
Han Fuyu abandoned Shou Shandong and was shot, why did his wife not go to Taiwan, and what was the final outcome?

In the early years of the Republic of China, Shandong had a state of almost "independence", and the result of this state was Han Fuyu, who was known as the "King of Shandong". Han Fuyu was a native of Baxian County, Hebei Province, and was a fellow warlord of the northwest, Feng Yuxiang, so Han Fuyu was first Feng Yuxiang's person and one of Feng Yuxiang's "Thirteen Taibao".

Han Fuyu abandoned Shou Shandong and was shot, why did his wife not go to Taiwan, and what was the final outcome?

Why did Han Fuyu become old Jiang's man again?

Speaking of this history, the main reason is the discord between the generals, that is, the contradiction between Han Fuyu and the coach Feng Yuxiang. The contradiction between the two was mainly caused by the warlord melee.

In 1926, Feng Yuxiang's troops retreated to Ningxia after defeat, and at this time Han Fuyu did not follow Feng Yuxiang, he defected to the Shanxi warlord Shang Zhen and was appointed commander of the 13th Division of the Jin Army.

In 1926, after Feng Yuxiang took the oath of office in Wuyuan, Han Fuyu returned to Feng Yuxiang's hands again and served as the commander of the Sixth Road of the Shaanxi Army. At this time, Feng Yuxiang was dissatisfied with Han Fuyu. As the saying goes, "a good man does not do two masters", Han Fuyu has the practice of "having milk is a mother", and Feng Yuxiang is very dissatisfied with him. At this time, Feng Yuxiang wanted to fight with various warlords, and he still needed talents like Han Fuyu. Han was a man who could fight and was famous among the warlords in the northwest.

Han Fuyu abandoned Shou Shandong and was shot, why did his wife not go to Taiwan, and what was the final outcome?

In 1928, Han Fuyu was appointed commander of the Provisional First Division and the 20th Division of the Second Army of the National Revolutionary Army, and in April 1928, when the Feng army attacked Henan, Han Fuyu was appointed as the commander-in-chief, and in June, Han Fuyu led the army to defeat the Feng army. At the end of 1928, Han Fuyu was appointed chairman of Henan Province, and was soon dismissed from the post of division commander by Feng Yuxiang. Obviously, Feng Yuxiang was already wary of Han Fuyu, because Han Fuyu was preparing for han fuyu and his position was constantly rising, and Feng Yuxiang was afraid that in the future, after Han Fuyu was strong, he would not be able to control him, and it was likely that he would be the "master of high merit".

Han Fuyu, who had lost his military power, was also dissatisfied with Feng Yuxiang, and at this time he had the idea of defecting to Chiang Kai-shek. In May 1929, Han Fuyu and Shi Yousan jointly issued a telegram, publicly stating: "Peacekeeping, supporting the Central Committee", so he became Chiang Kai-shek's person, and then chiang appointed him as the commander-in-chief of the Third Route Army.

Han Fuyu's sudden betrayal dealt a great blow to the Northwest Army. Feng Yuxiang's department weakened and collapsed. Feng also withdrew from the stage of history. It is said that later he went to Taishan to cultivate land, which is a later story.

Han Fuyu abandoned Shou Shandong and was shot, why did his wife not go to Taiwan, and what was the final outcome?

After Han Fuyu defected to Chiang Kai-shek, in 1930, he participated in the Central Plains War of Chiang Kai-shek's Feng Yan Family, and Han Fuyu was at this time the commander-in-chief of the Third Route Army of the "Rebel Army".

After the Central Plains War, Han Fuyu led his troops into Shandong, and in September he became the chairman of Shandong Province, so he began to take root in Shandong and became the "Tu Emperor" for 8 years. When Han Fuyu ruled Shandong, he killed many people, especially the suppression of the peasant armed forces of our party.

When Han Fuyu was in Shandong, in order to preserve his strength, he began to disobey Chiang Kai-shek's words, intercepted local taxes, and privately expanded his army. It is also said that these things were also welcomed by the people, especially the rural construction and the new life movement, and Han Fuyu once changed the face of Shandong.

Han Fuyu also attached great importance to Shandong's economic and educational undertakings, which contradicted the old Chiang Kai-shek's national rule, so Shandong, ruled by Han Fuyu, was actually in a "semi-independent" state.

Old Jiang had long been dissatisfied with Han Fuyu's actions in Shandong, but Old Jiang would not have a seizure until a certain time. The main reason why the contradictions between the two intensified later was that the old Chiang Fuyu fooled Han Fuyu, and when Han Fuyu defected to Chiang Kai-shek, the old Chiang promised to give a lot of money, but in the end it did not work out, so Han Fuyu was very dissatisfied with Chiang Kai-shek, and there was an idea of opposing Chiang Kai-shek at that time. This is the thinking formed by the various warlords in the early years of the Republic of China, and the old Chiang Kai-shek strictly said that he usurped the fruits of victory, but in fact he was also a warlord. When Han Fuyu became the chairman of Shandong Province, he constantly squeezed out the old Chiang Kai-shek's cronies.

Han Fuyu abandoned Shou Shandong and was shot, why did his wife not go to Taiwan, and what was the final outcome?

If Han Fuyu is engaged in "semi-independence" in Shandong and is happy to make money, old Jiang may turn a blind eye. In 1936, the "Xi'an Incident" carried out by Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng forced Jiang to resist Japan, and Han Fuyu sent a telegram to support Zhang Yang and the two, which deepened the contradictions between Jiang and Han.

In fact, Han Fuyu supported Zhang Yang and the two people, he thought that old Jiang would not be released, the whole country may be in chaos, so he sided with Zhang Yang, let old Jiang hate in his heart, the consequences are very serious.

In 1937, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Han Fuyu served as deputy commander of the Fifth Theater and commander-in-chief of the Third Army, responsible for commanding the military of Shandong. When the Japanese attacked Shandong, Han Fuyu had blocked the Japanese army in Texas. Later, Han Fuyu suffered heavy losses in the battle against the Japanese army, especially in the Battle of Texas, which caused Han Fuyu's 3 divisions to lose half, and the old Chiang also transferred his artillery. Han Fuyu was annoyed. At this time, Han Fuyu's idea of "preserving strength" arose again, he decided to abandon Jinan, and when he left, he also burned the provincial government and other buildings, which he called to the outside world "scorched earth resistance" and wanted to use the practice of "clearing the field with solid walls". But Han Fuyu had no idea about the strength of the Japanese army.

The Japanese army continued to attack Shandong, and Han Fuyu was supposed to fight a bloody battle with the Japanese army, but he kept retreating. His idea was to preserve strength. Old Jiang was dissatisfied with Han Fuyu and promised to give him the artillery unit that was also given to Tang Enbo. Han Fuyu was also dissatisfied, so he became a fleeing general, and even the natural dangers of Mount Tai of the Yellow River gave up defense. Originally, the Yellow River defense line could be defended for a period of time, but Han Fuyu gave up.

Li Zongren was dissatisfied with Han Fuyu's retreat without a fight, and sent a telegram to Han Fuyu to defend Tai'an. But Han Fuyu called back" Nanjing is not guarded, He Shou Tai'an." Han Fuyu's words are actually a joke that old Jiang and others have lost Nanjing. Li Zongren forwarded Han's telegram to Lao Jiang, saying that Han Fuyu did not listen to commands. This is a great sin.

Han Fuyu abandoned Shou Shandong and was shot, why did his wife not go to Taiwan, and what was the final outcome?

In the face of Han Fuyu's various actions, Chiang Kai-shek did not want to endure any longer, so he decided to kill Han Fuyu to set an example, otherwise the warlords of all sizes in the country could not be managed.

On January 11, 1938, Chiang Kai-shek held a meeting of senior generals in Zhengzhou, which was announced to the outside world that it was held at night. Han Fuyu was one of the invitees. In fact, it was not surprising that such a meeting was held during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and Han Fuyu did not think about it so much.

When Han Fuyu arrived at the door of the Henan Provincial Government, he saw a sign that read, "Participants get off here," so he parked the car and went with the other generals to the second gate, and there was an "attaché reception" in the left room, where Han Fuyu's three guards stayed.

These actions made Chiang Kai-shek determined to eliminate him.

On January 11, the twenty-seventh year of the Republic of China (1938), Chiang Kai-shek held a confidential military conference of senior generals in the Henan Provincial Government, and informed in advance that in order to avoid disturbance by Japanese aircraft, the meeting was held at night. Han Fuyu was also informed to attend the meeting, and when it was time for the meeting, Han Fuyu took a car to the door of the Henan Provincial Government, that is, he saw a notice posted next to the electric lamp that read, "Generals attending the meeting please get off here." And there were military and police gendarmes commanding the vehicles, arranging the vehicles in the open space next to them. At the second door, the left side door was posted with the "Attaché Reception", so the three guards brought by Han Fuyu were left at the reception. Subsequently, Han Fuyu was arrested.

Han Fuyu abandoned Shou Shandong and was shot, why did his wife not go to Taiwan, and what was the final outcome?

On January 19, 1938, the Kuomintang formed a high-level military court trial, and He Yingqin served as the presiding judge to interrogate Han Fuyu, during which Han Fuyu did not say a word, but only smiled. Until the evening of the 24th, he was escorted by the secret agents of the military command to a small building in the courtyard of No. 33 Pingyue Road in Wuchang City.

After Han Fuyu was shot, Chiang Kai-shek considered his merits in the Central Plains War and buried him in the Jigongshan cemetery at the rank of second-class general of the provincial chairman. It reads "Tomb of Han Fuyu". After liberation, Han Fuyu's sons and wives moved Han to The Wan'an Cemetery in Xiangshan, Beijing, for burial.

There has been a lot of discussion in history about Han Fuyu's execution, and most of them believe that Han Fuyu was not active in resisting Japan and did not resist, but there were also internal struggle factors, but it is impossible to say that he did not resist Japan in the face of foreign aggression. At least the death in battle is better than the reputation of old Jiang's death.

After Han Fuyu died, where did his family go?

When Han Fuyu ruled Shandong, there were several wives, of whom the original wife Gao Yizhen gave birth to 3 sons, and the concubine gave birth to a son for him. But after Han Fuyu died, those concubines all ran away, and only the original pair stayed and lived with 4 sons.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Gao Yizhen could no longer live in Shandong, and he was afraid that people would recognize Han Fuyu's family, so he went to Live in Beiping. She raised her children with the money han fuyu left behind.

At the end of the Liberation War, seeing that the old Chiang Kai-shek was no longer able to do so, the families of many senior Kuomintang generals ran to Taiwan, and Gao Yizhen also had the conditions to go to Taiwan, but she did not go, but continued to live in Beijing.

Han Fuyu's 4 sons are very successful, the eldest son later died of mental illness, the second son was admitted to the military academy, participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and later worked as a teacher in an electric power school, and the third son also graduated from a military school and later served in the transportation department. The youngest son later went to Austria to study, and later chose to settle abroad.

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