
New moms must pay attention to these 4 points! Prevents bloating, constipation and jaundice in newborns

New mothers may not know how to face the bloating, constipation, jaundice of newborns, when I first started giving birth to a big treasure, I also didn't understand anything, I asked my friends to ask the doctor more, to the second treasure is more experienced, facing these problems is easy to solve ~ The following to tell you some details!

Causes and manifestations of bloating in your baby

The problem of bloating in babies is easy to appear, because newborns do not have much exercise, and if they spend more time in bed, they are prone to bloating. The stomach is obviously swollen, the sound of gently patting is dull, and the baby's crying may be bloated. Therefore, mothers must learn to massage and massage their babies. With appropriate force on the wrist and gentlely rubbing the baby's abdomen with the palm of the hand, massage clockwise. Or give your baby a vent exercise, which is very effective.

New moms must pay attention to these 4 points! Prevents bloating, constipation and jaundice in newborns

Symptoms and prevention of jaundice in babies

The baby's jaundice problem must be treated in time, and the consequences of not treating it in time are more serious. Don't blindly believe in folk remedies. Mild jaundice is when the skin on the face looks yellowish and can usually be solved by basking in the sun. However, pay attention to the sun to keep your eyes out of the light. If you have vomiting and fever symptoms, you should seek medical attention in time. This condition is pathological jaundice, which is more serious and requires timely medical attention.

New moms must pay attention to these 4 points! Prevents bloating, constipation and jaundice in newborns

Drink plenty of water and massage appropriately

Constipation can also occur if the number of feedings is low and your baby drinks less water. Therefore, it is usually necessary to observe the baby's stool, drink more water if it is too dry, and feed as needed. Usually, after the baby drinks milk, you can assist in abdominal massage, or follow the online learning of exhaust exercises. And poor digestion can also be properly fed with probiotics to help digestion, which can alleviate the baby's constipation.

New moms must pay attention to these 4 points! Prevents bloating, constipation and jaundice in newborns

Pay attention to hygiene to prevent eczema

Babies are usually prone to drooling, so pay more attention to mouth cleaning. Wipe your hands with baby wipes to avoid eczema. The hygienic cleaning of your baby's body is important! Areas like the mouth, hands, wrists, under the neck, and ass are prone to eczema or redness. Be sure to wash and wipe frequently to keep your skin dry. In this way, the baby will be comfortable ~ there are many aspects of parenting knowledge, and mothers must pay attention to Oh ~

New moms must pay attention to these 4 points! Prevents bloating, constipation and jaundice in newborns

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