
Zeng Guofan: In life, I only do three things

Zeng Guofan: In life, I only do three things

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Of all sentient beings, self-righteous people are the most difficult to cross

In this lifetime, people live in the three realms and exist in the five elements, and they cannot easily jump out of the world and be an outsider who ignores the world.

In this life, we are all falling into the red dust, and the only thing we can do is to live this life well.

Zeng Guofan once said: In life, there are three things that cannot be escaped, one is to deceive oneself, the second is to deceive others, and the third is to be deceived.

In the face of these three things, we should do: dare to face it, do not deceive others, and be kind and sharp.


Don't deceive yourself, face yourself

As the saying goes: iron must be its own. So how do you do it "hard"?

Zeng Guofan told us that the key is to have the courage to face up to our own problems and forge and temper ourselves with the spirit of self-revolution.

Only by first knowing oneself and seeing one's own faults can one not deceive oneself.

Zeng Guofan: In life, I only do three things

Zeng Guofan was enlightened at the age of six, and at the age of twenty-four, he participated in three consecutive examinations before giving him the same jinshi.

After becoming an official, his nature was more exposed, he was lively, his selfish desires were heavy, he was narrow-minded, and his eyes were bound to repay. Such a personality and handling of things made him repeatedly run into walls in the official arena and was ostracized by his colleagues.

Thankfully, he had a qingming teacher, Tang Jian.

Tang Jian admonished him: "When examining the outside, there are only four words: 'neat and serious'; if you stick to the inside, there are only four words: 'The Lord is not suitable'. ”

This means that if you want to become an excellent person, you should not only be top-notch in talent, but also recognize yourself, repair your own virtues, and remove the selfish desires in your bones, so that life can go uphill.

In life, there are always times when it goes downhill. When the road is bumpy, people who want to escape always have countless excuses, and those who want to solve it have only one way to face it.

Face yourself, don't run away, and admit this imperfect self from the heart. Only when we sincerely want to change it will it give us an echo of positive energy.

Zeng Guofan: In life, I only do three things


Don't deceive people, cause and effect are always there

Lin Yutang once said in "Jinghua Smoke and Clouds": "In a person's life, there are some subtle things that have no meaning in themselves, but have great importance. After the incident, looking back at its causal relationship, it is found that its impact is amazing. ”

Deeply believed, people live in the world, and cause and effect are always there in the underworld.

Do not deceive people, deceive others, sooner or later be deceived.

Zeng Guofan gained power in middle age, and his family also became a famous person. The door is large, and there are many right and wrong in the family.

One day, Zeng Guofan received a letter from his uncle, saying that the family house needed to be rebuilt and that a wall needed to be expanded outward. But the neighbors disagreed, and the two families argued.

The uncle wanted to ask Zeng Guofan to come forward and make the neighbors submit.

After Reading it, Zeng Guofan only replied to his uncle's words: "The family clans I saw, there are those who have a courteous atmosphere, there is no one who is not prosperous; there is arrogance and habits, and most of them lose." ”

After reading it, my uncle only felt ashamed. Immediately drink the order of the family, tear down the wall to rebuild.

Zeng Guofan: In life, I only do three things

In ancient times, there was a saying: The book of a thousand miles is only for the wall, so why bother him three feet. The Great Wall is still there today, and Qin Shi Huang was not seen in that year.

The same wall, but the history is strikingly similar.

In life, if you want to save your peaceful body, the most important thing is not to bully others.

As Zeng Guofan said: A gentleman yu gives way, and the villain becomes more crazy.

Understand that in the heavens and the earth, there is cause and effect. There is never cause and effect for no reason, and all good fortune is actually a good relationship that you have formed yourself.


Don't be deceived, be kind and measured

As early as 1946, at the opening ceremony of Peking University, Hu Shi said to his classmates: I send Zhu Jun eight words, which is what Lu Zuqian, a philosopher and writer who was at the same time as Zhu Zi, said: "Good is not easy to understand, reason is not easy to detect."

As he said, the good always need to know what goodness is, and if they don't know what true goodness is, then goodness is difficult to continue in the light.

Zeng Guofan: In life, I only do three things

Zeng Guofan cherished his brothers and sisters, parents and relatives. Even thousands of miles away, he often wrote letters of concern, and when his people were in distress, he would be generous to help.

But once, when his cousin asked him to borrow money, Zeng Guofan flatly refused, and wrote a letter to rebuke his cousin, saying that he would no longer associate with him.

The sons asked him why his father had been generous and did not even ask for anything in return, but this time he ruthlessly refused.

Zeng Guofan said that his cousin borrowed money to pay off gambling debts. But he himself, never repentant, is still addicted to gambling, hopelessly. The best way to face such relatives is to stop interacting.

True kindness is not responsiveness, not a brain help, not accommodation, it should be wise, it should be moderate.

In life, we must maintain a good heart. But this heart should be used on the right path to help worthy people, away from the wolf heart, the dog's lungs, and the ungrateful people.

Author: Yan Return, author. Focus on traditional culture and understand the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Studies. Write words with your heart and tell your life with attitude. I have worked tirelessly and sincerely with my original intention. The pen meets the confidant, and the text knows the deceased. Reprinted in contact with Fan SiXun (lfsx188)

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