
The older the planet, the more likely it is to have life

Because early-formed planets are more likely to generate magnetic fields, plate tectonics, and other features that enhance the development and persistence of life, planets born early in the Milky Way's 13.5 billion years are more likely to have life than planets that formed late in the Milky Way's life cycle.

The older the planet, the more likely it is to have life

Most of the planets with life in the Milky Way may have formed much earlier in galactic history.

According to the just-held International Year of Geochemistry, we found that rocky planets that formed 13.5 billion years ago in the Milky Way are more likely to have life than later planets.

The older the planet, the more likely it is to have life

Rocky planets formed in the early days of the Milky Way were suitable for life

Early rocky planets formed in the Milky Way were better suited to shelter life than later planets.

According to the Space Network, this is because early planets are more likely to form magnetic fields, plate structures, and other factors that can sustain life.

Craig O'Neill, the first author to conduct the study and director of the Planetary Research Centre at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, said in a presentation at the conference: "Whether it is suitable for life, plate tectonics seem to be of great significance. Plate tectonics on planets that appear to have formed earlier provide the best living environment. The difficulty of re-forming plate tectonics of planets is too great, and the probability is almost zero.

The older the planet, the more likely it is to have life

Across distances, computers operate remotely

Together with O'Neill, he studied exoplanets in the Milky Way, which are planets that orbit outside the solar system.

O'Neill continues: "Our understanding of these exoplanets is limited because they are so far apart, but based on known locations, temperatures, and other relevant geochemical concepts, we can build a model to simulate the development of exoplanets."

O'Neill's team fed the parameters into planetary simulators, which use processors owned by the Australian National University's Department of Computing Infrastructure.

The older the planet, the more likely it is to have life

Plate tectonics are like thermostats on a planet

In summary, the researchers found that if the planets formed in a galaxy that was relatively young, it was easier to form plate tectonics. Plate tectonics work like a built-in thermostat that cools the surface of a planet so that life can evolve.

O'Neill said the planets would not have enough capacity to sustain life without plate tectonics.

The older the planet, the more likely it is to have life

O'Neill said: "And without plate tectonics, it would not only affect the surface temperature of the planet, that is, the core still maintains high temperatures to prevent the magnetic field from divergeting." Without a magnetic field, the planet would lose its shelter, solar radiation would destroy the atmosphere, and life would be difficult to sustain. If the planet is lucky enough to stay in the right place, have the right geochemical properties, and form at the right time, it can give birth to life. ”

Planets age, reducing the abundance of chemicals of smaller masses

SpaceNet reports that since the chemicals of galaxies change as they age, the geochemical properties of planets also change due to the timing of their formation. For example, in the late life of a galaxy, once a supernova explodes, the most massive elements will eventually break down, leaving less massive elements (such as helium and hydrogen) floating in the universe and then coalescing into stars.

The older the planet, the more likely it is to have life

We are still studying life outside the solar system, and it is interesting that the burdens of our daily lives (such as the movement of plates will bring earthquakes and cause volcanic eruptions) can actually be used as a prerequisite for life in the Milky Way.

The older the planet, the more likely it is to have life

Related knowledge

The Milky Way Galaxy (ancient known as the Milky Way, Tianhe, Galactic, Tianhan, Silver Han, etc.)[18] is a barred spiral galaxy containing the Solar System [19]. Diameters range from 100,000[20] to 180,000 light-years. It has approximately 100 billion to 400 billion stars,[22][23] and possibly 100 billion planets. The solar system is about 24,000 to 28,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way, at the inner edge of the spiral arm, known as the Orion Arm, which is dense with dense gas and dust. At the position of the Sun, the orbital period is approximately 240 million years. Viewed from earth, because it is viewed from the inside of the disk-like structure, the Milky Way appears as a band that circles the celestial sphere.

The older the planet, the more likely it is to have life

The oldest stars in the Milky Way are almost as old as the universe itself, so they may have formed during the Dark Ages shortly after the Big Bang. Stars in the core of about 10 kyo form nuclear balls , with one or more rods radiating outward from the nucleus ball. The very center is labeled as a strong source of radio waves, possibly a supermassive black hole, named Sagittarius A*. Stars and gas over large distances are orbiting the galactic center at speeds of about 220 kilometers per second. This constant velocity violates Kepler dynamics, leading to the belief that the Milky Way has a large mass that does not radiate or absorb electromagnetic radiation. These masses are called dark matter.[26]

The older the planet, the more likely it is to have life

The Milky Way has several satellite galaxies that are members of the Local Group and are part of the Virgo Supercluster, which in turn is part of the Raniakea Supercluster.

Planet (Latin: planeta) usually refers to celestial bodies that do not emit light themselves and orbit stars. Its direction of rotation is often the same as that of the orbiting star[1] (from west to east). In general, planets need to have a certain mass, and the mass of the planet should be large enough (relative to the Moon) and approximately spherical to be stellar in its own way to undergo nuclear fusion reactions. In May 2007, a MIT space science research team discovered the hottest known planet (2040 degrees Celsius). With the discovery of some sun-sized objects, the scientific definition of the term "planet" seems more urgent.

The older the planet, the more likely it is to have life

Historically, planetary names derive from their position (as opposed to the position of the star) from the fact that they were not fixed in the sky, as if they were walking in the starry sky. The five planets in the solar system that are visible to the naked eye, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, have been discovered by humans since prehistory. After the 16th century, heliocentrism replaced geocentrism, and humanity learned that the earth itself was a planet. After the invention of the telescope and the discovery of gravity, humans discovered Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (excluded from the ranks of planets after 2006, reclassified as a Pluto-like object in 2008, a type of dwarf planet) and a number of asteroids. At the end of the 20th century, humans also discovered planets in star systems outside the solar system, and as of July 12, 2013, humans have discovered more than 2,000 planets in the extrasolar milky way.

BY: Brad Bergan

FY: Fish tofu fish

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