
Lu Haodong was a good friend of Sun Yat-sen, only 27 years old at the time of his death, and was known as the first person of the republican revolution

There is a scene in the movie "Huang Feihong's Boy Should Strengthen Himself", where Nalan Yuanshu orders the arrest of Sun Yat-sen and Lu Haodong. In order to prevent the roster with the names of the revolutionaries and the newly designed banner from falling into the hands of the Qing army, Lu Haodong did not hesitate to risk returning to his residence to get it. At this time, Nalan Yuanshu arrived, Lu Haodong was shot and killed on the spot, and the roster and flag were obtained by Huang Feihong. In order to keep the roster, Huang Feihong and Nalan Yuanshu launched a fierce battle. During the battle, Liang Kuan burned the roster, and Huang Feihong defeated Nalan Yuanshu and successfully gave the banner to Sun Yat-sen.

The story of the film is not all fictional, historically, Lu Haodong did have his own person, and his sacrifice was also related to a roster of revolutionaries.

In this issue, let's talk about Lu Haodong.

In "Huang Feihong's Boy Should Be Self-Reliant", Lu Haodong's image is old and heavy, and Huang Feihong calls him "Haodong Brother". In fact, Lu Haodong was only 27 years old when he died, which should be the image of a young man. Well, without talking about the movie, let's get down to business.

Lu Haodong was a good friend of Sun Yat-sen, only 27 years old at the time of his death, and was known as the first person of the republican revolution

Lu Haodong was born in the seventh year of Tongzhi, that is, in September 1868, his original name was Lu Zhonggui, the character Haodong. In this year, Zuo Zongtang quelled the chaos in Shaanxi, and Japan began the Meiji Restoration.

Lu Haodong is a native of Cuiwei Township, Xiangshan County, Guangdong Province, Sun Yat-sen is a native of Cuiheng Village, Xiangshan County, the two villages are very close, the two are authentic fellow villagers, and the age is similar - Lu Haodong is two years younger than Sun Yat-sen, so he has known since childhood, and he was a good partner when he was a child.

Lu Haodong came from a merchant family, the family is rich, he is the only son in the family, his parents are doubly loved. When he was nine years old, his father died, and it was his mother who pulled him up.

Lu Haodong had a strong sense of rebellion and was very dissatisfied with the rule of the Qing Dynasty. In his hometown, he often gathered with a group of people of similar temperament to preach revolutionary theory, and gradually formed a small group called the Huidang. In early 1895, Sun Yat-sen returned to Hong Kong from Honolulu to prepare for an armed uprising in Guangzhou. After hearing the news, Lu Haodong went to Hong Kong with revolutionaries in his hometown to meet Sun Yat-sen.

Lu Haodong was a good friend of Sun Yat-sen, only 27 years old at the time of his death, and was known as the first person of the republican revolution

People familiar with China's modern history know that 1895 was a very important year, the year before, the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War broke out, the Qing Dynasty was defeated by Japan, forced to negotiate peace with Japan, and in April of this year signed the Sino-Japanese "Maguan Treaty", which was both land ceded and indemnity. At that time, Chinese were excited and sad about the performance of the Qing Dynasty, and many revolutionaries lost confidence in the Qing Dynasty. Sun Yat-sen smelled the opportunity of an armed uprising, and he returned to China precisely to take advantage of the people's anger and launch an armed uprising to overthrow the Manchu rule in one fell swoop.

After deliberation, the site of the uprising was set in Guangzhou. They planned to gather the hui party in Shunde, Xiangshan, Beijiang and other places to attack Guangzhou.

After the uprising policy was formulated, Lu Haodong, Zheng Shiliang, and others accompanied Sun Yat-sen to Guangzhou. They first set up a general organ of revolution at the Wang Clan Ancestral Hall at the bottom of the double door, used the name of the "Agricultural Society" as a cover, secretly actively prepared for the uprising, and the daily affairs were presided over by Lu Haodong. After nearly half a year of preparations, the Revolutionary Party decided to date the uprising to October 26. October 26 is the ninth day of the ninth month of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, which is the Chongyang Festival. The rebels planned to use this day when the masses gathered to sweep the graves, transport guns and gather troops.

Lu Haodong was a good friend of Sun Yat-sen, only 27 years old at the time of his death, and was known as the first person of the republican revolution

However, due to the lack of experience in this uprising, much of the work was not done solidly. Before the uprising, in addition to the hong Kong side's inability to arrive on time, firearms were seized by customs during transportation, and more than 600 were confiscated.

Lu Haodong was a good friend of Sun Yat-sen, only 27 years old at the time of his death, and was known as the first person of the republican revolution

In the Qing Dynasty, Tan Zhonglin, the governor of Liangguang, continued to receive news from his subordinates that secret agents had discovered that there would be an uprising in the party in the near future. Tan Zhonglin did not dare to be careless, and dispatched more than a thousand troops to strengthen the defense of Guangzhou, and sent a large number of military and police to search for revolutionaries everywhere.

Lu Haodong saw that the situation was grim, and immediately arranged for his comrades to move, and he and Sun Yat-sen fled to a safe place to hide. Lu Haodong had already left the Wang Clan Ancestral Hall, where the command organ was located, but the comrade in charge of keeping the roster of revolutionaries was in a hurry and did not take the roster with him. To be on the safe side, he decided to go back and check it out. When other comrades saw that the situation was dangerous, they strongly discouraged it. But Lu Haodong still went.

Lu Haodong was a good friend of Sun Yat-sen, only 27 years old at the time of his death, and was known as the first person of the republican revolution

Just like in the movie, as soon as Lu Haodong arrived at the Wang Clan Ancestral Hall, the Qing government's spies followed him, and then a large number of military police immediately surrounded the Wang Clan Ancestral Hall. Lu Haodong, familiar with the terrain, quickly closed the gate, took out the roster, and burned it. By the time the military police broke through the door, the roster had become ashes, and Lu Haodong was arrested.

However, Lu Haodong's ending is not as crisp as in the movie. After Lu Haodong was arrested, he was escorted to Nanhai County for trial.

Lu Haodong was a good friend of Sun Yat-sen, only 27 years old at the time of his death, and was known as the first person of the republican revolution

The county order ordered Lu Haodong to be tortured and forced him to write down the list. But Lu Haodong was unyielding and unyielding, and his arrogance did not diminish. The county ordered his hands and feet to be nailed with bamboo nails and severely tortured, but he never uttered a word.

Lu Haodong was a good friend of Sun Yat-sen, only 27 years old at the time of his death, and was known as the first person of the republican revolution

Lu Haodong was imprisoned for more than 10 days, tortured and fainted three times, but never gave in. Later, when Zhixian heard that the revolutionaries were preparing to gather and rob the prison, he panicked and hurriedly reported to the governor Tan Zhonglin for approval and immediately executed him. On November 7, Lu Haodong was escorted by the Qing army to the execution ground, heroically and righteously, at the age of 27.

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