
Garlic Baili, only "one harm", thyroid nodule patients can eat? The doctor says the answer

Garlic is a common spice in our lives, and many delicacies are inseparable from garlic. When it comes to the benefits of garlic, that's a lot.

Garlic Baili, only "one harm", thyroid nodule patients can eat? The doctor says the answer

Garlic is not only a condiment, but also has a certain medicinal effect, it is rich in protein and vitamins, can play an antioxidant role, but also has a heat-clearing and detoxification effect, can accelerate the scavenging of free radicals in the body, has a certain positive effect on health.

So can thyroid nodule patients eat garlic? The doctor says the answer

Although the thyroid organ is small, its function plays an important role in the health of the human body. But in recent years, there have been more and more patients with nodules, which has seriously affected the health of the body. The reason is that it is inseparable from the diet in life. Therefore, if you want to protect the health of the thyroid gland, a healthy diet is necessary.

Garlic Baili, only "one harm", thyroid nodule patients can eat? The doctor says the answer

Although garlic is a treasure throughout the body, the moderate amount of garlic consumption for nodule patients can play a role in anti-inflammatory sterilization and improve immunity, which has a certain help for the thyroid gland.

But garlic is also a stimulating food, it contains a lot of allicin, long-term consumption will not only damage gastrointestinal function, increase metabolic burden, but also aggravate the inflammatory response in the thyroid gland, adversely affect the recovery of nodules, and even aggravate the disease. Therefore, thyroid nodule patients must eat in moderation.

Reminder: In addition, these 2 foods will also damage the work of the nail and touch less

1. Pickle food

Pickled food occupies a very important position in the hearts of the Chinese people, but when making such food, it is necessary to add a lot of salt, if it is often ingested, it will affect the normal operation of the thyroid gland, hinder the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and thus induce thyroid disease.

In addition, there is also a certain amount of nitrite in pickled foods, which has a certain risk of carcinogenicity, so nodule patients should try to stay away from such consumption.

Garlic Baili, only "one harm", thyroid nodule patients can eat? The doctor says the answer

2. Alcohol

It is well known that "drinking hurts the body", but there are still many people who cannot resist the temptation of alcohol. Alcohol is an internationally recognized carcinogen, and when it enters the body, it will not only damage the endocrine system, cause thyroid disease, aggravate nodules, and even increase the risk of cancerous nodules.

Therefore, nodule patients must stay away from alcoholic beverages, which can not only protect the health of the thyroid gland, but also have a positive effect on the normal operation of the human body.

Garlic Baili, only "one harm", thyroid nodule patients can eat? The doctor says the answer

To promote the dissipation of nodules, these two things can be done often

1. Supplement nutrition

Maintaining good eating habits is the premise of maintaining the thyroid gland, in addition, nodule patients should also supplement certain nutrients in an appropriate amount, such as reed root, goji berries, platycodon, honeysuckle and other natural herbs.

Convritin is a good choice, it contains all of the above substances, after scientific ratios, can effectively supplement the nutrients needed in the thyroid gland, improve the immunity of the thyroid gland.

According to studies, it has been found that reed root can reduce swelling and relieve pain, thereby alleviating the sore throat and difficulty of breathing caused by thyroid nodules; goji berries not only have the function of regulating blood and qi, but also stabilize the endocrine level in the body and avoid the emergence of thyroid diseases from the root; honeysuckle and platycodon are combined with each other, have the effect of regulating immunity, and can enhance the antiviral ability of the thyroid gland.

In addition, it also specially adds selenium, which can effectively regulate thyroid function, reduce the chance of thyroid cell lesions, and enhance the antioxidant capacity of the thyroid gland.

As a result, patients can supplement with 2 capsules of convet alcohol per day to stabilize hormone levels in the body and make the thyroid gland healthier and healthier.

Garlic Baili, only "one harm", thyroid nodule patients can eat? The doctor says the answer

2. Keep your mood comfortable

If you are in a bad mood of anger and irritability for a long time, it will affect the balance of endocrine, which is not conducive to the health of the thyroid gland. Therefore, if you want to restore the health of the thyroid gland as soon as possible, you must maintain a healthy and positive attitude and find a suitable way to decompress.

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