
When Zhuge Liang was dying, Liu Chan asked him a question, and Zhuge Liang found that he had been underestimating him

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the author's description of Zhuge Liang can be said to be a perfect character without shortcomings, but unfortunately he worked too hard to fulfill his wish to restore the Han Dynasty, and after his death, the Shu kingdom was difficult to support for decades, and then was destroyed by the Sima family. The novel also portrays Liu Chan as a monarch with no ambition and fainting ability, which also makes many people think that the demise of the Shu state is Liu Chan's main responsibility. But is that true history?

When Zhuge Liang was dying, Liu Chan asked him a question, and Zhuge Liang found that he had been underestimating him

In fact, there was still a gap between the national strength of the Shu state at that time and the state of Wei, but Zhuge Liang had several consecutive northern expeditions, making the national strength gradually empty, and the state of Shu had always taken the initiative to attack the state of Wei, and the road between them was very far away, and almost every failure was because the front line was too long and the grain and grass supply could not keep up. Every time the State of Wei acted as a defender, it could be said that as long as it quietly waited for the arrival of the State of Shu, in the long run, the strength of the State of Shu itself was reduced. The long war left no men in the Shu state who received grain.

When Zhuge Liang was dying, Liu Chan asked him a question, and Zhuge Liang found that he had been underestimating him

Therefore, the real reason for the demise of the Shu kingdom is actually inseparable from the perennial conquest, and whether Liu Chan is weak or not is not the most important factor, and although Liu Chan is not a real Hero, it is not as bad as said in the novel, at least in his hands, the Shu kingdom still supported for 29 years after Zhuge Liang's death, and it has to be said that with the national strength of the Shu state at that time, Liu Chan could still persist for such a long time, indicating that he was still good at shoucheng.

When Zhuge Liang was dying, Liu Chan asked him a question, and Zhuge Liang found that he had been underestimating him

After ruling the country, let's discuss whether Liu Chan is really weak. Most people think that Liu Chan is weak because of the story of Le bu Si Shu in the play, after the fall of the Shu kingdom, the lord was controlled by Sima Zhao, at this time Liu Chan was just sent to the fence, Sima Zhao asked him when he invited him to ask if he wanted to return to his shu land, Liu Chan drank wine while looking at the dancers, happily said that he was very happy here, not missing his former hometown.

When Zhuge Liang was dying, Liu Chan asked him a question, and Zhuge Liang found that he had been underestimating him

Does this story really show that Liu Chan is weak? In fact, it was not, at that time, his life was still in the hands of others, if he simply said that he missed his hometown, would Sima Zhao let him go back? Obviously, it is impossible, so Liu Chan's answer can be said to be very wise.

When Zhuge Liang was dying, Liu Chan asked him a question, and Zhuge Liang found that he had been underestimating him

Sure enough, Sima Zhao was overjoyed to hear Liu Chan's answer, and made him the Duke of Anle, and Liu Chan eventually became the only one among the monarchs of the Three Kingdoms who could die well. Although it is very sad to be the king of the subjugated country, the trend of the times is not something that you can change on your own, which is also very helpless. When Zhuge Liang was alive, his forces were all over the government and the opposition, although he had no intention of replacing Liu Chan, but it also made Liu Chan very afraid, so Liu Chan relied on Zhuge Liang for everything.

When Zhuge Liang was dying, Liu Chan asked him a question, and Zhuge Liang found that he had been underestimating him

The author believes that what Zhuge Liang has been praising so far is his loyal auxiliary attitude and his excellent personality who has been honest and honest in politics for many years. Looking at the appearance of the young lord who was now not a tool, Zhuge Liang's heart was full of worries, and after arranging the aftermath, the people sent by Liu Chan immediately came forward and asked: "Your Majesty wants to ask The Minister, after the death of the Minister, how will your son arrange it?" Zhuge Liang heard this and understood in his heart that he still underestimated Liu Chan, he was not aspiring to grasp power, but he had always worried about himself, which also made Zhuge Liang very happy, so he said that he left eight hundred mulberry trees for future generations, enough for them to live. Zhuge Liang served the Liu family all his life, and after his death, he only left trees for his descendants, and indeed did his best.

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