
Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

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Do you feel particularly sad in the winter?

Winter can feel gloomy and cold.

As soon as many people arrive in winter, their mood will be the same as the gloomy weather, they begin to be depressed, automatically break the defense, take the initiative to die, do not want to go to work every day, and only want to sleep more in the bed.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

However, if you have enough of the sun, this depressed mood will be greatly alleviated.

Sunlight puts you in a good mood, improves the quality of your sleep, helps you lose weight, and may relieve your chronic pain.

So how much sunlight is enough every day? Today's article we come to talk about the problem of sunshine and depression.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter?

Epidemiological studies have found that in people with psychological or psychiatric problems, symptoms worsen during the winter months.

Many people are depressed as soon as winter arrives

In a Norwegian study that examined more than 10,000 subjects, the researchers found that between November and March, the average levels of depression in the subjects increased.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

A 6,000-person study in Finland found that 85 percent of subjects reported seasonal changes in mood, and symptoms of depression and anxiety were stronger in the winter than in the summer.

In addition to depression, bipolar disorder symptoms can also be affected by the seasons.

A study involving 314 patients with diagnosed bipolar affective disorder found that symptoms of mania were most pronounced around the autumnal equinox, while depressive symptoms peaked around the winter solstice.

Less sun exposure can improve suicidal behavior

Most studies of suicide have shown a high degree of agreement between suicide and seasonal changes.

A study of 16,000 suicides in Austria found that the peak of suicide usually occurs in late spring, March to May.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

This seasonal spike in suicide is characterized by a particularly pronounced number of men and older adults who commit suicide by violent means.

The researchers also found that average hours of sunshine per month were highly correlated with suicide.

Why is it that I get less sun and am prone to depression?

The main reason is that sun exposure raises serotonin levels.

Autumn into winter, the sunshine time decreases, serotonin levels drop, directly lead to low mood.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

People who are sensitive to serotonin changes are easily agitated and restless in the winter and are prone to suicidal impulses.

What is Serotonin?

Serotonin is a functional neurotransmitter associated with the control of mood and is located primarily in three areas of the body:

Central nervous system of the brain;

gastrointestinal mucosa (the largest producer of serotonin);


Serotonin, also known as serotonin, has been linked to many psychiatric disorders and is an important mediator in mood regulation.

How does sunlight stimulate serotonin secretion?

Studies have found that adults have high levels of serotonin from late summer to autumn and at the lowest levels in winter.

In human skin, the initial enzyme that synthesizes serotonin, tryptophan hydroxylase, is found.

Some researchers believe that there may be a system of serotonin synthesis in the skin.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

There are also theories that it may be that ultraviolet light passes through the retinal bundle of the eye, causing serotonin changes.

So who is at work?

An interesting trial was designed to conduct a 3-week light trial on 42 subjects.

All participants wore opaque goggles that were made to block UV rays in order to eliminate the serotonin-guided effects of retinal mediatorship.

The trial found that individuals with goggles and exposed to light had higher serotonin levels than the control group compared to the 11 control group.

This indicates that there is an independent synthetic pathway for serotonin in the skin.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

Therefore, the most important thing is to dry, on the skin, to have a real effect.

What is the relationship between serotonin and depression?

Scientists don't know exactly what causes depression, but one theory is that it's caused by an imbalance in neurotransmitters in the body, such as serotonin.

Some antidepressants are with serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which prevent serotonin from being reabsorbed after use, resulting in higher levels of circulation in the body. (Disputed)

In addition, serotonin can also affect sleep.

Our bodies also need serotonin to produce melatonin, and the pineal gland (an area of the upper thalamus located deep in the brain) changes one hormone to produce another.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

Some sleep experts recommend turning down the lights before bedtime and avoiding blue and green dimming on computers, cell phones, and television devices.

If you have trouble sleeping, it is recommended to spend more time in the morning and afternoon, so that the biological clock is synchronized with the solar cycle to help you sleep.

The benefits of sun exposure are not just anti-depression

Many people are afraid of sun exposure, because ultraviolet rays hurt the skin, more sunburn will get skin cancer, in fact, the benefits of sun exposure are more than the disadvantages.

Sun exposure increases vitamin D

Vitamin D in the body can reduce inflammation, improve metabolism, and improve mood, however, it is difficult to obtain it only from food sources.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, and the effects of sun exposure are most related to three factors:

1, your skin color (the lighter the time, the shorter);

2, the intensity of sunlight UVB (the stronger the better);

3, the amount of bare skin (the more the better);

At noon the sun is at its highest point, UVB rays are strongest, and the efficiency of vitamin D production is also the highest.

13-minute midday sun exposure three times a week in summer is enough to maintain a healthy level for adults.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

Exposure to the midday sun for 30 minutes in the summer is equivalent to ingesting 10,000-20,000 IU of vitamin D.

In short, it only takes 15 minutes of sun bathing a day to expose the skin directly to the sun to produce enough vitamin D.

For friends who need to stay outdoors for a long time, sunscreen can be used on the face to avoid the risk of tanning and skin cancer.

Sun exposure helps strengthen bones

Vitamin D has been linked to diseases such as osteoporosis and rickets, and one of the benefits of sun exposure to vitamin D is that stronger bones and teeth can be obtained.

Although calcium intake is also crucial for bone health, calcium supplementation alone is often ineffective, and sun exposure helps the body absorb and utilize calcium.

Sun exposure helps lower blood pressure

When direct sunlight hits the skin, the body produces nitric oxide, which is released into the bloodstream.

Nitric oxide helps improve metabolism, lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Basking in the sun can also bring us a feeling of relaxation, help reduce physical and mental stress, and improve happiness.

What should I do if I don't dare to bask in the sun and am depressed?

The benefits of sunbathing are so many, many people still dare not bask in the sun, and some friends who work the night shift can't get the sun at all.

If enough serotonin cannot be formed by sunlight, then, some other means can be used to make up for it.

Dietary supplementation with tryptophan

Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin and acts directly on the synthesis of serotonin.

Especially people with emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety, their own tryptophan consumption is very high, and not supplementing much is particularly prone to depression.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

Foods rich in protein, iron, riboflavin, and vitamin B6 tend to contain large amounts of tryptophan.

For example: eggs (especially egg yolks), cheese, salmon and other seafood.

Exercise to increase serotonin levels

Exercise also increases Serotonin and Serotonin levels in the brain.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

When the mood is particularly bad, go boxing, running, swimming, spinning, or lifting weights and sweating, the mood will be well released.

Ingest some serotonin supplements (Griffonia seed extract)

Serotonin supplementation can also be done by supplementing with some functional drugs, such as oral tryptophan, serotonin, safety supplements, etc., such as Griffonia seed extract.

Griffonia Seed Extract is a safe, non-toxic, plant-derived compound rich in serotonin that helps improve depression.

If you feel a lot of mood swings and are prone to overeating, try this supplement.

Key Skinny Dragon said

Nowadays, everyone spends less and less time outdoors, and home, school, company, etc., have become the main gathering place for everyone.

As technologies such as smartphones bring convenience to people, people are more lazy to go out.

In the cold winter, many people hardly bask in the sun, which can easily lead to low mood, and even depression in severe cases.

Why is it that I am depressed in the winter? What is the truth behind it? 3 tricks to alleviate the low mood in winter

Because serotonin levels decrease significantly as sunlight decreases, a lack of serotonin can easily raise the risk of depression.

In addition to more sun exposure, you can also supplement some nutritious foods and take the initiative to participate in some outdoor activities to reduce the risk of depression.

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