
Dizzy at every turn, these diseases can be the "real culprits"

Dizzy at every turn, these diseases can be the "real culprits"

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Getting up too quickly in the morning or squatting for too long can cause some people to experience dizziness. Many people subconsciously give themselves a seemingly reasonable explanation, such as sleeping too late at night and comforting themselves with small problems. In fact, dizziness is an alert from your body that your body may be in a bad state of functioning.

"In the medical world, the four conditions of vertigo, dizziness, uneven balance, and pre-fainting state are all dizziness and occur in a conscious state." Chen Shengyun, chief physician of the Outpatient Emergency Department of Sanbo Brain Hospital of Capital Medical University and the chief physician of the Department of Cerebrovascular Medicine, introduced these four situations respectively.


Vertigo is a kinetic or positional illusion, mostly pathological phenomena, mainly manifested as rotation and shaking of self and vision, during the attack, patients often stand unsteadily, dare not open their eyes, can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, palpitation, sweating, blood pressure fluctuations and other discomfort.

There are many causes of vertigo, and depending on the cause, vertigo can be divided into two broad categories, namely true vertigo (vestibular vertigo) and pseudo vertigo (non-vestibular vertigo). Common diseases that cause true vertigo include inner ear diseases, vestibular neuropathy and cerebrovascular diseases, brain tumors, vertigo epilepsy, etc.; common diseases that cause pseudovertigo include refractive abnormalities, ophthalmic lesions, retinopathy, cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, anemia, uremia and other systemic diseases, as well as neurasthenia, hysteria, anxiety disorders, etc.


Dizziness is a common brain dysfunction, caused by a decrease in the function of higher neural activity of the cerebral cortex, unrelated to the activity of the head, neck and trunk, mainly manifested as dizziness, bloating, light-headedness, but excluding disorders such as slow thinking, confusion, aggravation when tired and nervous, less relaxed when resting and mood, this dizziness has no sense of rotation, and is different from vertigo.

Pre-fainting state

Pre-fainting state is a sign of chest tightness, palpitations, head drowsiness, immediate blackness, fatigue and other signs that occur before fainting, idiopathic or secondary orthostatic hypotension, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, etc. may appear pre-fainting state.

Uneven balance

Irregular balance will cause symptoms of abnormal limb posture, bradykinesia, chest tightness, chest pain, and large pressure difference in lying blood pressure, and symptoms of balance instability in peripheral neuropathy, paraneoplastic syndrome, and Parkinson's disease.

Chen Shengyun pointed out that in these cases, after excluding systemic diseases such as colds, high blood pressure, tumors and other factors, you can go to the neurology department for treatment (especially in hospitals with vertigo specialist clinics).

"People should stay in bed during the dizziness attack, keep the environment quiet, reduce head rotation, prevent standing up and falling injuries, get up slowly, sit on the bed for a few minutes after getting up, and then get out of bed after no dizziness; if dizziness occurs when standing, the situation in front of the eyes is blackened, they should immediately squat or lie flat to prevent falls." Chen Shengyun reminded.

"Whether it is a frequent dizziness symptom, or a vertigo symptom, it is necessary to be vigilant, correctly distinguish between the two phenomena, and take the correct countermeasures in a timely manner, which can effectively improve the discomfort of the body." Chen Shengyun pointed out that people should develop good eating habits and living habits in daily life, and once the disease is found, it should be treated in time; adhere to aerobic exercise, improve their own resistance and immunity, enhance their physique, and reduce the possibility of disease.

Beijing News reporter Zhang Zhaohui

Proofreading By Chen Diyan

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