
How to make 6 fish-flavored sauces

author:The temptation of eating

What is the smell of fish?

Although it is called "fish aroma", but there is no fish-related raw materials in the fish dish, it comes from the countryside city well, the people's homes, is Sichuan folk imitation of the cooking of fish spices and methods made, the use of salty, spicy, sour, sweet four flavors of the fusion and onion, ginger, garlic three kinds of small ingredients of mutual penetration, and so that the whole dish highlights a kind of fish meat delicious, both salty, sweet, sour, spicy, fresh, fragrant and other characteristics, excellent taste.

The first fish sauce

Add 15 grams of sugar and vinegar, 10 grams of cooking wine, 3 grams of salt and monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of sesame oil, pour into a small bowl and mix well, then add 8 grams of wet starch, and make a sauce for later.

Shredded fish and meat

How to make 6 fish-flavored sauces

Ingredients: 150 g of pork hind leg two-knife meat.

Accessories: 50 grams of lettuce shreds, 30 grams of wood ear shreds, 50 grams of green onion, 25 grams of minced garlic, 15 grams of minced ginger.

Production: 1. Cut the meat into two coarse strips, add 2 grams of salt, 5 grams of cooking wine, 10 grams of water starch and set aside.

2. Wok slip through, add 50 grams of cooked rapeseed oil to 70% heat, put the shredded meat and fry it quickly; when it changes color, dial it to the edge of the pot, add chopped pickled pepper in the oil, crushed watercress in Pixian County, stir-fry fragrant, push in the shredded meat and stir-fry evenly, stir-fry it again; stir-fry the minced ginger and garlic, then pour in the green shoot shreds, wood ear shreds, dial back the shredded meat and stir-fry evenly, then cook into the sauce prepared in advance, and finally sprinkle the green onion flowers to turn it out of the pot.

Technical key: 1. Tenderloin, two knives can make this dish.

2. When stir-frying, ginger and garlic should be put first, and finally under the onion, because the aroma of ginger and garlic needs to be heated to be stimulated, and the aroma of the green onion itself is very sufficient, such as excessive heating will make the aroma lost.

3. Lettuce shredded, wood ear silk these two ingredients do not have to be watered in advance, stir-frying when the oil is hot, the fire is large, into the pot can be broken, if the first water and then fry, the dish will be soft and not formed.

There are three kinds of "silk" in Sichuan cuisine: coarse silk, two coarse silk, and fine wire. The coarse silk has the thickness of the chopstick head, which is mostly used to mix the meat and cold mix of white meat shreds; the thickness of the two coarse silks is second to the coarse silk, 0.3 cm square thickness; the thin wire has the thickness of the silver wire surface, which is mainly used for vegetables.

The second fish sauce

1. Peel the tomatoes and break them into minced meats; chop the pickled pepper and red oil watercress separately.

2. 1000 grams of salad oil, 250 grams of rapeseed oil into the pot and cook until 40% heat, add 500 grams of minced tomatoes, 100 grams of minced onion, 100 grams of minced garlic and stir-fry dry water vapor, put 800 grams of chopped pepper, 400 grams of red oil watercress, 100 grams of tomato sauce to fry the aroma, add 100 grams of sugar, 60 grams of balsamic vinegar, 50 grams of rice wine, 20 grams of five-spice powder, 15 grams of salt, turn off the heat and serve.

Fishy yellow croaker

How to make 6 fish-flavored sauces

This dish is based on the "fish fragrant meat shredded" improved, the main ingredient becomes a small yellow fish, fresh garlic clove meat dipped in the sauce, more flavorful; in addition to the bright red millet pepper, minced garlic, ginger, but also added a homemade fish sauce, made of pickled pepper, tomato, watercress, fragrant and sour, distinguished from the traditional flavor type.

Batch prefabrication:

1. 200 chilled small yellow croakers (each weighing 150 grams) slaughtered and cleaned, cut open along the belly of the fish, remove the internal organs, wash and put into the basin, add an appropriate amount of green onion and ginger water, cooking wine, salt, pepper for 30 minutes to remove fishiness, take out and use a net cloth to absorb the water.

2. Heat the pan in wide oil until it is 50% hot, fry the small yellow croaker in parts until golden brown, drain the oil, and put it into the tray for later.

Cooking process:

Wok through, put 40 grams of rapeseed oil to 50% heat, add 40 grams of minced garlic, 30 grams of minced ginger, 25 grams of fresh red millet pepper, 15 grams of peppercorns, stir-fry the aroma, put 40 grams of fish sauce and turn well, add 300 grams of broth, 100 grams of beer, add 3 small yellow fish, add an appropriate amount of soy sauce, salt, chicken powder, simmer on high heat for 4 minutes, at this time the seasoning taste has fully penetrated into the fish, the soup has become thick, sprinkle 30 grams of chopped chives, pour 20 grams of red oil, and put the pot on the plate to go.

How to make 6 fish-flavored sauces

1. Small yellow croaker is batch salted and fried until golden brown

How to make 6 fish-flavored sauces

2. Stir-fry the sauce in a small dish and turn the fish sauce well

How to make 6 fish-flavored sauces

3. Add broth, beer, and add small yellow croaker to replenish the taste

How to make 6 fish-flavored sauces

4. Sprinkle chives and drizzle with red oil before cooking

The third fish sauce

Heat 10 grams of rapeseed oil to 50% heat, add 8 grams of minced garlic, 5 grams of minced ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, add chopped pepper (remove seeds) 25 grams and stir-fry over low heat, add sugar and vinegar 15 grams each, salt 2 grams, thinly sliced, stir-fry into a blender and sift into a fish sauce.

Fishy eggplant

How to make 6 fish-flavored sauces

This dish is Sichuan-style fish aroma, but the cooking method has been changed to Western style - eggplant is taken out of the small hole into the meat filling, and fried with lotus root until cooked; the sauce can not be used directly after frying, but must be crushed, sieved, and then poured on top of the raw materials, the aroma is not reduced, but the entrance can no longer eat a little dregs, the appearance is exquisite and clean.

Initial processing of raw materials:

1. Wash and drain 1 long eggplant, change the knife into a 1 cm thick slice, use two molds of different diameters, first peel the eggplant slices, and buckle out the wavy pattern, and then take out a small hole with a diameter of 1 cm in the central part, brew the meat filling for later.

2. Peel the lotus root, cut it in parts longitudinally, cut into 1 cm thick slices and soak in salt water.

Heat the pancakes, brush them thinly with a layer of oil, add eggplant and lotus root on both sides and fry until golden brown and ripe, take out and put them on a small plate, pour 5 grams of fish sauce, garnish with white sesame seeds and chives on the tip and serve.

How to make 6 fish-flavored sauces

1. Cut the long eggplant into sections, use the mold to buckle out the wavy pattern, and pull out a small hole in the center to brew the meat filling

How to make 6 fish-flavored sauces

2. Brush the pancake with a layer of oil, add eggplant and lotus slices and fry until golden brown is ripe

The fourth fish sauce

Fish fragrant apricot abalone mushrooms

How to make 6 fish-flavored sauces

This dish is based on the "shredded fish": the main ingredient is changed from pork to apricot abalone mushrooms, which is closer to the preferences of young girls; the fish sauce is made of pickled pepper and tomato, which is light and sour, and distinguishes it from the traditional fish flavor type.

Production process: 1. Wash the apricot abalone mushrooms, change the knife to grow 10 cm, matchstick thickness of the silk; winter shoots in advance of the water, and green pepper, carrots to change the knife into the same length of the apricot abalone mushrooms; wood ear foam after cutting shreds for later use.

2. Heat the pan in wide oil to 60%, add 150 grams of apricot abalone mushroom shreds, 25 grams of winter shoot shreds, 25 grams of green pepper shreds, 20 grams of shredded carrots, 20 grams of wood ear shreds, quickly fry, remove the draining oil and set aside.

3. Heat the wok thoroughly, leave the bottom oil to 50% hot, add 20 grams of homemade fish sauce to fry out the aroma, pour in step 2 to handle the shredded vegetables on high heat and turn well, start the pot and plate it.

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