
I can't pit my teammates! The girl's stomach hurt so much that she squatted on the ground, while the boy sat on a stool and played games

In the face of love, girls will also face difficult decisions.

Choose the person you love, or do you choose the person who loves you?

The former was chosen for love, but not necessarily happiness. Choosing the latter will be unbearable, and even leave regrets, but after marriage, you can be a "little princess", and some people will hurt and some people will love.

In Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, netizens filmed a sad scene at the entrance of the hospital. A woman, because her stomach hurt badly, was curled up and squatting on the ground. And her boyfriend sat on a stool, still unwilling to put down the mobile phone in his hand.

Netizens do not understand: what is this woman's picture?

I can't pit my teammates! The girl's stomach hurt so much that she squatted on the ground, while the boy sat on a stool and played games

Is the game important? Or is girlfriend important?

A normal man, as he knows, would rather not play games for a lifetime, and cannot live without a girlfriend (wife), who is greater than the sky.

However, there seem to be exceptions.

In the obstetrics and gynecology department of a hospital in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, a woman curled up on the ground because her stomach hurt badly, trying to rely on her boyfriend and give herself a little comfort.

What makes people speechless is that the man just held out his right hand to help the woman, and the mobile phone on his left hand was still unwilling to put it down.

After a little help, the man immediately let go of the woman, continued to play his game, no longer paid attention to the woman, and let her squat on the ground.

I can't pit my teammates! The girl's stomach hurt so much that she squatted on the ground, while the boy sat on a stool and played games

I can't pit my teammates!

People who have played the game can basically guess why the boy is reluctant to put down the mobile phone, most likely because he is playing the ranking.

In a 5-to-5 qualifying match, as long as one person hangs up, the probability of failure is as high as 90%. That's why there's a buzzword like "pit teammates."

Not only that, but qualifying will also drop the rank, and boys who love to play games can't stand it. As long as the level is dropped, they immediately want to brush it back, which is their glory.

I can't pit my teammates! The girl's stomach hurt so much that she squatted on the ground, while the boy sat on a stool and played games

Judging from the comments, similar "cold-blooded" men are not in the minority.

The girlfriend (wife) has a stomachache that can't be done, he is not only uncomfortable, but also preaches a big truth on the side.

"The doctor will come right away, and you tell me that I will not treat it!"

Moreover, some boys simply cannot understand the girl's "no one hurts, no one loves" mood.

Happily went to the maternity check-up with him, and as soon as he arrived at the hospital, he sat on a stool and played games, registered himself, and took blood pressure, and he did not look at it.

There is also a "can't get in" attitude, I am useless to follow you, I can't help, I don't want to help him have a baby.

I can't pit my teammates! The girl's stomach hurt so much that she squatted on the ground, while the boy sat on a stool and played games

There is a very popular view on the Internet: women, do not help others to adjust their husbands.

Girls who have not experienced despair, do not understand the hardships of life at all, and always look forward to marrying "love".

As a result, they will fall in love with immature boys and find their favorite types.

After marriage, immature boys are still immature and behave very childishly. Because girls choose the people they love, rather than the people who love themselves, they naturally have to pay more.

Not the person he loves, the boy does not care, does not know how to care and love his wife.

Enough disappointment has been accumulated, divorced, and the boy will mature. However, in this marriage, the girl took on the responsibility of "adjusting other people's husbands", but she was scarred.

I can't pit my teammates! The girl's stomach hurt so much that she squatted on the ground, while the boy sat on a stool and played games

Someone else's husband

Maybe he hasn't grown up yet, and the girl grew up with his youth, I don't know if he will lose?

This is also why, today's girls looking for objects, they prefer to find boys who are 2-5 years older than themselves.

Some people think that such girls are too materialistic, looking for "old men" who have a house and a car. Not married for love at all, just married to reality, and marriage lost to reality.

The truth is that it is not that the girls like uncles, but that uncles hurt people. At least, girls don't have to teach him how to behave in the world, how to love someone, love can be cultivated, and eventually it will become family affection.

Back to the question, should girls choose the person they love or the person who loves themselves?

When we are young, we may choose love. Girls around 30 years old, after experiencing the baptism of society, will choose more people who love themselves.

Life is not what others see, but what you live yourself.

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