
Lauren_Horoscope for December 25-31, 2021


There may have been some things you could have done better in the past. Maybe there's a better way to go. Maybe there are those things you even regret, or would rather not do. But with Venus retrograde and Pluto this weekend, you have a chance to put all these regrets behind you and rewrite the script. Maybe even have the opportunity to start over in the right way. But through venus retrospective footage, we can also more fully appreciate all the decisions and choices you've made over the years, and the twists and turns of fate that brought you to this place and time. Now that Jupiter has entered Pisces, we begin to realize one thing about how our own destiny is intertwined with the lives of others. Martin Luther King Jr. once said. We are all trapped in an inescapable network of interdependence, and fate binds us together. Anything that directly affects one person will indirectly affect everyone. Jupiter is our teacher. When he enters Pisces this week, he asks you to recognize this inner connection to all life and therefore find healing in some extraordinary way.


Retrograde Venus returns to the same level as Pluto, caught up in its inevitable scrolls of desires, fates, infatuations, and survival. This seems inevitable. Venus/Pluto is saying, "Look here, look here!" "Because you find that your attention is drawn to a universal topic or idea and rules everything else out. For some, this is necessary and cannot be ignored. But combined with your main focus are past longings, memories, and ghosts that reappear with all the helpless regrets, desires, and worries. The past goes on, even when you're struggling to figure out what was left of the past, and all the lingering hopes and desires. Allow all these visitors to pass. They're showing you something important. But they also remind you that, at some point, your life will no longer be exactly the same. You are standing on the threshold of the upcoming new year, where you will ask such questions. Who am I? How exactly do I adapt to this new model?


This week Mercury will join the Venus/Pluto conjunction. When it does, you may feel like you're being sucked into some kind of intense vortex from which you can't escape. If you're looking to unravel a mystery or research a project, or get a better understanding of the situation, this could be good weather. Your mind is really organized and focused. But you may also find yourself so deluded or obsessed with one particular idea that you rule everything else out. And the urgency of these thoughts on you can lead you down the rabbit hole of distraction. Sometimes we need to explore these mazes in our heads. However, when Mercury is in Capricorn, Gemini is asked to pay attention to their commitments and obligations, which require certain classification and prioritization. Finally, as you analyze these last days of 2021, you'll want to ask yourself where and how you most want to put your precious time and resources into before moving into 2022.


In this kind of weather, it's hard not to be noticed, Venus retrograde, tied to Pluto. We're all sorting through the remnants of our lives, and the two planets are doing some serious diversion work. But with 4 planets in the pragmatic Capricorn, you're asked to take a step back and look at your choices critically. For Capricorn, it's not so much abundance and scale as quality, reliability, endurance and sustainability. And it may not be what we want, but what we need right now. This may allow us to make some tough choices at the last minute. As Jupiter moves into Pisces this week, it will also illuminate Cancer. As a result of what you have discovered and learned in the past year, you will be filled with the desire to learn more. As a result, you will no longer see the world in the same way. Because as Jupiter moves into Pisces, so does your perspective, allowing you to look at things from a higher, more altruistic perspective.


At the start of the week, whatever doubts you carry, it will soon be replaced by hope and optimism about the future, as the sun is about to form a trichotomy with the illuminated Uranus next week. The Saturn/Uranus penal phase on the 24th may make you feel a bit of a total loser, as you gradually realize that in some ways, your life will no longer be exactly the same. You are standing on the threshold of the New Year, between the old life and the new life that is coming. When you do, you may find yourself wondering what exactly this would look like for you. Something you used to rely on, maybe even people, may no longer have, and sometimes it may feel like you're blocked or denied every step of entry. At the end of the day, you're struggling to adapt to a new reality. A reality that seems to be changing in the changing. What you're asked to do is evolve and adapt with it. And doing so allows you to redefine yourself, your brand, and your reputation in this new, evolving world.


How can you achieve a certain normal state in a world where you are constantly challenging the status quo and throwing traps along the way to trip up to you? What about ethics and morality? The rules seem to be changing all the time. How can a Virgo person keep up? Luckily, Virgos can adapt. And you're asked to do your own research to adapt to changing circumstances as they keep coming up. This adaptability should be able to benefit you in the coming year. But now you may find yourself a bit hectic, trying to make decisions between what you really want and what you actually need. Perhaps the best solution is to slow down for a moment and blend in with the present. We may be so immersed in the process of doing things that we ignore what has always been in front of us. When Venus is retrograde as it is now, one of the things we realize is the people and things that are really most important to us and how we can best express that.


We're all sorting out our priorities, because now retrograde Venus will be aligned with Pluto for the second time. Now it's time to summon up the courage, because you need to face some of the demons in your heart once and for all and banish them where they came from. One of the things Pluto often does is power and control. And with Venus retrograde, you will face people and things that overwhelm you, and may even become powerless. Realizing this is the first step. The next steps will be about how you can take back your power. At the end of the day, for Libra, it's about taking control of the reins of your own life. But it's not necessary to face the inner and outer demons that hold you back and fill you with fear. What you don't realize is that you're better equipped to turn that fear into strength and perseverance. The tools and means are there, at your disposal. You have this ability, whether you realize it or not. You are much stronger than you think.


You've been spinning in circles for years, maybe trying to get ahead, or at least trying to get a foothold, but it feels like you've been making little progress! The question is how can you get around this circle? The question is how can you get around this obstacle, over this wall, which is blocking your way, preventing you from living your best life and achieving your goals? There may be some obstacles to overcome, and some walls to climb to get everything done. But know that from here, things will start to move forward. But not without a little struggle. Part of this struggle may involve having to break some old patterns, and maybe there will be some glass ceilings in the process, because you're not only redefining yourself, you're also indirectly changing the world. The Saturn/Uranus phase, as we have experienced in the past year, may be a time of extraordinary change in the world. And figuring out your role in this emerging world remains your personal and decisive challenge.


On December 28, Jupiter entered the constellation Pisces. This is especially important for Sagittarius because this is your dominant planet, where Jupiter goes, and where you go. This may make you value things like family and family more. Not only in practical aspects, such as making family improvements. Jupiter is expansive, and as it travels in Pisces, as it does over the next 5 months, you'll consider making these parts of your life more stable, securing your roots, and the foundation of your life. Create a community and maybe even build a stronger base of operations. This is important to many of you because whatever vision you've been working on over the past few years, you're about to get ready to launch. And the deeper the roots, the wider the branches.


Capricorns usually don't like things to change. They prefer to keep things, familiar, clean, and simple. No unnecessary embellishments or surprises. Capricorns prefer quality, reliability and sustainability. This applies to their relationship as well as their property. Their goal is a simple and cluttered life with few surprises. Over the past year, however, Capricorn's inner hippies have gradually emerged, trying to perform their first performance. But not without a little conflict. Should you stay on something you already know and are familiar with? Or should you dare to take risks, dare to say, and make some creative changes in your life? Maybe in a new direction, or in a way that will give you greater growth and possibilities? Whether that means digging out old lava lamps or adding some curated crystals to your collection, it's time to clean up the garden of your life while also laying your priorities in order. Maybe you even have a chance to find yourself in the process. The benefits that some of the choice changes can bring are staggering.


In a world that seems to be constantly changing, trying to keep up with the times while figuring out your role in this evolving world can be a little frustrating. Sometimes it feels like you don't even know what the rules are anymore. It's crazy that you're not only adapting to changes in the outside world, but you're also in the process of reacquainting yourself. Because whatever you ultimately decide, it's important that whatever path you end up taking, or what decisions you make, they need to be right for you. It's not that someone has to tell you what you should do, or what you can do, but something that works for you. You've been redefining your role for the past year, and sometimes the answer isn't as clear. As a result, you may even be forced to blaze your own trail in your own time, in your own unique way. And that's always the harder road.


On December 28, Jupiter returned to its sign, Pisces. Jupiter represents our big vision and hope for the future, and when it enters your sign as it does now, it also ushers in a new 12-year cycle of growth and understanding. When Jupiter travels in your sign, it often brings a dose of optimism that encourages you to seize opportunities, expand your horizons, and perhaps even exceed your own previous expectations of yourself. Jupiter requires you to think in terms of potential. Jupiter is your guide and advisor, and it's normal to feel more confident when you have a personal guide holding your hand. So dare to expand your horizons and dreams by simply taking your life beyond your current boundaries. The seeds you sow now and in the coming months will bear fruit in the next 9 years. So plant the seeds that you want to see bear fruit. Pisces will encounter some interesting things.

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