
Men hate your 3 signs, account for one of them don't hold on any longer!

Milan Kunde said:

"Meeting is a matter of two people, but leaving is a decision of one person."

Indeed, much love is useless, love is only useful if it goes in both directions.

However, there are some people in life who will go to great lengths to find a suitable excuse before leaving, ostensibly for the good of the other party, but in fact it is an excuse that they have planned for a long time.

Excuse yourself from infidelity, excuse moral approval, and excuse yourself from the fact that you have already denied the other party.

It is said that love is selfish, but sometimes compared with human nature, it is no more than one ten thousandth of human nature.

All departures have been planned for a long time.

Here are 3 signs that men hate you, account for one don't hold on anymore!

Men hate your 3 signs, account for one of them don't hold on any longer!

Nothing is said to you

Liu Zhenyun said in "One Sentence Top 10,000 Sentences":

"One person's loneliness is not loneliness, one person looks for another person, one sentence finds another sentence, is the real loneliness." 」


In the relationship, the most regrettable thing is that one has feelings, one is unintentional, one is desperately trying to find a topic to maintain the relationship between two people, and the other is not salty and indifferent, and loves to answer.

A while ago, I saw such a question on the Internet:

"What instant made you suddenly die to a person?"

There is an answer at the bottom that is heart-wrenching and realistic:

"Death of the heart is never a matter of an instant, but in countless days without words, little by little, it is worn away; it is hurt in every perfunctory way of loving answers."

You see, all the estrangement of feelings is actually traceable.

It starts when he stops sharing his daily routine with you and doesn't share his work with you.

After he returns home from work, he will no longer take the initiative to find a topic to chat with you, but habitually hold the mobile phone and watch short videos;

I'd even rather chat with someone across a screen than with you.

Men hate your 3 signs, account for one of them don't hold on any longer!

Pick your fault at every turn

Yishu said:

"When a man doesn't love you, what you do is wrong, your crying is wrong, silence is wrong, living and breathing is wrong, even dying is wrong." 」

In the movie "Heartbeat", Bryce initially hates Julie and the rustic atmosphere of this country girl.

Including her small eyes, irregular teeth, messy hair and freckles of adolescence;

Even the eggs she sent seemed to smell earthy.

But later, he found the shining points on Julie's body and fell in love with her;

She was the only one in his eyes again, the one who was as beautiful as a rainbow.

So, did you find that?

In the eyes of the person who loves you, even if you blow your nose, he will think that you are very elegant;

In the eyes of people who don't love you, it's a mistake that you can even breathe.

It is true that love is realistic most of the time.

In a relationship, when the person you love starts to pick your mistakes frequently, feels that you are not doing well, that is not doing the right thing;

You should stop wronging yourself and get used to him.

There are more men in this world, and without him you can meet someone better than him.

Men hate your 3 signs, account for one of them don't hold on any longer!

Cold violence against you

In the book "Cold Violence", there is a sentence that reads like this:

"Cold violence again and again is like a dagger that pierces people's hearts."

Indeed, cold violence is the most cruel thing in a relationship; silent, but it makes people suffer.

In the face of your hysterical questioning, he does not say a word;

In the face of your crying and weeping, he turned a deaf ear;

He is indifferent when you need care and comfort the most.

This attitude he has towards you has plunged you into extreme self-doubt;

You start to deny yourself, you start to doubt yourself, it must be that you are not good enough, he will do this to you.

But the truth is, you're not wrong about all this, he just doesn't love you anymore.

So, when a man starts to inflict cold violence on you, you should stop the loss in time.

You're good and well worth it, and he's not worth it.

It is not worth your redemption, and it is not worth your continued consumption of your youth for him.

In the "Sex Self-Study Room", it is said:

"Sometimes, the people we like don't like us, it's really painful, cute is not the stars and the moon or what a big scene, love is accidental luck, there are more than 7 billion people on the earth, there are always someone climbing the moon for you." 」

You have to believe that you will always have lucky times, that there will always be people who come because of you, and that you love you only because you are you.

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