
When the liver is depressed, what are the symptoms of the body? These 4 symptoms should be adjusted in time

The liver has the function of draining, which can decompose and metabolize some metabolites in the body and foreign toxins. However, the liver is also susceptible to irritation, which can lead to impaired drainage.

For example, long-term bad mood or suffering from excessive mental stimulation, as well as long-term suffering from some chronic diseases, will cause the liver's drainage function to be impaired, resulting in liver qi depression.

When the liver is depressed, what are the symptoms of the body? These 4 symptoms should be adjusted in time

Once the liver qi is depressed, it will cause people to have various discomforts. If not treated early, not only will liver function decline, but it will also affect overall health. Therefore, for people who find symptoms of liver qi depression, it is necessary to treat and regulate as soon as possible.

However, many people do not know what specific symptoms the body will have when the liver qi is depressed. In response to this problem, the following, for everyone to do a detailed introduction, I hope to cause such people to be highly vigilant.

What are the symptoms of the body when the liver is depressed?

When the liver is depressed, what are the symptoms of the body? These 4 symptoms should be adjusted in time

1. Emotional and sleep abnormalities

Whether it is a man or a woman, once the liver is depressed, there will be a change in mood. The emotions of such people are difficult to control, and there are often very obvious negative emotions such as anxiety, nervousness, depression, and sadness. And it will cause emotional loss of control because of very small things stimulating, such as the phenomenon of emotional irritability and irritability.

When these undesirable emotions occur, the patient's sleep will be affected, resulting in insomnia, or difficulty entering a state of deep sleep and dreaminess. During the day, there will be a lack of energy, physical weakness and other phenomena.

When the liver is depressed, what are the symptoms of the body? These 4 symptoms should be adjusted in time

Second, it is easy to have skin problems

Especially for some women with depressed liver qi, it is easy to have some skin problems in their daily lives. Due to the decline in liver drainage function of people with depressed liver qi, a large number of toxins accumulate in the body, and these toxins will enter the skin system with blood circulation, making people particularly prone to long spots and skin wilting, dullness and dullness. There are also many people who have acne on their skin and are prone to oil.

When the liver is depressed, what are the symptoms of the body? These 4 symptoms should be adjusted in time

3. Gastrointestinal symptoms

The liver can secrete bile, which has the effect of helping to digest food. Once the liver qi is depressed and cannot secrete bile normally, it will affect the digestive function. Moreover, it will affect the transport function of the spleen and stomach, so that the patient will have a series of digestive tract symptoms.

Patients may experience rapid loss of appetite, or abdominal distention and indigestion after eating. Many patients will continue to burp repeatedly after eating.

When the liver is depressed, what are the symptoms of the body? These 4 symptoms should be adjusted in time

Fourth, repeated menstrual irregularities

For women, hepatic depression can affect the normal endocrine system, causing abnormal hormone secretion in the body. Normal growth and shedding of the endometrium can cause problems, which will affect menstruation, resulting in changes in menstrual volume and menstrual cycle.

And during menstruation, there will generally be more obvious dysmenorrhea. In their daily lives, such women are often accompanied by swelling and pain in the breast area or problems with breast nodules.

When the liver is depressed, what are the symptoms of the body? These 4 symptoms should be adjusted in time

For people who have hepatic qi depression, the above four symptoms of different degrees will be repeated in daily life. In addition, many patients will show a series of abnormal manifestations such as dry eyes, frequent headaches, and dry mouth.

When these symptoms appear, patients must pay attention to adjusting their emotions, and ensure adequate sleep every day, and should also eat more fruits, vegetables and other foods;

Add more water, increase a certain amount of aerobic exercise every day, if these symptoms persist, you need to take some drugs under the guidance of a doctor for conditioning, in order to maximize the elimination of the phenomenon of liver qi depression.

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