
33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

33 rare photos, the Japanese army combed the girl's hair, the German army teased the eagle, and the old Jiang and his wife finally went to the grave to worship the ancestors

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

01, 1941-1945, what did World War II mean for a man? This photo gives the answer, it is only 4 years, it feels 20 years old, but I can come back alive to get the favor of the goddess

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

02, who said that Female Soviet soldiers do not wear pants? Of course, female officers do not have to go to the front line and can wear fashionable skirts

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

03, during World War II, American female soldiers were overhauling bombers, while Japanese female soldiers in the same period could only be comfort women, and there was no harm without comparison.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

04. From 1944 to 1945, in the historical documents of the Republic of China, hundreds of thousands of students enthusiastically joined the army to kill the enemy, of which female students accounted for about 10%. In the middle, this heroic female soldier is more energetic than the girl of the anti-Japanese drama

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

05, looking at the uniform, you know that it is a female German army, but the female soldier who spits out her tongue on the right does not conform to Hitler's military rules. German female soldiers generally appeared in concentration camps, front-line office areas, and civilian workers in occupied areas. Due to work reasons, he often had access to the middle and high levels of the German army, resulting in a chaotic private life, and was also known as the "officer's mattress"

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

06. In 1914, during world war I, a French soldier wearing a gas mask and a military dog also wearing a mask.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

07, In 1918, the German cavalry patrolled with gas masks and spears, is there a hint of retro feeling?

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

08. During the First World War, a football team of British soldiers wearing gas masks.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

09, 1932 Germany, test gas masks

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

10, 1940, London, England, under the German air raids, it was so difficult for lovers to meet each other, wearing steel helmets and gas masks, and finally this kiss was amazing

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

11. Girls in gas masks jump long rope between classes in London, England, June 27, 1940.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

12, In London during World War II, the ladies walking the streets were carrying a small square box, which was not a dessert, but a gas mask. Hearing the air defense alarm, open the box and put it on, directly run into the protective tunnel, this instant "wolf" look can be made up for

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

13. In 1940, after the German bombing of Coventry, a lady went to the mailbox to send a letter

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

14. Old photos of the German army in World War II, a German officer teasing an eagle. The Uniforms of the German Army during World War II were arguably the coolest and most handsome.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

15, the picture shows the German army that accidentally slipped on the ice, and this time the ass will fall into eight petals

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

16. Photographs taken by the Japanese army in northeast China from 1904 to 1905 during the Russo-Japanese War. The white-bearded man in the middle of the first painting seems to be Nogi Kitenori.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

17. Soldiers of the Nationalist Army who were assassinated by the Japanese army after the fall of Nanjing. I think at that time, their hearts were filled with negative emotions such as despair, anger, and regret.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

18. The two Japanese devils who are fortifying the streets of Tohoku are really very professional in looking at the posture!

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

19. Devils are often ambushed by the masses when they enter the village, and in order to prevent being ambushed into the village, they should first fire a cannon before entering the village

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

20, a very arrogant looking ghost smoking

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

21, when Japan came to our country during World War II, how to treat our children, this is the surviving one, you see this soldier is still feeding the children, what is he trying to express.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

22. After the Japanese army occupied Nanjing, they stood on the tower like sparrows and cheered, which made people indignant.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

23. The Japanese devils cheered at the head of the city of Jinan Province, which was captured by them, showing the posture of the invaders, and it was very infuriating to see such a picture.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

24. For the occupied areas where materials were scarce at that time, why could the Japanese army eat such a rich meal? That is to grab, foreign wine, food, beauty are all available. The other devils either drank or smoked, except for the devil on the left who brushed the women's hair, not knowing what they wanted?

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

25, the scene of Japanese devils queuing up to surrender to the Eighth Route Army is really cool to watch! But the captives were at ease because they knew that the injuries would be treated immediately, and there were many special benefits.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

26. One of chiang's most proud masterpieces, on June 16, 1924, the Whampoa Military Academy was established, and Sun Yat-sen sat in the corridor of the school and took He Yingqin and Wang Bailing P away, leaving only a group photo of himself and the "Father of the Nation". Chiang Kai-shek has many photos with Sun Yat-sen, and why he only has a special love for this one, most of which are recorded as: This photo has a kind of "inheritance" relationship of revolutionaries.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

27. In 1937, Chiang Kai-shek held a military parade at Wuhan University.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

28. In 1937, Lao Jiang, who had recently ascended to the peak of power, began to show off his acting skills!

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

29. In 1946, Chiang Kai-shek soong Mei-ling arrived in Beiping and inspected the greeting concierge team at the airport. This photograph was taken by The German photographer Herda Morrison, who came to China in 1933 until her return in 1946.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

30. In May 1948, in Nanjing, the stepmother Pengding was exhibited for the first time, and Chiang Kai-shek went to visit

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

31. In the 1920s, a group photo of Chiang Kai-shek and his third wife, Chen Jieru, was published in the newspaper for divorce after 6 years of marriage.

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

32. In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek, who was trapped in china and foreign affairs in Fenghua, Zhejiang Province, left the presidential palace and took his wife Song Meiling to the grave for the last time to worship his ancestors, and also let his eldest son hold the loess treasure in his hand.

Figure 33: Who is the last person in this strange costume?

33 old photos you won't see in your lifetime, all with little-known history

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