
How to regulate menstrual irregularities after childbirth? 3 medicinal foods make the complexion better!

Postpartum menstrual irregularities, less menstrual volume, so that many new mothers feel worried and afraid, so what to do about menstrual irregularities? How do I condition it?

How to regulate menstrual irregularities after childbirth? 3 medicinal foods make the complexion better!

What causes postpartum menstrual irregularities?

1. Endocrine disorders

Most of them are caused by neuroendocrine dysfunction, and other organic lesions and drugs can also cause abnormal menstrual patterns in women. Abnormal thyroid and adrenal gland function, inflammation of the reproductive organs, malnutrition, etc. can lead to abnormal menstrual cycles.

2. Breastfeeding

The menstrual period after childbirth has a certain relationship with whether to breastfeed after childbirth, the length of breastfeeding time, the age of the mother and the ability to restore ovarian function, and is not directly related to caesarean section. The recovery of postpartum menstruation also varies greatly from individual to individual. After giving birth, the recovery of menstruation and the timing of ovulation are affected by breastfeeding.

3. The body is overworked

Women after childbirth, the body is weak, and to take care of the baby, the body may feel very tired, women after childbirth overwork menstruation will also occur irregular situation.

How to regulate menstrual irregularities after childbirth? 3 medicinal foods make the complexion better!

How to regulate postpartum menstrual disorders?

1. Eat more foods containing iron

When menstruation comes after childbirth, menstruation will be more, and women are prone to anemia, so such women must supplement more iron foods, so as to avoid iron deficiency anemia.

2. Go to the hospital for examination in time

If the amount of menstrual blood continues to increase during postpartum menstrual cramps, or if there is a lot of bleeding, you should go to the hospital in time for examination to prevent the occurrence of disease.

3, life is regular

Women should try to avoid staying up late or overly tired at work during their usual or menstrual periods, and must have enough time to rest, because it is important to have enough sleep time. In addition, the bad habits of daily life must be changed, especially women who have smoking and drinking habits.

4. Emotional optimism

During menstruation, women should keep their mood stable and do not be stimulated or affected by adverse factors, resulting in greater mood fluctuations.

5. Do not suffer from cold

Women must pay attention to the warmth of the body when menstruation is coming, do not let the body suffer from cold, and do not touch cold water when menstruation is coming.

How to regulate menstrual irregularities after childbirth? 3 medicinal foods make the complexion better!

What is good to eat after postpartum menstrual disorders?

Motherwort porridge


Motherwort 10 g, ginger 10 g, honey 10 g, japonica rice 100 g.


Motherwort and ginger are fried in water and set aside; when the porridge is cooked, pour in the motherwort ginger soup, simmer for a while, and add honey.

Directions: Take warmly, 2 times daily.

Effect: Nourish yin, nourish blood, regulate menstruation, eliminate stasis. It is suitable for women with menstrual irregularities, functional uterine bleeding, postpartum blood halo, lochia impurity, congestion and abdominal pain.

How to regulate menstrual irregularities after childbirth? 3 medicinal foods make the complexion better!

Angelica egg soup


10 grams of angelica, 2 eggs, 50 grams of brown sugar.


Bring angelica to a boil in the right amount of water, beat the eggs after the water boils, and add brown sugar after the eggs are cooked.

Usage: Eat eggs and drink soup, take 1 dose after each menstruation.

Effect: Regulate menstrual and tonify blood. Suitable for the conditioning of blood deficiency type menstrual irregularities.

How to regulate menstrual irregularities after childbirth? 3 medicinal foods make the complexion better!

Lamb broth


100 g lamb, 1 piece of ginger.


Cut the ginger into slices, put it in a casserole dish with the lamb, simmer for 2 hours, mix with a little salt, and eat meat and soup after cooking.

Effect: Activates blood circulation. It is used for the conditioning of cold menstrual irregularities.

How to regulate menstrual irregularities after childbirth? 3 medicinal foods make the complexion better!

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