
Tesla launches free off-peak holiday superchargers across the U.S

Webmaster's House ( December 21 News: Tesla has launched a free holiday supercharging service during off-peak hours of the holiday season. From Dec. 23 to Dec. 26, Tesla will offer free supercharging at different locations across the U.S., before 10 a.m. or after 7 p.m.

Tesla will offer free off-peak supercharging in 11 U.S. states: California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Florida and Pennsylvania. All four tesla cars will be eligible for the free SuperCharger promotion. 75 Supercharger stations will be free online Supercharging during off-peak hours.

Tesla wrote on its website: "Avoid the rush of this holiday and charge for free at supercharger stations on specific travel routes in the United States during off-peak hours." "First, charging during off-peak hours is often a lower-cost experience because it puts less strain on the grid. However, the Christmas holidays are a rush time for travel. Although Tesla has a vast network of superchargers with more than 25,000 locations around the world, it is still very busy on the holiday charging network, especially when it is estimated that 109.5 million travelers in the United States will take the road to celebrate the holidays with their families this year.

Since the holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas, are the most saturated times for travel in the U.S., Tesla now offers car owners free off-peak supercharger rates during these two special periods. Due to schedule, some owners may need to overcharge at normal times, but some owners may wait until off-peak hours to drive to a relative's house, which will ease congestion on the supercharging line.

Last November, when Tesla offered free supercharging on Thanksgiving, it was only available at a few supercharger stations in California. Tesla is clearly trying to expand the move to make it easier for more drivers across the country to get reduced rates of charge during the holidays.

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