
Zhang Jianying's essay: alive


Text/Zhang Jianying

Qingwen is doing sales, running customer orders needless to say, the hardships and efforts in it, as an outsider also know a little bit. The most basic requirement of the sales industry is its own business quality, but also to have a perseverance of professionalism, every day down often tired, the body is like a loose shelf, do not want to talk to people. The character of the profession requires them to have no choice, one second may be full of tired faces, and the next second will be in front of the customer with a smile and refreshment, just like the face change in Sichuan drama, before and after the judgment of two people.

I met Qingwen at a gathering of friends, and out of the usual practice, everyone would say their name and occupation. When I first met her, I was not impressed by her, but I felt that she was a beautiful woman with long hair and light makeup. Hearing that she was doing sales work, related to some of her own work, I deliberately looked at it a few times. The whole party Qingwen did not say much, the intellectual but elegant forehead greeted one by one, from beginning to end did not say a word about their sales work, unlike some salespeople, in some social occasions, always gushing about their own products, became a boring protagonist.

Out of courtesy, several people sitting in the audience added WeChat to each other, and ended the party in some cups for greetings. I have to say that fast-paced modern people, whether in the workplace or in the liquor bureau, often show their bright and happy side to everyone, and some unhappiness and hardship can only be tacitly placed behind the smile.

In the days that followed, everyone lived at their own pace. I occasionally flip through the circle of friends, which has more information about Qingwen, which are some words or pictures that record positive energy and happy life. It also happened that I needed a thing involving Qingwen's profession, and when I was operating, I suddenly remembered her and tried to contact her. Because of the past relationship, they got to know each other a little, and the cooperation was very smooth, and with the help of Qingwen, it was quickly resolved satisfactorily.

Since then, Qingwen has completely entered my sights, and we have become very good friends. At first, I didn't think much of Qingwen's information about the circle of friends, thinking that it was a record of the sentimentality shared by some little girls, or some boring brushes of existence in daily life. Because in the online world, some of the so-called chicken soup for the soul preaching is tireless, and even suspected of preaching and moral kidnapping. Ne Zhi and Qingwen have had more contact, only to find that the words that flow from her heart are so pure and natural, and the kind of view and attitude of living in life makes me admire, just like her eyes are transparent and clear. We discuss life, talk about the connotation of living in the world, lament the difficulties and hardships in life, her insights and sunny mentality infected me, and also let us deepen our common understanding.

Another party, right next to the river. Watching a few of our friends drinking and drinking, we walked out of the house together. Looking at the rolling Yangtze River, the river breeze blowing by the railing, a kind of comfort surged into the heart, and the conversation naturally brought about the topic of living. Qingwen wore a dress with quenched flowers, and her soft hair fluttered from time to time in the river breeze, with a red halo under the faint wine, free and intellectual and beautiful. She looked at the river, as if she were talking to herself and as if she were saying to me:

We are all living hard, and we have woken up and drunk in the bittersweet and bittersweet... This song is very good, and it speaks the heart of each of us, but we live in an impetuous and changeable society, and we are all small people who want to be poor and not dead, and they want to be rich and rich. For the family, we are not afraid that all people will rely on us, but we are afraid that we will not rely on us when we turn back. As a middle-aged group, there is a nurturing grace to repay, the next has the responsibility of nurturing to be exhausted, there are tears to swallow and bitter to carry themselves, we are not strong Who is strong for us? Just like we do sales, a list to follow for a long time, not necessarily what kind of results, after all, everyone has to survive, everyone is working hard, success or failure, so what? Can you still live? If we cry every day, cry too much, others will only laugh at your weakness, forced to laugh, after laughing, the sadness in our hearts, or do we secretly wipe it behind our backs? It is better that we face it happily every day and let others see that although we are all carrying the weight forward, our days are still so brilliant.

Qingwen paused to look at me, and I nodded approvingly:

Just like tonight's scenery, you see the ripples of the river, the brilliant neon lights on both sides, the stars are dotted with purple and red. With the breeze blowing, the colorful phosphorescence ripples, what a wonderful night view! One by one, the cargo ships passing through the river, the river bridge across the distance, and the lights of the train shuttle back and forth, and the scenery of the river surface is interesting, wow! What a beautiful picture! Isn't that our real life? With such a beautiful view, what else do we have to complain about? As Qingwen spoke, she danced and immersed herself in it, and a colorful light radiated from her eyes.

Infected by Qingwen's words, I looked at the tall buildings scattered near and far, and the soft light reflected by the windows, where there lived a warm home, and it was the harbor that was released after a tiring day. Square river beach one by one strolling or standing whispering pedestrians, holding hands in the shade of the couple... Can't help but be immersed in it with ease, Qingwen still said:

My home is not far from the unit, and I like to walk to work every day, not only to breathe fresh air, but also to browse the beautiful scenery along the way. Through the winding paths of the park, the grass with dewdrops on both sides smiles at you, a green leaf and a red flower, a body full of life jumps in front of you, a bird jumps and sings among the branches, a weeping willow swings in the morning wind, the mist in the forest at the moment when the sun rises above the ground level, emitting a moist light, you will feel that you have integrated into nature, and the heavens and the earth are one, what pressure, what troubles, has long been thrown to the cloud of nine clouds......... As Qingwen spoke, she laughed intoxicatedly, and her euphemistic and graceful posture was so beautiful in the night scene, like a picture of a maid in the night.

I often see some problems discussed on the train: the difference between the hard seat and the sleeper is only 100 yuan, why do many people choose the hard seat?

That's because all sentient beings are suffering, and without experiencing the suffering of sentient beings, they naturally cannot understand the difficulties of life. They can go home, crowded in green-skinned carriages, and sleep on the floor in the waiting room.

Many people in life are living hard in silent corners. Some time ago, an event was on the hot search: a director of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau experienced the life of a takeaway brother, from taking meals to delivering meals, all the way to the gaps and streets of traffic, and making dozens of yuan a day. He deeply felt that ordinary people are not easy, although there are some elements of exaggeration, but this is the daily life of many people, each of us, is not also the figure for the wind and rain of life.

This figure can be seen everywhere, and a torrential rain in Yunnan has turned the streets into oceans on the news, and the takeaway brother is struggling to move forward in the waist-high water. During the May Day holiday, the staff of many scenic spots used their bodies to carry many instant noodle drinks to the top of the mountain, and there was no time to shout tired again and again. A man who is only one meter and five meters, with a thin body, can carry more than 200 pounds of rice, maybe we don't know, they also want to unload some weight, easy rest, but they dare not and can not stay, because their children wait for him to earn money to pay tuition, and maybe there are sick relatives, waiting for them to earn money to buy medicine, they are desperate to live in order to live better.

In life, many of us judge the lives of others, but ignore that in life, there are people everywhere who are forced to live very hard. The world treats everyone fairly, and to live in the world is to take on the responsibilities that should be shouldered.

The vicissitudes of the world, but the broken silver is a few pairs. How many people don't bend their spines for the sake of rushing? As Teacher Yu Hua wrote: Nothing is harder than living, so! Don't always ask what is the meaning of being alive, being alive itself is meaning. Instead of complaining and complaining with a bitter melon face every day, why not smile every day to meet the rising sun like Qingwen! Also look at life with Qingwen's eyes, isn't our life also full of flowers?

It's good to be alive, because we can still live hard.

(Source of this article: Wangyue Literature Mailbox)

Zhang Jianying's essay: alive

Zhang Jianying, a native of Gaocheng District, Shijiazhuang, is now a businessman in Wuhan, a member of the Hebei Literature and Art Research Association, a member of the Gaocheng District Writers Association, a special writer of Wangyue Literature, whose works have appeared in various public accounts and some print media, and has written the novella "The Demolished Marriage", "Those Brothers Around Me", "Some Love If You Can Start Again", the short story "Sunset Death", "Gift-Giving", "Borrowing Money" and dozens of other works, and the anti-epidemic poetry series "Dear! Please forgive me", "I can't cry", "The backbone of the nation", "The Year of the Rat under the epidemic", "Isolation", the motto: laugh at the wind and moon, spoil the insult.

Zhang Jianying's essay: alive

Mochizuki Literature

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