
The 2021 World Intelligent Car Conference brings new technologies to life

On December 16-17, the 2021 World Intelligent Vehicle Conference was held in Nansha, Guangzhou. In the two days, the 2021 World Intelligent Automobile Conference, hosted by the International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government and the Asia Data Group, and hosted by the Guangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the People's Government of Nansha District of Guangzhou City, and Aiqi Convention and Exhibition Co., Ltd., attracted more than 100 representatives of domestic and foreign governments, experts and scholars, enterprise representatives, investment representatives, etc., around the theme of "Zhixing • Chuang driving a new chapter", and delivered speeches at 1 opening ceremony and main forum, 10 parallel forums, and colorful supporting activities It brings the latest trends in the global intelligent car field and jointly explores the future of Chi Heng in the automotive industry.

The 2021 World Intelligent Car Conference brings new technologies to life

Wisdom and sincerity to compose a blueprint for the future

When smart cars go from bright spots, to hot spots, and then to focus, the trend of their development into the automotive industry has become unstoppable. When more resources are pooled, accelerated exploration, and accelerated development become an inevitability. At this time, it is more and more important to gather wisdom and determine a correct path of development.

At the opening ceremony and main forum of the 2021 World Intelligent Vehicle Conference, the leaders of the National Development and Reform Commission and the responsible comrades of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government delivered speeches, Liu Jianxing, deputy director of the International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, Dong Ke, mayor of Nansha District, Guangzhou, Xiong Xiaoge, founding chairman of IDG Capital, Zhu Dongfang, president of Asia Data Group, Ouyang Minggao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and expert of new energy power system, former counselor of the State Council, former secretary general of the Ministry of Science and Technology, chairman of the expert committee of the China Investment Association, Shi Dinghuan, Chairman of the World Green Design Organization, Liu Yan, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Gu Yu, Foreign Academician of frankfurt University and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Dong Yang, Vice Chairman of the China Electric Vehicle 100 Association, Wu Song, Executive Deputy General Manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd., Wang Xiaogang, Co-founder of SenseTime and President of Mobile Intelligence Business Group, Han Xu, Founder and CEO of Wenyuan Zhixing, Huang Hongsheng, Founder of Skyworth Group and Chairman of Kaiwo New Energy Automobile Group, Vice President of iFLYTEK, Liu Junfeng, General Manager of iFLYTEK Intelligent Vehicle Division and General Manager of Galaxy Zhilian Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., He Kaixin, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Hechuang Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., Li Hengyu, Vice President and Head of Truck Division of Xiaoma Zhixing, Jim Wunderman, President and CEO of San Francisco Bay Area Committee, and Karl Fuchs, Vice President of Continental China and Head of Innovation and Technology China, all brought their own views and development suggestions.

The 2021 World Intelligent Car Conference brings new technologies to life

Xiong Xiaoge, founding chairman of IDG Capital, said in his keynote speech in the video mode that the intelligent automobile industry has the characteristics of capital, high added value of technology, and strong radiation driving force, and has an important strategic position in the global market. As an investor, we hope to cultivate more innovative unicorn enterprises, and look forward to representatives from all walks of life brainstorming and consensus, and exchanging and cooperating around building internationally influential automobile brands, enhancing chip supply, and applying specific scenarios.

The 2021 World Intelligent Car Conference brings new technologies to life

Ouyang Minggao, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and an expert in new energy power systems, said in his speech that he hopes to extend the concept of intelligent vehicles to the intelligence of cars in a broad sense, and to push the revolution of intelligence to a deeper and all-round popularization. Intelligence is the next step of the most important weapon for all-round innovation of automobiles, the World Intelligent Vehicle Conference was held in the Greater Bay Area, held in Guangzhou, is a very suitable location, the Greater Bay Area is the most active place for scientific and technological innovation, but also the leading area of economic development, reform and opening up, especially in the field of intelligence- related is more talent advantages, but also has industrial advantages. It is believed that the World Intelligent Vehicle Conference held here will give birth to and promote the Greater Bay Area to play a major role in promoting the development of intelligent vehicles and the application of artificial intelligence in the automotive field.

The 2021 World Intelligent Car Conference brings new technologies to life

Gu Yu, a foreign academician of frankfurt university in Germany and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, delivered a speech on the topic of "evolution of artificial intelligence technology: "perceptual intelligence" to "cognitive intelligence", he said that the cars made so far are called human-computer interaction, can not be called human-computer integration, because interaction is to do things below the neck, or rely on human heads to drive intelligent devices, human-machine fusion is to completely integrate people and machines together. Perception is a perception that people get together and think through their brains. Cognition is the process by which people apply knowledge, understand knowledge, and develop knowledge. So this is different, if one day can go from perceptual intelligence to cognitive intelligence, the car can truly achieve intelligence.

Wu Song, executive deputy general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd., said in his speech "Greeting the Dual Carbon Target, Car Companies Embrace the "Decarbonization" Track" that the "double carbon" goal is accelerating the electrification of intelligent networking of automotive products, and in the process of transforming automotive products to electrification, the industrial chain is deeply decarbonized, and more attention needs to be paid to the collaborative low-carbon of the supply chain, and new energy vehicles will accelerate the integration into the green energy ecosystem. GAC Group is vigorously promoting the GLASS green net plan, and the focus of all investment will be from the hybrid transformation of traditional vehicles to the new energy intelligent network.

Focusing on the international, looking at the world, and discussing the development and cooperation of smart vehicles from a global perspective, Jim Wunderman, president and CEO of the San Francisco Bay Area Committee, delivered a speech through video, he shared that the Bay Area is not only one of the fastest growing areas in the new energy vehicle market, but also a region where the development momentum of new energy vehicle industrial production is fierce, and the Bay Area carries the future of the smart automotive industry.

Industrial Cornerstone On the future of wisdom and wisdom

The opening ceremony and the main forum gathered big coffee, checking the top-level development of intelligent vehicles, parallel forum subdivision, focus, guests from all sides as the cornerstone of industrial development to ingenuity, emitting light and heat in different fields and different dimensions.

"Looking at the world, the research and development and application of key technologies of intelligent vehicles", "Future travel, Auto Vision China lets the world see Chinese cars", "top-level design, software empowers international competitiveness", "multi-regulation parallelism, data security and regulatory standards to improve the Internet of Vehicles", "Rising momentum, exploring the upward power of independent brand cars", "Racing track, exploration of commercial applications of autonomous driving", "Green vision, cars enter a new journey of dual carbon targets", "Vehicle-road collaboration, Leading the leapfrog development of intelligent transportation", "pattern reconstruction, development opportunities of intelligent vehicles and supply chains in the Greater Bay Area", "market blue ocean, new energy vehicle evolution and future trends", 10 parallel forums, not only have in-depth thinking in the field of intelligent vehicles, but also the collision of cross-border wisdom, and comprehensively sort out the key issues and important directions in the field of intelligent vehicles.

During the meeting, it not only sensed the development context of the world, but also witnessed the development speed of the host Guangzhou. Guangzhou is currently vigorously laying out to promote the large-scale development of intelligent vehicles and new energy vehicles, and achieve a total output value of 586.026 billion yuan in 2020, maintaining the position of the first city in the national automobile industry. From January to November 2021, the total output value was 538.303 billion yuan, an increase of 3.3%, of which new energy vehicles exceeded 120,000 units, an increase of 81.9%. It has 13 national and provincial technology and manufacturing innovation centers in the automotive industry, and is the first city in China to recognize the road test license for intelligent vehicles in other regions. Guangzhou Nansha automobile industry development is even more unique, focusing on the construction of the northern Huangge International Automobile City, the central Pearl Bay intelligent network vehicle innovation zone, the southern Wanqingsha intelligent network automobile industrial park, the formation of GAC Toyota vehicle as the leader, new energy vehicles as the expansion, intelligent network vehicles for the expansion of the development pattern, the automobile production capacity has exceeded 800,000 vehicles, the output value has exceeded 100 billion yuan for 4 consecutive years, is accelerating the construction of a new 100 billion new energy automobile industry cluster.

In addition, the 2021 World Intelligent Vehicle Conference Industrial Development Closed Door Meeting was also successfully held, experts, scholars, investors, entrepreneurs and other guests from all walks of life discussed the intelligent automobile industry planning in Guangzhou around the field of intelligent automobile ecological industry chain and intelligent manufacturing, and contributed ideas for the future development of Nansha Automobile Cluster.

Diversified presentation, building a new chapter together

The World Intelligent Vehicle Congress is a diversified platform, which not only carries ideas and wisdom, but also carries opportunities and opportunities.

As can be seen at the conference site, the scope of display includes the latest models, technologies and products, such as electric vehicles, sensors, chips, computing platforms, autonomous driving solutions, V2X communications, artificial intelligence and many other innovative, breakthrough and high application value of smart car new products. The "2021 Intelligent Automobile Industry Research Report" released by the blockbuster combs and looks forward to the current development and future trend of the intelligent automobile industry from the layout of the intelligent automobile industry, the application scenarios and business models of intelligent vehicles, the current development status of global intelligent vehicles, industrial cooperation and investment, and the prospect and practice of the five major parts of the road to 2030. In addition, the 2021 Intelligent Automobile Industry Award was officially awarded, and a total of five categories of awards were awarded: the Intelligent Automobile Technology Innovation Award, the Intelligent Network Innovation Award, the Intelligent Transportation Innovation Award, the Intelligent Automobile Brand Innovation Award, and the Intelligent Automobile Industry Quality Service Organization Award.

As an important supporting activity for Guangzhou to amplify the investment promotion effect of the World Intelligent Vehicle Conference, the project docking business exchange meeting aims to integrate and deeply use project information, build a cooperation platform, increase the depth of services, effectively promote project docking and exchanges between the government, enterprises and investment institutions, promote project cooperation, and promote more high-quality projects to settle in Guangzhou. At the same time, the introduction of talents in the field of intelligent vehicles was also reflected in this conference. Leading brands in the field of intelligent vehicles have issued demand for professional talents and formed accurate docking with many high-end and professional talents, constituting a closed loop of benign development.

The 2021 World Intelligent Automobile Conference has come to a successful end, but the ideological value it produces, the direction of industrial development, the diversified exchanges promoted, and the extensive cooperation formed will inject strong impetus into the development of the intelligent automobile industry.

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