and not in a good way. As long as this person is involved in one of your jobs, it will bring a lot of anxiety. Even so, Virgo, you continue to include this person. Whether it's a social relationship or something to do with your career, you can choose to avoid such a polarized personality. It can take time to rearrange anything you do, and it can be done.


For many people, listening is much harder than talking. Speaking gives you the opportunity to vent, share what you need to share, and make points that are important to you. But listening forces you to absorb everything from others. However, Taurus, listening has a lot of power. You'll have an advantage because you'll have a better understanding of certain situations and you'll be ahead of the curve in forming a relationship of trust. Listen carefully today. There are some things you need to hear.


If you have a headache, you can usually take painkillers, and in about 20 minutes, your headache will most likely go away. Emotional pain, though, is much more complex and hard to get rid of. Or at least that's what it looks like. If you're feeling a little "uncomfortable" emotionally right now, Gemini, the solution may be as simple as talking about it. If there's no one you can trust to talk to, speak up to yourself. Hearing your own words may be exactly the ointment you need to move on and feel better.


Aries, the friendship you are building now has the potential to develop even more. But the funniest thing is that you may not even think of it as a blossoming friendship. It may seem much more casual than that. It might just look like you're chatting with a friendly guy you see often – like someone you meet behind a coffee shop counter or while walking with a dog. Please pay more attention to this. There's something there. And, whether it develops into love or whatever, it's worth paying attention to.

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